 *  IXSocketTLSOptions.h
 *  Author: Matt DeBoer
 *  Copyright (c) 2019 Machine Zone, Inc. All rights reserved.

#include "IXSocketTLSOptions.h"

#include <assert.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>

namespace ix
    const char* kTLSCAFileUseSystemDefaults = "SYSTEM";
    const char* kTLSCAFileDisableVerify = "NONE";
    const char* kTLSCiphersUseDefault = "DEFAULT";

    bool SocketTLSOptions::isValid() const
        if (!_validated)
            if (!certFile.empty() && !std::ifstream(certFile))
                _errMsg = "certFile not found: " + certFile;
                return false;
            if (!keyFile.empty() && !std::ifstream(keyFile))
                _errMsg = "keyFile not found: " + keyFile;
                return false;
            if (!caFile.empty() && caFile != kTLSCAFileDisableVerify &&
                caFile != kTLSCAFileUseSystemDefaults && !std::ifstream(caFile))
                _errMsg = "caFile not found: " + caFile;
                return false;

            if (certFile.empty() != keyFile.empty())
                _errMsg = "certFile and keyFile must be both present, or both absent";
                return false;

            _validated = true;
        return true;

    bool SocketTLSOptions::hasCertAndKey() const
        return !certFile.empty() && !keyFile.empty();

    bool SocketTLSOptions::isUsingSystemDefaults() const
        return caFile == kTLSCAFileUseSystemDefaults;

    bool SocketTLSOptions::isPeerVerifyDisabled() const
        return caFile == kTLSCAFileDisableVerify;

    bool SocketTLSOptions::isUsingDefaultCiphers() const
        return ciphers.empty() || ciphers == kTLSCiphersUseDefault;

    const std::string& SocketTLSOptions::getErrorMsg() const
        return _errMsg;

    std::string SocketTLSOptions::getDescription() const
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "TLS Options:" << std::endl;
        ss << "  certFile = " << certFile << std::endl;
        ss << "  keyFile  = " << keyFile << std::endl;
        ss << "  caFile   = " << caFile << std::endl;
        ss << "  ciphers  = " << ciphers << std::endl;
        ss << "  ciphers  = " << ciphers << std::endl;
        return ss.str();
} // namespace ix