#! /usr/bin/env sh

# all.sh
# This file is part of mbed TLS (https://tls.mbed.org)
# Copyright (c) 2014-2017, ARM Limited, All Rights Reserved

#### Documentation

# Purpose
# -------
# To run all tests possible or available on the platform.
# Notes for users
# ---------------
# Warning: the test is destructive. It includes various build modes and
# configurations, and can and will arbitrarily change the current CMake
# configuration. The following files must be committed into git:
#    * include/mbedtls/config.h
#    * Makefile, library/Makefile, programs/Makefile, tests/Makefile
# After running this script, the CMake cache will be lost and CMake
# will no longer be initialised.
# The script assumes the presence of a number of tools:
#   * Basic Unix tools (Windows users note: a Unix-style find must be before
#     the Windows find in the PATH)
#   * Perl
#   * GNU Make
#   * CMake
#   * GCC and Clang (recent enough for using ASan with gcc and MemSan with clang, or valgrind)
#   * G++
#   * arm-gcc and mingw-gcc
#   * ArmCC 5 and ArmCC 6, unless invoked with --no-armcc
# See the invocation of check_tools below for details.
# This script must be invoked from the toplevel directory of a git
# working copy of Mbed TLS.
# Note that the output is not saved. You may want to run
#   script -c tests/scripts/all.sh
# or
#   tests/scripts/all.sh >all.log 2>&1
# Notes for maintainers
# ---------------------
# The bulk of the code is organized into functions that follow one of the
# following naming conventions:
#  * pre_XXX: things to do before running the tests, in order.
#  * component_XXX: independent components. They can be run in any order.
#      * component_check_XXX: quick tests that aren't worth parallelizing.
#      * component_build_XXX: build things but don't run them.
#      * component_test_XXX: build and test.
#  * support_XXX: if support_XXX exists and returns false then
#    component_XXX is not run by default.
#  * post_XXX: things to do after running the tests.
#  * other: miscellaneous support functions.
# Each component must start by invoking `msg` with a short informative message.
# The framework performs some cleanup tasks after each component. This
# means that components can assume that the working directory is in a
# cleaned-up state, and don't need to perform the cleanup themselves.
# * Run `make clean`.
# * Restore `include/mbedtks/config.h` from a backup made before running
#   the component.
# * Check out `Makefile`, `library/Makefile`, `programs/Makefile` and
#   `tests/Makefile` from git. This cleans up after an in-tree use of
#   CMake.
# Any command that is expected to fail must be protected so that the
# script keeps running in --keep-going mode despite `set -e`. In keep-going
# mode, if a protected command fails, this is logged as a failure and the
# script will exit with a failure status once it has run all components.
# Commands can be protected in any of the following ways:
# * `make` is a function which runs the `make` command with protection.
#   Note that you must write `make VAR=value`, not `VAR=value make`,
#   because the `VAR=value make` syntax doesn't work with functions.
# * Put `report_status` before the command to protect it.
# * Put `if_build_successful` before a command. This protects it, and
#   additionally skips it if a prior invocation of `make` in the same
#   component failed.
# The tests are roughly in order from fastest to slowest. This doesn't
# have to be exact, but in general you should add slower tests towards
# the end and fast checks near the beginning.

#### Initialization and command line parsing

# Abort on errors (and uninitialised variables)
set -eu

pre_check_environment () {
    if [ -d library -a -d include -a -d tests ]; then :; else
        echo "Must be run from mbed TLS root" >&2
        exit 1

pre_initialize_variables () {


    # Default commands, can be overridden by the environment
    : ${OUT_OF_SOURCE_DIR:=./mbedtls_out_of_source_build}
    : ${ARMC5_BIN_DIR:=/usr/bin}
    : ${ARMC6_BIN_DIR:=/usr/bin}

    # if MAKEFLAGS is not set add the -j option to speed up invocations of make
    if [ -z "${MAKEFLAGS+set}" ]; then
        export MAKEFLAGS="-j"

    # Include more verbose output for failing tests run by CMake

    # Gather the list of available components. These are the functions
    # defined in this script whose name starts with "component_".
    # Parse the script with sed, because in sh there is no way to list
    # defined functions.
    ALL_COMPONENTS=$(sed -n 's/^ *component_\([0-9A-Z_a-z]*\) *().*/\1/p' <"$0")

    # Exclude components that are not supported on this platform.
    for component in $ALL_COMPONENTS; do
        case $(type "support_$component" 2>&1) in
            *' function'*)
                if ! support_$component; then continue; fi;;

# Test whether the component $1 is included in the command line patterns.
    set -f
    for pattern in $COMMAND_LINE_COMPONENTS; do
        set +f
        case ${1#component_} in $pattern) return 0;; esac
    set +f
    return 1

    cat <<EOF
Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [COMPONENT]...
Run mbedtls release validation tests.
By default, run all tests. With one or more COMPONENT, run only those.
COMPONENT can be the name of a component or a shell wildcard pattern.

