/* * ws_chat.cpp * Author: Benjamin Sergeant * Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Machine Zone, Inc. All rights reserved. */ // // Simple chat program that talks to a broadcast server // Broadcast server can be ran with `ws broadcast_server` // #include #include #include #include #include #include "nlohmann/json.hpp" // for convenience using json = nlohmann::json; namespace ix { class WebSocketChat { public: WebSocketChat(const std::string& url, const std::string& user); void subscribe(const std::string& channel); void start(); void stop(); bool isReady() const; void sendMessage(const std::string& text); size_t getReceivedMessagesCount() const; std::string encodeMessage(const std::string& text); std::pair decodeMessage(const std::string& str); private: std::string _url; std::string _user; ix::WebSocket _webSocket; std::queue _receivedQueue; void log(const std::string& msg); }; WebSocketChat::WebSocketChat(const std::string& url, const std::string& user) : _url(url), _user(user) { ; } void WebSocketChat::log(const std::string& msg) { std::cout << msg << std::endl; } size_t WebSocketChat::getReceivedMessagesCount() const { return _receivedQueue.size(); } bool WebSocketChat::isReady() const { return _webSocket.getReadyState() == ix::ReadyState::Open; } void WebSocketChat::stop() { _webSocket.stop(); } void WebSocketChat::start() { _webSocket.setUrl(_url); std::stringstream ss; log(std::string("Connecting to url: ") + _url); _webSocket.setOnMessageCallback( [this](ix::WebSocketMessageType messageType, const std::string& str, size_t wireSize, const ix::WebSocketErrorInfo& error, const ix::WebSocketOpenInfo& openInfo, const ix::WebSocketCloseInfo& closeInfo) { std::stringstream ss; if (messageType == ix::WebSocketMessageType::Open) { log("ws chat: connected"); std::cout << "Uri: " << openInfo.uri << std::endl; std::cout << "Handshake Headers:" << std::endl; for (auto it : openInfo.headers) { std::cout << it.first << ": " << it.second << std::endl; } ss << "ws chat: user " << _user << " Connected !"; log(ss.str()); } else if (messageType == ix::WebSocketMessageType::Close) { ss << "ws chat: user " << _user << " disconnected !" << " code " << closeInfo.code << " reason " << closeInfo.reason; log(ss.str()); } else if (messageType == ix::WebSocketMessageType::Message) { auto result = decodeMessage(str); // Our "chat" / "broacast" node.js server does not send us // the messages we send, so we don't have to filter it out. // store text _receivedQueue.push(result.second); ss << std::endl << result.first << "(" << wireSize << " bytes)" << " > " << result.second << std::endl << _user << " > "; log(ss.str()); } else if (messageType == ix::WebSocketMessageType::Error) { ss << "Connection error: " << error.reason << std::endl; ss << "#retries: " << error.retries << std::endl; ss << "Wait time(ms): " << error.wait_time << std::endl; ss << "HTTP Status: " << error.http_status << std::endl; log(ss.str()); } else { ss << "Invalid ix::WebSocketMessageType"; log(ss.str()); } }); _webSocket.start(); } std::pair WebSocketChat::decodeMessage(const std::string& str) { auto j = json::parse(str); std::string msg_user = j["user"]; std::string msg_text = j["text"]; return std::pair(msg_user, msg_text); } std::string WebSocketChat::encodeMessage(const std::string& text) { json j; j["user"] = _user; j["text"] = text; std::string output = j.dump(); return output; } void WebSocketChat::sendMessage(const std::string& text) { _webSocket.sendText(encodeMessage(text)); } int ws_chat_main(const std::string& url, const std::string& user) { std::cout << "Type Ctrl-D to exit prompt..." << std::endl; WebSocketChat webSocketChat(url, user); webSocketChat.start(); while (true) { std::string text; std::cout << user << " > " << std::flush; std::getline(std::cin, text); if (!std::cin) { break; } webSocketChat.sendMessage(text); } std::cout << std::endl; webSocketChat.stop(); return 0; } }