/* * IXWebSocket.h * Author: Benjamin Sergeant * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Machine Zone, Inc. All rights reserved. * * WebSocket RFC * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455 */ #pragma once #include <string> #include <thread> #include <mutex> #include <atomic> #include "IXWebSocketTransport.h" #include "IXWebSocketErrorInfo.h" #include "IXWebSocketSendInfo.h" #include "IXWebSocketPerMessageDeflateOptions.h" #include "IXWebSocketHttpHeaders.h" #include "IXProgressCallback.h" namespace ix { // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSocket#Ready_state_constants enum ReadyState { WebSocket_ReadyState_Connecting = 0, WebSocket_ReadyState_Open = 1, WebSocket_ReadyState_Closing = 2, WebSocket_ReadyState_Closed = 3 }; enum WebSocketMessageType { WebSocket_MessageType_Message = 0, WebSocket_MessageType_Open = 1, WebSocket_MessageType_Close = 2, WebSocket_MessageType_Error = 3, WebSocket_MessageType_Ping = 4, WebSocket_MessageType_Pong = 5, WebSocket_MessageType_Fragment = 6 }; struct WebSocketOpenInfo { std::string uri; WebSocketHttpHeaders headers; WebSocketOpenInfo(const std::string& u = std::string(), const WebSocketHttpHeaders& h = WebSocketHttpHeaders()) : uri(u) , headers(h) { ; } }; struct WebSocketCloseInfo { uint16_t code; std::string reason; bool remote; WebSocketCloseInfo(uint16_t c = 0, const std::string& r = std::string(), bool rem = false) : code(c) , reason(r) , remote(rem) { ; } }; using OnMessageCallback = std::function<void(WebSocketMessageType, const std::string&, size_t wireSize, const WebSocketErrorInfo&, const WebSocketOpenInfo&, const WebSocketCloseInfo&)>; using OnTrafficTrackerCallback = std::function<void(size_t size, bool incoming)>; class WebSocket { public: WebSocket(); ~WebSocket(); void setUrl(const std::string& url); void setPerMessageDeflateOptions(const WebSocketPerMessageDeflateOptions& perMessageDeflateOptions); void setHeartBeatPeriod(int heartBeatPeriodSecs); void setPingInterval(int pingIntervalSecs); // alias of setHeartBeatPeriod void setPingTimeout(int pingTimeoutSecs); void enablePong(); void disablePong(); // Run asynchronously, by calling start and stop. void start(); // stop is synchronous void stop(); // Run in blocking mode, by connecting first manually, and then calling run. WebSocketInitResult connect(int timeoutSecs); void run(); WebSocketSendInfo send(const std::string& text, const OnProgressCallback& onProgressCallback = nullptr); WebSocketSendInfo sendText(const std::string& text, const OnProgressCallback& onProgressCallback = nullptr); WebSocketSendInfo ping(const std::string& text); void close(); void setOnMessageCallback(const OnMessageCallback& callback); static void setTrafficTrackerCallback(const OnTrafficTrackerCallback& callback); static void resetTrafficTrackerCallback(); ReadyState getReadyState() const; const std::string& getUrl() const; const WebSocketPerMessageDeflateOptions& getPerMessageDeflateOptions() const; int getHeartBeatPeriod() const; int getPingInterval() const; int getPingTimeout() const; size_t bufferedAmount() const; void enableAutomaticReconnection(); void disableAutomaticReconnection(); private: WebSocketSendInfo sendMessage(const std::string& text, SendMessageKind sendMessageKind, const OnProgressCallback& callback = nullptr); bool isConnected() const; bool isClosing() const; void checkConnection(bool initial); std::string readyStateToString(ReadyState readyState); static void invokeTrafficTrackerCallback(size_t size, bool incoming); // Server WebSocketInitResult connectToSocket(int fd, int timeoutSecs); WebSocketTransport _ws; std::string _url; WebSocketPerMessageDeflateOptions _perMessageDeflateOptions; mutable std::mutex _configMutex; // protect all config variables access OnMessageCallback _onMessageCallback; static OnTrafficTrackerCallback _onTrafficTrackerCallback; std::atomic<bool> _stop; std::atomic<bool> _automaticReconnection; std::thread _thread; std::mutex _writeMutex; std::atomic<int> _handshakeTimeoutSecs; static const int kDefaultHandShakeTimeoutSecs; // enable or disable PONG frame response to received PING frame bool _enablePong; static const bool kDefaultEnablePong; // Optional ping and ping timeout int _pingIntervalSecs; int _pingTimeoutSecs; static const int kDefaultPingIntervalSecs; static const int kDefaultPingTimeoutSecs; friend class WebSocketServer; }; }