  $0 "check_*"
    Run all sanity checks.
  $0 --no-armcc --except test_memsan
    Run everything except builds that require armcc and MemSan.

Special options:
  -h|--help             Print this help and exit.
  --list-all-components List all available test components and exit.
  --list-components     List components supported on this platform and exit.

General options:
  -f|--force            Force the tests to overwrite any modified files.
  -k|--keep-going       Run all tests and report errors at the end.
  -m|--memory           Additional optional memory tests.
     --armcc            Run ARM Compiler builds (on by default).
     --except           Exclude the COMPONENTs listed on the command line,
                        instead of running only those.
     --no-armcc         Skip ARM Compiler builds.
     --no-force         Refuse to overwrite modified files (default).
     --no-keep-going    Stop at the first error (default).
     --no-memory        No additional memory tests (default).
     --out-of-source-dir=<path>  Directory used for CMake out-of-source build tests.
     --random-seed      Use a random seed value for randomized tests (default).
  -r|--release-test     Run this script in release mode. This fixes the seed value to 1.
  -s|--seed             Integer seed value to use for this test run.

Tool path options:
     --armc5-bin-dir=<ARMC5_bin_dir_path>       ARM Compiler 5 bin directory.
     --armc6-bin-dir=<ARMC6_bin_dir_path>       ARM Compiler 6 bin directory.

# remove built files as well as the cmake cache/config
    if [ -n "${MBEDTLS_ROOT_DIR+set}" ]; then
        cd "$MBEDTLS_ROOT_DIR"

    command make clean

    # Remove CMake artefacts
    find . -name .git -prune -o \
           -iname CMakeFiles -exec rm -rf {} \+ -o \
           \( -iname cmake_install.cmake -o \
              -iname CTestTestfile.cmake -o \
              -iname CMakeCache.txt \) -exec rm {} \+
    # Recover files overwritten by in-tree CMake builds
    rm -f include/Makefile include/mbedtls/Makefile programs/*/Makefile
    git update-index --no-skip-worktree Makefile library/Makefile programs/Makefile tests/Makefile
    git checkout -- Makefile library/Makefile programs/Makefile tests/Makefile

    if [ -f "$CONFIG_BAK" ]; then
        mv "$CONFIG_BAK" "$CONFIG_H"

# Executed on exit. May be redefined depending on command line options.
final_report () {

fatal_signal () {
    final_report $1
    trap - $1
    kill -$1 $$

trap 'fatal_signal HUP' HUP
trap 'fatal_signal INT' INT
trap 'fatal_signal TERM' TERM

    if [ -n "${current_component:-}" ]; then
        current_section="${current_component#component_}: $1"
    echo ""
    echo "******************************************************************"
    echo "* $current_section "
    printf "* "; date
    echo "******************************************************************"


    msg "build: ARM Compiler 6 ($FLAGS), make"
                    WARNING_CFLAGS='-xc -std=c99' make lib
    make clean

    echo "$1" >&2

    for TOOL in "$@"; do
        if ! `type "$TOOL" >/dev/null 2>&1`; then
            err_msg "$TOOL not found!"
            exit 1

check_headers_in_cpp () {
    ls include/mbedtls | grep "\.h$" >headers.txt
    <programs/test/cpp_dummy_build.cpp sed -n 's/"$//; s!^#include "mbedtls/!!p' |
    sort |
    diff headers.txt -
    rm headers.txt

pre_parse_command_line () {

    # Note that legacy options are ignored instead of being omitted from this
    # list of options, so invocations that worked with previous version of
    # all.sh will still run and work properly.
    while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
        case "$1" in
            --armcc) no_armcc=;;
            --armc5-bin-dir) shift; ARMC5_BIN_DIR="$1";;
            --armc6-bin-dir) shift; ARMC6_BIN_DIR="$1";;
            --except) all_except=1;;
            --force|-f) FORCE=1;;
            --gnutls-cli) shift;;
            --gnutls-legacy-cli) shift;;
            --gnutls-legacy-serv) shift;;
            --gnutls-serv) shift;;
            --help|-h) usage; exit;;
            --keep-going|-k) KEEP_GOING=1;;
            --list-all-components) printf '%s\n' $ALL_COMPONENTS; exit;;
            --list-components) printf '%s\n' $SUPPORTED_COMPONENTS; exit;;
            --memory|-m) ;;
            --no-armcc) no_armcc=1;;
            --no-force) FORCE=0;;
            --no-keep-going) KEEP_GOING=0;;
            --no-memory) ;;
            --openssl) shift;;
            --openssl-legacy) shift;;
            --openssl-next) shift;;
            --out-of-source-dir) shift; OUT_OF_SOURCE_DIR="$1";;
            --random-seed) ;;
            --release-test|-r) ;;
            --seed|-s) shift;;
                echo >&2 "Unknown option: $1"
                echo >&2 "Run $0 --help for usage."
                exit 120

