
381 lines
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* Authored by Alex Hultman, 2018-2019.
* Intellectual property of third-party.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "WebSocketContextData.h"
#include "WebSocketProtocol.h"
#include "WebSocketData.h"
#include "WebSocket.h"
namespace uWS {
template <bool SSL, bool isServer>
struct WebSocketContext {
template <bool> friend struct TemplatedApp;
template <bool, typename> friend struct WebSocketProtocol;
WebSocketContext() = delete;
us_socket_context_t *getSocketContext() {
return (us_socket_context_t *) this;
WebSocketContextData<SSL> *getExt() {
return (WebSocketContextData<SSL> *) us_socket_context_ext(SSL, (us_socket_context_t *) this);
/* If we have negotiated compression, set this frame compressed */
static bool setCompressed(uWS::WebSocketState<isServer> *wState, void *s) {
WebSocketData *webSocketData = (WebSocketData *) us_socket_ext(SSL, (us_socket_t *) s);
if (webSocketData->compressionStatus == WebSocketData::CompressionStatus::ENABLED) {
webSocketData->compressionStatus = WebSocketData::CompressionStatus::COMPRESSED_FRAME;
return true;
} else {
return false;
static void forceClose(uWS::WebSocketState<isServer> *wState, void *s) {
us_socket_close(SSL, (us_socket_t *) s);
/* Returns true on breakage */
static bool handleFragment(char *data, size_t length, unsigned int remainingBytes, int opCode, bool fin, uWS::WebSocketState<isServer> *webSocketState, void *s) {
/* WebSocketData and WebSocketContextData */
WebSocketContextData<SSL> *webSocketContextData = (WebSocketContextData<SSL> *) us_socket_context_ext(SSL, us_socket_context(SSL, (us_socket_t *) s));
WebSocketData *webSocketData = (WebSocketData *) us_socket_ext(SSL, (us_socket_t *) s);
/* Is this a non-control frame? */
if (opCode < 3) {
/* Did we get everything in one go? */
if (!remainingBytes && fin && !webSocketData->fragmentBuffer.length()) {
/* Handle compressed frame */
if (webSocketData->compressionStatus == WebSocketData::CompressionStatus::COMPRESSED_FRAME) {
webSocketData->compressionStatus = WebSocketData::CompressionStatus::ENABLED;
LoopData *loopData = (LoopData *) us_loop_ext(us_socket_context_loop(SSL, us_socket_context(SSL, (us_socket_t *) s)));
std::string_view inflatedFrame = loopData->inflationStream->inflate(loopData->zlibContext, {data, length}, webSocketContextData->maxPayloadLength);
if (!inflatedFrame.length()) {
forceClose(webSocketState, s);
return true;
} else {
data = (char *) inflatedFrame.data();
length = inflatedFrame.length();
/* Check text messages for Utf-8 validity */
if (opCode == 1 && !protocol::isValidUtf8((unsigned char *) data, length)) {
forceClose(webSocketState, s);
return true;
/* Emit message event & break if we are closed or shut down when returning */
if (webSocketContextData->messageHandler) {
webSocketContextData->messageHandler((WebSocket<SSL, isServer> *) s, std::string_view(data, length), (uWS::OpCode) opCode);
if (us_socket_is_closed(SSL, (us_socket_t *) s) || webSocketData->isShuttingDown) {
return true;
} else {
/* Allocate fragment buffer up front first time */
if (!webSocketData->fragmentBuffer.length()) {
webSocketData->fragmentBuffer.reserve(length + remainingBytes);
/* Fragments forming a big message are not caught until appending them */
if (refusePayloadLength(length + webSocketData->fragmentBuffer.length(), webSocketState, s)) {
forceClose(webSocketState, s);
return true;
webSocketData->fragmentBuffer.append(data, length);
/* Are we done now? */
// todo: what if we don't have any remaining bytes yet we are not fin? forceclose!
if (!remainingBytes && fin) {
/* Handle compression */
if (webSocketData->compressionStatus == WebSocketData::CompressionStatus::COMPRESSED_FRAME) {
webSocketData->compressionStatus = WebSocketData::CompressionStatus::ENABLED;
// what's really the story here?
