CMakefiles for the library and the examples are available. This library has few dependencies, so it is possible to just add the source files into your project. Otherwise the usual way will suffice.
mkdir build # make a build dir so that you can build out of tree.
cd build
cmake -DUSE_TLS=1 ..
make -j
make install # will install to /usr/local on Unix, on macOS it is a good idea to sudo chown -R `whoami`:staff /usr/local
Headers and a static library will be installed to the target dir.
There is a unittest which can be executed by typing `make test`.
*`-DUSE_OPEN_SSL=1` will use [openssl]( for the TLS support (default on Linux and Windows). When using a custom version of openssl (say a prebuilt version, odd runtime problems can happens, as in #319, and special cmake trickery will be required (see this [comment](
If you are on Windows, look at the [appveyor]( file (not maintained much though) or rather the [github actions]( which have instructions for building dependencies.
To use the installed package within a cmake project, use the following:
set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE "$ENV{VCPKG_ROOT}/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake" CACHE STRING "") # this is super important in order for cmake to include the vcpkg search/lib paths!
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ... ${IXWEBSOCKET_LIBRARY}) # Cmake will automatically fail the generation if the lib was not found, i.e is set to NOTFOUNS
Conan is currently supported through a recipe in [Conan Center]( ([Bintray entry](
Note that the version listed here might not be the latest one. See Bintray or the recipe itself for the latest version. If you're migrating from the previous, custom Bintray remote, note that the package reference _has_ to be lower-case.