    # With no list of components, run everything.
    if [ -z "$COMMAND_LINE_COMPONENTS" ]; then

    # --no-armcc is a legacy option. The modern way is --except '*_armcc*'.
    # Ignore it if components are listed explicitly on the command line.
    if [ -n "$no_armcc" ] && [ $all_except -eq 1 ]; then

    # Build the list of components to run.
    for component in $SUPPORTED_COMPONENTS; do
        if is_component_included "$component"; [ $? -eq $all_except ]; then
            RUN_COMPONENTS="$RUN_COMPONENTS $component"

    unset all_except
    unset no_armcc

pre_check_git () {
    if [ $FORCE -eq 1 ]; then
        rm -rf "$OUT_OF_SOURCE_DIR"
        git checkout-index -f -q $CONFIG_H

        if [ -d "$OUT_OF_SOURCE_DIR" ]; then
            echo "Warning - there is an existing directory at '$OUT_OF_SOURCE_DIR'" >&2
            echo "You can either delete this directory manually, or force the test by rerunning"
            echo "the script as: $0 --force --out-of-source-dir $OUT_OF_SOURCE_DIR"
            exit 1

        if ! git diff --quiet include/mbedtls/config.h; then
            err_msg "Warning - the configuration file 'include/mbedtls/config.h' has been edited. "
            echo "You can either delete or preserve your work, or force the test by rerunning the"
            echo "script as: $0 --force"
            exit 1

pre_check_seedfile () {
    if [ ! -f "./tests/seedfile" ]; then
        dd if=/dev/urandom of=./tests/seedfile bs=32 count=1

pre_setup_keep_going () {
    if [ -t 1 ]; then
        case "${TERM:-}" in
                start_red=$(printf '\033[31m')
                end_color=$(printf '\033[0m')
    record_status () {
        if "$@"; then
            text="$current_section: $* -> $last_status"
            failure_count=$((failure_count + 1))
            echo "${start_red}^^^^$text^^^^${end_color}"
    make () {
        case "$*" in
                if [ $build_status -eq 0 ]; then
                    record_status command make "$@"
                    echo "(skipped because the build failed)"
                record_status command make "$@"
    final_report () {
        if [ $failure_count -gt 0 ]; then
            echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
            echo "${start_red}FAILED: $failure_count${end_color}$failure_summary"
            echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
            exit 1
        elif [ -z "${1-}" ]; then
            echo "SUCCESS :)"
        if [ -n "${1-}" ]; then
            echo "Killed by SIG$1."

if_build_succeeded () {
    if [ $build_status -eq 0 ]; then
        record_status "$@"

# to be used instead of ! for commands run with
# record_status or if_build_succeeded
not() {
    ! "$@"

pre_print_configuration () {
    msg "info: $0 configuration"
    echo "FORCE: $FORCE"
    echo "ARMC5_BIN_DIR: $ARMC5_BIN_DIR"
    echo "ARMC6_BIN_DIR: $ARMC6_BIN_DIR"

# Make sure the tools we need are available.
pre_check_tools () {
    # Build the list of variables to pass to output_env.sh.
    set env

    case " $RUN_COMPONENTS " in
        *_doxygen[_\ ]*) check_tools "doxygen" "dot";;

    case " $RUN_COMPONENTS " in
        *_arm_none_eabi_gcc[_\ ]*) check_tools "arm-none-eabi-gcc";;

    case " $RUN_COMPONENTS " in
        *_mingw[_\ ]*) check_tools "i686-w64-mingw32-gcc";;

    case " $RUN_COMPONENTS " in
        *" test_zeroize "*) check_tools "gdb";;

    case " $RUN_COMPONENTS " in
            check_tools "$ARMC5_CC" "$ARMC5_AR" "$ARMC6_CC" "$ARMC6_AR";;

    msg "info: output_env.sh"
    case $RUN_COMPONENTS in
            set "$@" ARMC5_CC="$ARMC5_CC" ARMC6_CC="$ARMC6_CC" RUN_ARMCC=1;;
        *) set "$@" RUN_ARMCC=0;;
    "$@" scripts/output_env.sh