LoopData *loopData = (LoopData *) us_loop_ext(
us_socket_context(SSL, (us_socket_t *) s)
std::string_view inflatedFrame = loopData->inflationStream->inflate(loopData->zlibContext, {webSocketData->fragmentBuffer.data(), webSocketData->fragmentBuffer.length() - 4}, webSocketContextData->maxPayloadLength);
if (!inflatedFrame.length()) {
forceClose(webSocketState, s);
return true;
} else {
data = (char *) inflatedFrame.data();
length = inflatedFrame.length();
} else {
// reset length and data ptrs
length = webSocketData->fragmentBuffer.length();
data = webSocketData->fragmentBuffer.data();
/* Check text messages for Utf-8 validity */
if (opCode == 1 && !protocol::isValidUtf8((unsigned char *) data, length)) {
forceClose(webSocketState, s);
return true;
/* Emit message and check for shutdown or close */
if (webSocketContextData->messageHandler) {
webSocketContextData->messageHandler((WebSocket<SSL, isServer> *) s, std::string_view(data, length), (uWS::OpCode) opCode);
if (us_socket_is_closed(SSL, (us_socket_t *) s) || webSocketData->isShuttingDown) {
return true;
/* If we shutdown or closed, this will be taken care of elsewhere */
} else {
/* Control frames need the websocket to send pings, pongs and close */
WebSocket<SSL, isServer> *webSocket = (WebSocket<SSL, isServer> *) s;
if (!remainingBytes && fin && !webSocketData->controlTipLength) {
if (opCode == CLOSE) {
auto closeFrame = protocol::parseClosePayload(data, length);
webSocket->end(closeFrame.code, std::string_view(closeFrame.message, closeFrame.length));
return true;
} else {
if (opCode == PING) {
webSocket->send(std::string_view(data, length), (OpCode) OpCode::PONG);
/*group->pingHandler(webSocket, data, length);
if (webSocket->isClosed() || webSocket->isShuttingDown()) {
return true;
} else if (opCode == PONG) {
/*group->pongHandler(webSocket, data, length);
if (webSocket->isClosed() || webSocket->isShuttingDown()) {
return true;
} else {
/* Here we never mind any size optimizations as we are in the worst possible path */
webSocketData->fragmentBuffer.append(data, length);
webSocketData->controlTipLength += (int) length;
if (!remainingBytes && fin) {
char *controlBuffer = (char *) webSocketData->fragmentBuffer.data() + webSocketData->fragmentBuffer.length() - webSocketData->controlTipLength;
if (opCode == CLOSE) {
protocol::CloseFrame closeFrame = protocol::parseClosePayload(controlBuffer, webSocketData->controlTipLength);
webSocket->end(closeFrame.code, std::string_view(closeFrame.message, closeFrame.length));
return true;
} else {
if (opCode == PING) {
webSocket->send(std::string_view(controlBuffer, webSocketData->controlTipLength), (OpCode) OpCode::PONG);
/*group->pingHandler(webSocket, controlBuffer, webSocket->controlTipLength);
if (webSocket->isClosed() || webSocket->isShuttingDown()) {
return true;
} else if (opCode == PONG) {
/*group->pongHandler(webSocket, controlBuffer, webSocket->controlTipLength);
if (webSocket->isClosed() || webSocket->isShuttingDown()) {
return true;
/* Same here, we do not care for any particular smart allocation scheme */
webSocketData->fragmentBuffer.resize(webSocketData->fragmentBuffer.length() - webSocketData->controlTipLength);
webSocketData->controlTipLength = 0;
return false;
static bool refusePayloadLength(uint64_t length, uWS::WebSocketState<isServer> *wState, void *s) {
auto *webSocketContextData = (WebSocketContextData<SSL> *) us_socket_context_ext(SSL, us_socket_context(SSL, (us_socket_t *) s));
/* Return true for refuse, false for accept */
return webSocketContextData->maxPayloadLength < length;
WebSocketContext<SSL, isServer> *init() {
/* Adopting a socket does not trigger open event.
* We arreive as WebSocket with timeout set and
* any backpressure from HTTP state kept. */
/* Handle socket disconnections */
us_socket_context_on_close(SSL, getSocketContext(), [](auto *s) {
/* For whatever reason, if we already have emitted close event, do not emit it again */
WebSocketData *webSocketData = (WebSocketData *) (us_socket_ext(SSL, s));
if (!webSocketData->isShuttingDown) {
/* Emit close event */
auto *webSocketContextData = (WebSocketContextData<SSL> *) us_socket_context_ext(SSL, us_socket_context(SSL, (us_socket_t *) s));
if (webSocketContextData->closeHandler) {
webSocketContextData->closeHandler((WebSocket<SSL, true> *) s, 1006, {});
/* Make sure to unsubscribe from any pub/sub node at exit */
delete webSocketData->subscriber;
webSocketData->subscriber = nullptr;
/* Destruct in-placed data struct */
return s;
/* Handle WebSocket data streams */
us_socket_context_on_data(SSL, getSocketContext(), [](auto *s, char *data, int length) {
/* We need the websocket data */
WebSocketData *webSocketData = (WebSocketData *) (us_socket_ext(SSL, s));
/* When in websocket shutdown mode, we do not care for ANY message, whether responding close frame or not.
