cpp-linenoise ============= Multi-platfrom (Unix, Windows) C++ header-only linenoise-based readline library. This library gathered code from following excellent libraries, clean it up, and put it into a C++ header file for convenience. * `linenoise.h` and `linenose.c` ([antirez/linenoise](https://github.com/antirez/linenoise)) * `ANSI.c` ([adoxa/ansicon](https://github.com/adoxa/ansicon)) * `Win32_ANSI.h` and `Win32_ANSI.c` ([MSOpenTech/redis](https://github.com/MSOpenTech/redis)) The licenses for the libraries are included in `linenoise.hpp`. Usage ----- ```c++ #include "linenoise.hpp" ... const auto path = "history.txt"; // Setup completion words every time when a user types linenoise::SetCompletionCallback([](const char* editBuffer, std::vector<std::string>& completions) { if (editBuffer[0] == 'h') { completions.push_back("hello"); completions.push_back("hello there"); } }); // Enable the multi-line mode linenoise::SetMultiLine(true); // Set max length of the history linenoise::SetHistoryMaxLen(4); // Load history linenoise::LoadHistory(path); while (true) { // Read line std::string line; auto quit = linenoise::Readline("hello> ", line); if (quit) { break; } cout << "echo: '" << line << "'" << endl; // Add text to history linenoise::AddHistory(line.c_str()); } // Save history linenoise::SaveHistory(path); ``` API --- ```c++ namespace linenoise; std::string Readline(const char* prompt); void SetMultiLine(bool multiLineMode); typedef std::function<void (const char* editBuffer, std::vector<std::string>& completions)> CompletionCallback; void SetCompletionCallback(CompletionCallback fn); bool SetHistoryMaxLen(size_t len); bool LoadHistory(const char* path); bool SaveHistory(const char* path); bool AddHistory(const char* line); const std::vector<std::string>& GetHistory(); ``` Tested compilers ---------------- * Visual Studio 2015 * Clang 3.5 * GCC 6.3.1 License ------- BSD license (© 2015 Yuji Hirose)