#### Basic checks

# Test Suites to be executed
# The test ordering tries to optimize for the following criteria:
# 1. Catch possible problems early, by running first tests that run quickly
#    and/or are more likely to fail than others (eg I use Clang most of the
#    time, so start with a GCC build).
# 2. Minimize total running time, by avoiding useless rebuilds
# Indicative running times are given for reference.

component_check_recursion () {
    msg "test: recursion.pl" # < 1s
    record_status tests/scripts/recursion.pl library/*.c

component_check_generated_files () {
    msg "test: freshness of generated source files" # < 1s
    record_status tests/scripts/check-generated-files.sh

component_check_doxy_blocks () {
    msg "test: doxygen markup outside doxygen blocks" # < 1s
    record_status tests/scripts/check-doxy-blocks.pl

component_check_files () {
    msg "test: check-files.py" # < 1s
    record_status tests/scripts/check-files.py

component_check_names () {
    msg "test/build: declared and exported names" # < 3s
    record_status tests/scripts/check-names.sh

component_check_doxygen_warnings () {
    msg "test: doxygen warnings" # ~ 3s
    record_status tests/scripts/doxygen.sh

#### Build and test many configurations and targets

component_test_default_out_of_box () {
    msg "build: make, default config (out-of-box)" # ~1min

    msg "test: main suites make, default config (out-of-box)" # ~10s
    make test

    msg "selftest: make, default config (out-of-box)" # ~10s

component_test_default_cmake_gcc_asan () {
    msg "build: cmake, gcc, ASan" # ~ 1 min 50s
    CC=gcc cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String=Asan .

    msg "test: main suites (inc. selftests) (ASan build)" # ~ 50s
    make test

component_test_ref_configs () {
    msg "test/build: ref-configs (ASan build)" # ~ 6 min 20s
    CC=gcc cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String=Asan .
    record_status tests/scripts/test-ref-configs.pl

component_test_rsa_no_crt () {
    msg "build: Default + RSA_NO_CRT (ASan build)" # ~ 6 min
    scripts/config.pl set MBEDTLS_RSA_NO_CRT
    CC=gcc cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String=Asan .

    msg "test: RSA_NO_CRT - main suites (inc. selftests) (ASan build)" # ~ 50s
    make test

component_test_new_ecdh_context () {
    msg "build: new ECDH context (ASan build)" # ~ 6 min
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_ECDH_LEGACY_CONTEXT
    CC=gcc cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String=Asan .

    msg "test: new ECDH context - main suites (inc. selftests) (ASan build)" # ~ 50s
    make test

component_test_full_cmake_clang () {
    msg "build: cmake, full config, clang" # ~ 50s
    scripts/config.pl full
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_MEMORY_BACKTRACE # too slow for tests
    CC=clang cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String=Check -D ENABLE_TESTING=On .

    msg "test: main suites (full config)" # ~ 5s
    make test

    msg "test: psa_constant_names (full config)" # ~ 1s
    record_status tests/scripts/test_psa_constant_names.py

component_build_deprecated () {
    msg "build: make, full config + DEPRECATED_WARNING, gcc -O" # ~ 30s
    scripts/config.pl full
    scripts/config.pl set MBEDTLS_DEPRECATED_WARNING
    # Build with -O -Wextra to catch a maximum of issues.
    make CC=gcc CFLAGS='-O -Werror -Wall -Wextra' lib programs
    make CC=gcc CFLAGS='-O -Werror -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-function' tests

    msg "build: make, full config + DEPRECATED_REMOVED, clang -O" # ~ 30s
    # No cleanup, just tweak the configuration and rebuild
    make clean
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_DEPRECATED_WARNING
    scripts/config.pl set MBEDTLS_DEPRECATED_REMOVED
    # Build with -O -Wextra to catch a maximum of issues.
    make CC=clang CFLAGS='-O -Werror -Wall -Wextra' lib programs
    make CC=clang CFLAGS='-O -Werror -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-function' tests

component_test_depends_curves () {
    msg "test/build: curves.pl (gcc)" # ~ 4 min
    record_status tests/scripts/curves.pl

component_test_depends_hashes () {
    msg "test/build: depends-hashes.pl (gcc)" # ~ 2 min
    record_status tests/scripts/depends-hashes.pl

