Benjamin Sergeant
(ws client) all commands use spdlog instead of std::cerr or std::cout for logging
2019-12-24 21:55:34 -08:00
Benjamin Sergeant
(cobra client) send a websocket ping every 30s to keep the connection opened
2019-12-24 17:16:41 -08:00
Benjamin Sergeant
(ws) ws_cobra_publish: register callbacks before connecting
2019-12-22 20:29:37 -08:00
Benjamin Sergeant
(cobra) Add TLS options to all cobra commands and classes. Add example to the doc.
2019-12-19 20:49:28 -08:00
Benjamin Sergeant
remove unused code in ws cobra_publish
2019-10-14 11:15:14 -07:00
Benjamin Sergeant
reformat everything with clang-format
2019-09-23 10:25:23 -07:00
Benjamin Sergeant
Fix crash in the Linux unittest in the HTTP client code, in Socket::readBytes. Cobra Metrics Publisher code returns the message id of the message that got published, to be used to validated that it got sent properly when receiving an ack.
2019-09-21 09:23:58 -07:00
Benjamin Sergeant
In DNS lookup code, make sure the weak pointer we use lives through the expected scope (if branch)
2019-09-19 12:51:11 -07:00
Benjamin Sergeant
+add utf-8 validation code, not hooked up properly yet
+ws autobahn / Add code to test websocket client compliance with the autobahn test-suite
+Ping received with a payload too large (> 125 bytes) trigger a connection closure
+cobra / add tracking about published messages
+cobra / publish returns a message id, that can be used when
+cobra / new message type in the message received handler when publish/ok is received (can be used to implement an ack system).
2019-08-31 16:47:10 -07:00
Benjamin Sergeant
ws cobra publish stress mode fix
2019-04-23 20:51:58 -07:00
Benjamin Sergeant
add example websocket C++ server snake which supports basic cobra ops (publish and subscribe without stream sql
2019-04-22 17:33:45 -07:00
Benjamin Sergeant
move cobra files to their own subfolder
2019-04-21 11:20:17 -07:00
Benjamin Sergeant
add cobra metrics publisher
2019-04-21 11:16:33 -07:00