* We only care for the TCP FIN really, not emitting any message after closing is key */
if (webSocketData->isShuttingDown) {
return s;
auto *webSocketContextData = (WebSocketContextData<SSL> *) us_socket_context_ext(SSL, us_socket_context(SSL, (us_socket_t *) s));
auto *asyncSocket = (AsyncSocket<SSL> *) s;
/* Every time we get data and not in shutdown state we simply reset the timeout */
/* We always cork on data */
/* This parser has virtually no overhead */
uWS::WebSocketProtocol<isServer, WebSocketContext<SSL, isServer>>::consume(data, length, (WebSocketState<isServer> *) webSocketData, s);
/* Uncorking a closed socekt is fine, in fact it is needed */
/* If uncorking was successful and we are in shutdown state then send TCP FIN */
if (asyncSocket->getBufferedAmount() == 0) {
/* We can now be in shutdown state */
if (webSocketData->isShuttingDown) {
/* Shutting down a closed socket is handled by uSockets and just fine */
return s;
/* Handle HTTP write out (note: SSL_read may trigger this spuriously, the app need to handle spurious calls) */
us_socket_context_on_writable(SSL, getSocketContext(), [](auto *s) {
/* It makes sense to check for us_is_shut_down here and return if so, to avoid shutting down twice */
if (us_socket_is_shut_down(SSL, (us_socket_t *) s)) {
return s;
AsyncSocket<SSL> *asyncSocket = (AsyncSocket<SSL> *) s;
WebSocketData *webSocketData = (WebSocketData *)(us_socket_ext(SSL, s));
/* We store old backpressure since it is unclear whether write drained anything */
int backpressure = asyncSocket->getBufferedAmount();
/* Drain as much as possible */
asyncSocket->write(nullptr, 0);
/* Behavior: if we actively drain backpressure, always reset timeout (even if we are in shutdown) */
if (backpressure < asyncSocket->getBufferedAmount()) {
auto *webSocketContextData = (WebSocketContextData<SSL> *) us_socket_context_ext(SSL, us_socket_context(SSL, (us_socket_t *) s));
/* Are we in (WebSocket) shutdown mode? */
if (webSocketData->isShuttingDown) {
/* Check if we just now drained completely */
if (asyncSocket->getBufferedAmount() == 0) {
/* Now perform the actual TCP/TLS shutdown which was postponed due to backpressure */
} else if (backpressure > asyncSocket->getBufferedAmount()) {
/* Only call drain if we actually drained backpressure */
auto *webSocketContextData = (WebSocketContextData<SSL> *) us_socket_context_ext(SSL, us_socket_context(SSL, (us_socket_t *) s));
if (webSocketContextData->drainHandler) {
webSocketContextData->drainHandler((WebSocket<SSL, isServer> *) s);
/* No need to check for closed here as we leave the handler immediately*/
return s;
/* Handle FIN, HTTP does not support half-closed sockets, so simply close */
us_socket_context_on_end(SSL, getSocketContext(), [](auto *s) {
/* If we get a fin, we just close I guess */
us_socket_close(SSL, (us_socket_t *) s);
return s;
/* Handle socket timeouts, simply close them so to not confuse client with FIN */
us_socket_context_on_timeout(SSL, getSocketContext(), [](auto *s) {
/* Timeout is very simple; we just close it */
us_socket_close(SSL, (us_socket_t *) s);
return s;
return this;
void free() {
WebSocketContextData<SSL> *webSocketContextData = (WebSocketContextData<SSL> *) us_socket_context_ext(SSL, (us_socket_context_t *) this);
us_socket_context_free(SSL, (us_socket_context_t *) this);
/* WebSocket contexts are always child contexts to a HTTP context so no SSL options are needed as they are inherited */
static WebSocketContext *create(Loop *loop, us_socket_context_t *parentSocketContext) {
WebSocketContext *webSocketContext = (WebSocketContext *) us_create_child_socket_context(SSL, parentSocketContext, sizeof(WebSocketContextData<SSL>));
if (!webSocketContext) {
return nullptr;
/* Init socket context data */
new ((WebSocketContextData<SSL> *) us_socket_context_ext(SSL, (us_socket_context_t *)webSocketContext)) WebSocketContextData<SSL>;
return webSocketContext->init();