component_test_depends_pkalgs () {
    msg "test/build: depends-pkalgs.pl (gcc)" # ~ 2 min
    record_status tests/scripts/depends-pkalgs.pl

component_build_default_make_gcc_and_cxx () {
    msg "build: Unix make, -Os (gcc)" # ~ 30s
    make CC=gcc CFLAGS='-Werror -Wall -Wextra -Os'

    msg "test: verify header list in cpp_dummy_build.cpp"
    record_status check_headers_in_cpp

    msg "build: Unix make, incremental g++"
    make TEST_CPP=1

component_test_use_psa_crypto_full_cmake_asan() {
    # MBEDTLS_USE_PSA_CRYPTO: run the same set of tests as basic-build-test.sh
    msg "build: cmake, full config + MBEDTLS_USE_PSA_CRYPTO, ASan"
    scripts/config.pl full
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_MEMORY_BACKTRACE # too slow for tests
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_ECP_RESTARTABLE  # restartable ECC not supported through PSA
    scripts/config.pl set MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_C
    scripts/config.pl set MBEDTLS_USE_PSA_CRYPTO
    CC=gcc cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String=Asan .

    msg "test: main suites (MBEDTLS_USE_PSA_CRYPTO)"
    make test

component_test_check_params_without_platform () {
    msg "build+test: MBEDTLS_CHECK_PARAMS without MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_C"
    scripts/config.pl full # includes CHECK_PARAMS
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_MEMORY_BACKTRACE # too slow for tests
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_MEMORY_BUFFER_ALLOC_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_EXIT_ALT
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_TIME_ALT
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_FPRINTF_ALT
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_MEMORY
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_PRINTF_ALT
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_SNPRINTF_ALT
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_C
    make CC=gcc CFLAGS='-Werror -O1' all test

component_test_check_params_silent () {
    msg "build+test: MBEDTLS_CHECK_PARAMS with alternative MBEDTLS_PARAM_FAILED()"
    scripts/config.pl full # includes CHECK_PARAMS
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_MEMORY_BACKTRACE # too slow for tests
    sed -i 's/.*\(#define MBEDTLS_PARAM_FAILED( cond )\).*/\1/' "$CONFIG_H"
    make CC=gcc CFLAGS='-Werror -O1' all test

component_test_no_platform () {
    # Full configuration build, without platform support, file IO and net sockets.
    # This should catch missing mbedtls_printf definitions, and by disabling file
    # IO, it should catch missing '#include <stdio.h>'
    msg "build: full config except platform/fsio/net, make, gcc, C99" # ~ 30s
    scripts/config.pl full
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_MEMORY
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_PRINTF_ALT
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_FPRINTF_ALT
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_SNPRINTF_ALT
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_TIME_ALT
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_EXIT_ALT
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_MEMORY_BUFFER_ALLOC_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_FS_IO
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_STORAGE_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PSA_ITS_FILE_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_STORAGE_ITS_C
    # Note, _DEFAULT_SOURCE needs to be defined for platforms using glibc version >2.19,
    # to re-enable platform integration features otherwise disabled in C99 builds
    make CC=gcc CFLAGS='-Werror -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -pedantic -O0 -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE' lib programs
    make CC=gcc CFLAGS='-Werror -Wall -Wextra -O0' test

component_build_no_std_function () {
    # catch compile bugs in _uninit functions
    msg "build: full config with NO_STD_FUNCTION, make, gcc" # ~ 30s
    scripts/config.pl full
    scripts/config.pl set MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_NO_STD_FUNCTIONS
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED
    make CC=gcc CFLAGS='-Werror -Wall -Wextra -O0'

component_test_null_entropy () {
    msg "build: default config with  MBEDTLS_TEST_NULL_ENTROPY (ASan build)"
    scripts/config.pl set MBEDTLS_TEST_NULL_ENTROPY
    scripts/config.pl set MBEDTLS_NO_DEFAULT_ENTROPY_SOURCES
    scripts/config.pl set MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_HARDWARE_ALT
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_HAVEGE_C
    CC=gcc cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String=Asan -D UNSAFE_BUILD=ON .

    msg "test: MBEDTLS_TEST_NULL_ENTROPY - main suites (inc. selftests) (ASan build)"
    make test

component_test_platform_calloc_macro () {
    msg "build: MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_{CALLOC/FREE}_MACRO enabled (ASan build)"
    scripts/config.pl set MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_MEMORY
    scripts/config.pl set MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_CALLOC_MACRO calloc
    scripts/config.pl set MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_FREE_MACRO   free
    CC=gcc cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String=Asan .

