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< h2 id = "general" > General< / h2 >
2019-11-27 18:28:23 +01:00
< p > < a href = "https://github.com/machinezone/cobra" > cobra< / a > is a real time messaging server. The < code > ws< / code > utility can run a cobra server (named snake), and has client to publish and subscribe to a cobra server.< / p >
2019-11-27 18:10:09 +01:00
< p > Bring up 3 terminals and run a server, a publisher and a subscriber in each one. As you publish data you should see it being received by the subscriber. You can run < code > redis-cli MONITOR< / code > too to see how redis is being used.< / p >
< h3 id = "server" > Server< / h3 >
< p > You will need to have a redis server running locally. To run the server:< / p >
2019-12-03 18:28:36 +01:00
< pre > < code class = "bash" > $ cd < ixwebsocket-top-level-folder> /ixsnake/ixsnake
2019-11-27 18:10:09 +01:00
$ ws snake
" apps" : {
" FC2F10139A2BAc53BB72D9db967b024f" : {
" roles" : {
" _sub" : {
" secret" : " 66B1dA3ED5fA074EB5AE84Dd8CE3b5ba"
" _pub" : {
" secret" : " 1c04DB8fFe76A4EeFE3E318C72d771db"
redis host:
redis password:
redis port: 6379
< / code > < / pre >
< h3 id = "publisher" > Publisher< / h3 >
2019-12-03 18:28:36 +01:00
< pre > < code class = "bash" > $ cd < ixwebsocket-top-level-folder> /ws
2019-11-27 18:25:07 +01:00
$ ws cobra_publish --appkey FC2F10139A2BAc53BB72D9db967b024f --endpoint ws:// --rolename _pub --rolesecret 1c04DB8fFe76A4EeFE3E318C72d771db test_channel cobraMetricsSample.json
2019-11-27 18:10:09 +01:00
[2019-11-27 09:06:12.980] [info] Publisher connected
[2019-11-27 09:06:12.980] [info] Connection: Upgrade
[2019-11-27 09:06:12.980] [info] Sec-WebSocket-Accept: zTtQKMKbvwjdivURplYXwCVUCWM=
[2019-11-27 09:06:12.980] [info] Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate; server_max_window_bits=15; client_max_window_bits=15
[2019-11-27 09:06:12.980] [info] Server: ixwebsocket/7.4.0 macos ssl/DarwinSSL zlib 1.2.11
[2019-11-27 09:06:12.980] [info] Upgrade: websocket
[2019-11-27 09:06:12.982] [info] Publisher authenticated
[2019-11-27 09:06:12.982] [info] Published msg 3
[2019-11-27 09:06:12.982] [info] Published message id 3 acked
< / code > < / pre >
< h3 id = "subscriber" > Subscriber< / h3 >
2019-12-03 18:28:36 +01:00
< pre > < code class = "bash" > $ ws cobra_subscribe --appkey FC2F10139A2BAc53BB72D9db967b024f --endpoint ws:// --rolename _pub --rolesecret 1c04DB8fFe76A4EeFE3E318C72d771db test_channel
2019-11-27 18:10:09 +01:00
#messages 0 msg/s 0
[2019-11-27 09:07:39.341] [info] Subscriber connected
[2019-11-27 09:07:39.341] [info] Connection: Upgrade
[2019-11-27 09:07:39.341] [info] Sec-WebSocket-Accept: 9vkQWofz49qMCUlTSptCCwHWm+Q=
[2019-11-27 09:07:39.341] [info] Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate; server_max_window_bits=15; client_max_window_bits=15
[2019-11-27 09:07:39.341] [info] Server: ixwebsocket/7.4.0 macos ssl/DarwinSSL zlib 1.2.11
[2019-11-27 09:07:39.341] [info] Upgrade: websocket
[2019-11-27 09:07:39.342] [info] Subscriber authenticated
[2019-11-27 09:07:39.345] [info] Subscriber: subscribed to channel test_channel
#messages 0 msg/s 0
#messages 0 msg/s 0
#messages 0 msg/s 0
{" baz" :123," foo" :" bar" }
#messages 1 msg/s 1
#messages 1 msg/s 0
#messages 1 msg/s 0
{" baz" :123," foo" :" bar" }
{" baz" :123," foo" :" bar" }
#messages 3 msg/s 2
#messages 3 msg/s 0
{" baz" :123," foo" :" bar" }
#messages 4 msg/s 1
2020-04-05 02:50:29 +02:00
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2019-11-27 18:10:09 +01:00
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