    msg "test: MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_{CALLOC/FREE}_MACRO enabled (ASan build)"
    make test

component_test_aes_fewer_tables () {
    msg "build: default config with AES_FEWER_TABLES enabled"
    scripts/config.pl set MBEDTLS_AES_FEWER_TABLES
    make CC=gcc CFLAGS='-Werror -Wall -Wextra'

    msg "test: AES_FEWER_TABLES"
    make test

component_test_aes_rom_tables () {
    msg "build: default config with AES_ROM_TABLES enabled"
    scripts/config.pl set MBEDTLS_AES_ROM_TABLES
    make CC=gcc CFLAGS='-Werror -Wall -Wextra'

    msg "test: AES_ROM_TABLES"
    make test

component_test_aes_fewer_tables_and_rom_tables () {
    msg "build: default config with AES_ROM_TABLES and AES_FEWER_TABLES enabled"
    scripts/config.pl set MBEDTLS_AES_FEWER_TABLES
    scripts/config.pl set MBEDTLS_AES_ROM_TABLES
    make CC=gcc CFLAGS='-Werror -Wall -Wextra'

    make test

component_test_make_shared () {
    msg "build/test: make shared" # ~ 40s
    make SHARED=1 all check

component_test_m32_o0 () {
    # Build once with -O0, to compile out the i386 specific inline assembly
    msg "build: i386, make, gcc -O0 (ASan build)" # ~ 30s
    scripts/config.pl full
    make CC=gcc CFLAGS='-O0 -Werror -Wall -Wextra -m32 -fsanitize=address'

    msg "test: i386, make, gcc -O0 (ASan build)"
    make test
support_test_m32_o0 () {
    case $(uname -m) in
        *64*) true;;
        *) false;;

component_test_m32_o1 () {
    # Build again with -O1, to compile in the i386 specific inline assembly
    msg "build: i386, make, gcc -O1 (ASan build)" # ~ 30s
    scripts/config.pl full
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_MEMORY_BACKTRACE
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_MEMORY_BUFFER_ALLOC_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_MEMORY_DEBUG
    make CC=gcc CFLAGS='-O1 -Werror -Wall -Wextra -m32 -fsanitize=address'

    msg "test: i386, make, gcc -O1 (ASan build)"
    make test
support_test_m32_o1 () {
    support_test_m32_o0 "$@"

component_test_mx32 () {
    msg "build: 64-bit ILP32, make, gcc" # ~ 30s
    scripts/config.pl full
    make CC=gcc CFLAGS='-Werror -Wall -Wextra -mx32'

    msg "test: 64-bit ILP32, make, gcc"
    make test
support_test_mx32 () {
    case $(uname -m) in
        amd64|x86_64) true;;
        *) false;;

component_test_min_mpi_window_size () {
    msg "build: Default + MBEDTLS_MPI_WINDOW_SIZE=1 (ASan build)" # ~ 10s
    scripts/config.pl set MBEDTLS_MPI_WINDOW_SIZE 1
    CC=gcc cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String=Asan .

    msg "test: MBEDTLS_MPI_WINDOW_SIZE=1 - main suites (inc. selftests) (ASan build)" # ~ 10s
    make test

component_test_have_int32 () {
    msg "build: gcc, force 32-bit bignum limbs"
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_HAVE_ASM
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_AESNI_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PADLOCK_C
    make CC=gcc CFLAGS='-Werror -Wall -Wextra -DMBEDTLS_HAVE_INT32'

    msg "test: gcc, force 32-bit bignum limbs"
    make test

component_test_have_int64 () {
    msg "build: gcc, force 64-bit bignum limbs"
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_HAVE_ASM
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_AESNI_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PADLOCK_C
    make CC=gcc CFLAGS='-Werror -Wall -Wextra -DMBEDTLS_HAVE_INT64'

    msg "test: gcc, force 64-bit bignum limbs"
    make test

component_test_no_udbl_division () {
    msg "build: MBEDTLS_NO_UDBL_DIVISION native" # ~ 10s
    scripts/config.pl full
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_MEMORY_BACKTRACE # too slow for tests
    scripts/config.pl set MBEDTLS_NO_UDBL_DIVISION
    make CFLAGS='-Werror -O1'

    msg "test: MBEDTLS_NO_UDBL_DIVISION native" # ~ 10s
    make test

component_test_no_64bit_multiplication () {
    msg "build: MBEDTLS_NO_64BIT_MULTIPLICATION native" # ~ 10s
    scripts/config.pl full
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_MEMORY_BACKTRACE # too slow for tests
    scripts/config.pl set MBEDTLS_NO_64BIT_MULTIPLICATION
    make CFLAGS='-Werror -O1'

    msg "test: MBEDTLS_NO_64BIT_MULTIPLICATION native" # ~ 10s
    make test

component_build_arm_none_eabi_gcc () {
    msg "build: arm-none-eabi-gcc, make" # ~ 10s
    scripts/config.pl full
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_TIMING_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_FS_IO
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PSA_ITS_FILE_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_STORAGE_ITS_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_STORAGE_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED
    scripts/config.pl set MBEDTLS_NO_PLATFORM_ENTROPY
    # following things are not in the default config
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_HAVEGE_C # depends on timing.c
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_THREADING_PTHREAD
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_THREADING_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_MEMORY_BACKTRACE # execinfo.h
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_MEMORY_BUFFER_ALLOC_C # calls exit
    make CC=arm-none-eabi-gcc AR=arm-none-eabi-ar LD=arm-none-eabi-ld CFLAGS='-Werror -Wall -Wextra' lib

component_build_arm_none_eabi_gcc_no_udbl_division () {
    msg "build: arm-none-eabi-gcc -DMBEDTLS_NO_UDBL_DIVISION, make" # ~ 10s
    scripts/config.pl full
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_TIMING_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_FS_IO
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PSA_ITS_FILE_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_STORAGE_ITS_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_STORAGE_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED
    scripts/config.pl set MBEDTLS_NO_PLATFORM_ENTROPY
    # following things are not in the default config
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_HAVEGE_C # depends on timing.c
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_THREADING_PTHREAD
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_THREADING_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_MEMORY_BACKTRACE # execinfo.h
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_MEMORY_BUFFER_ALLOC_C # calls exit
    scripts/config.pl set MBEDTLS_NO_UDBL_DIVISION
    make CC=arm-none-eabi-gcc AR=arm-none-eabi-ar LD=arm-none-eabi-ld CFLAGS='-Werror -Wall -Wextra' lib
    echo "Checking that software 64-bit division is not required"
    if_build_succeeded not grep __aeabi_uldiv library/*.o

component_build_arm_none_eabi_gcc_no_64bit_multiplication () {
    msg "build: arm-none-eabi-gcc MBEDTLS_NO_64BIT_MULTIPLICATION, make" # ~ 10s
    scripts/config.pl full
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_TIMING_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_FS_IO
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PSA_ITS_FILE_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_STORAGE_ITS_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_STORAGE_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED
    scripts/config.pl set MBEDTLS_NO_PLATFORM_ENTROPY
    # following things are not in the default config
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_HAVEGE_C # depends on timing.c
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_THREADING_PTHREAD
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_THREADING_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_MEMORY_BACKTRACE # execinfo.h
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_MEMORY_BUFFER_ALLOC_C # calls exit
    scripts/config.pl set MBEDTLS_NO_64BIT_MULTIPLICATION
    make CC=arm-none-eabi-gcc AR=arm-none-eabi-ar LD=arm-none-eabi-ld CFLAGS='-Werror -O1 -march=armv6-m -mthumb' lib
    echo "Checking that software 64-bit multiplication is not required"
    if_build_succeeded not grep __aeabi_lmul library/*.o

component_build_armcc () {
    msg "build: ARM Compiler 5, make"
    scripts/config.pl full
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_TIMING_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_FS_IO
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PSA_ITS_FILE_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_STORAGE_ITS_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_STORAGE_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_HAVE_TIME
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_HAVE_TIME_DATE
    scripts/config.pl set MBEDTLS_NO_PLATFORM_ENTROPY
    # following things are not in the default config
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_DEPRECATED_WARNING
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_HAVEGE_C # depends on timing.c
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_THREADING_PTHREAD
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_THREADING_C
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_MEMORY_BACKTRACE # execinfo.h
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_MEMORY_BUFFER_ALLOC_C # calls exit
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_TIME_ALT # depends on MBEDTLS_HAVE_TIME

    make CC="$ARMC5_CC" AR="$ARMC5_AR" WARNING_CFLAGS='--strict --c99' lib
    make clean

    # ARM Compiler 6 - Target ARMv7-A
    armc6_build_test "--target=arm-arm-none-eabi -march=armv7-a"

    # ARM Compiler 6 - Target ARMv7-M
    armc6_build_test "--target=arm-arm-none-eabi -march=armv7-m"

    # ARM Compiler 6 - Target ARMv8-A - AArch32
    armc6_build_test "--target=arm-arm-none-eabi -march=armv8.2-a"

    # ARM Compiler 6 - Target ARMv8-M
    armc6_build_test "--target=arm-arm-none-eabi -march=armv8-m.main"

    # ARM Compiler 6 - Target ARMv8-A - AArch64
    armc6_build_test "--target=aarch64-arm-none-eabi -march=armv8.2-a"

component_build_mingw () {
    msg "build: Windows cross build - mingw64, make (Link Library)" # ~ 30s
    make CC=i686-w64-mingw32-gcc AR=i686-w64-mingw32-ar LD=i686-w64-minggw32-ld CFLAGS='-Werror -Wall -Wextra' WINDOWS_BUILD=1 lib programs

    # note Make tests only builds the tests, but doesn't run them
    make CC=i686-w64-mingw32-gcc AR=i686-w64-mingw32-ar LD=i686-w64-minggw32-ld CFLAGS='-Werror' WINDOWS_BUILD=1 tests
    make WINDOWS_BUILD=1 clean

    msg "build: Windows cross build - mingw64, make (DLL)" # ~ 30s
    make CC=i686-w64-mingw32-gcc AR=i686-w64-mingw32-ar LD=i686-w64-minggw32-ld CFLAGS='-Werror -Wall -Wextra' WINDOWS_BUILD=1 SHARED=1 lib programs
    make CC=i686-w64-mingw32-gcc AR=i686-w64-mingw32-ar LD=i686-w64-minggw32-ld CFLAGS='-Werror -Wall -Wextra' WINDOWS_BUILD=1 SHARED=1 tests
    make WINDOWS_BUILD=1 clean
support_build_mingw() {
    case $(i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -dumpversion) in
        [0-5]*) false;;
        *) true;;

component_test_memsan () {
    msg "build: MSan (clang)" # ~ 1 min 20s
    scripts/config.pl unset MBEDTLS_AESNI_C # memsan doesn't grok asm
    CC=clang cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String=MemSan .

    msg "test: main suites (MSan)" # ~ 10s
    make test

component_test_valgrind () {
    msg "build: Release (clang)"
    CC=clang cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String=Release .

    msg "test: main suites valgrind (Release)"
    make memcheck

component_test_cmake_out_of_source () {
    msg "build: cmake 'out-of-source' build"
    mkdir "$OUT_OF_SOURCE_DIR"
    cmake "$MBEDTLS_ROOT_DIR"

    msg "test: cmake 'out-of-source' build"
    make test

    rm -rf "$OUT_OF_SOURCE_DIR"

component_test_zeroize () {
    # Test that the function mbedtls_platform_zeroize() is not optimized away by
    # different combinations of compilers and optimization flags by using an
    # auxiliary GDB script. Unfortunately, GDB does not return error values to the
    # system in all cases that the script fails, so we must manually search the
    # output to check whether the pass string is present and no failure strings
    # were printed.

    # Don't try to disable ASLR. We don't care about ASLR here. We do care
    # about a spurious message if Gdb tries and fails, so suppress that.
    if [ -z "$(gdb -batch -nw -ex 'set disable-randomization off' 2>&1)" ]; then
        gdb_disable_aslr='set disable-randomization off'

    for optimization_flag in -O2 -O3 -Ofast -Os; do
        for compiler in clang gcc; do
            msg "test: $compiler $optimization_flag, mbedtls_platform_zeroize()"
            make programs CC="$compiler" DEBUG=1 CFLAGS="$optimization_flag"
            if_build_succeeded gdb -ex "$gdb_disable_aslr" -x tests/scripts/test_zeroize.gdb -nw -batch -nx 2>&1 | tee test_zeroize.log
            if_build_succeeded grep "The buffer was correctly zeroized" test_zeroize.log
            if_build_succeeded not grep -i "error" test_zeroize.log
            rm -f test_zeroize.log
            make clean

    unset gdb_disable_aslr

support_check_python_files () {
    type pylint3 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
component_check_python_files () {
    msg "Lint: Python scripts"
    record_status tests/scripts/check-python-files.sh

component_check_generate_test_code () {
    msg "uint test: generate_test_code.py"
    record_status ./tests/scripts/test_generate_test_code.py

#### Termination

post_report () {
    msg "Done, cleaning up"


#### Run all the things

# Run one component and clean up afterwards.
run_component () {
    # Back up the configuration in case the component modifies it.
    # The cleanup function will restore it.
    cp -p "$CONFIG_H" "$CONFIG_BAK"

# Preliminary setup
pre_parse_command_line "$@"


if [ $KEEP_GOING -eq 1 ]; then
    record_status () {

# Run the requested tests.
for component in $RUN_COMPONENTS; do
    run_component "component_$component"

# We're done.