/* * Author: Benjamin Sergeant * Copyright (c) 2018 Machine Zone. All rights reserved. */ #include #include #include #include #include "IXTest.h" #include "IXSnakeServer.h" #include "catch.hpp" using namespace ix; namespace { // // This project / appkey is configure on cobra to not do any batching. // This way we can start a subscriber and receive all messages as they come in. // std::string ENDPOINT("ws://localhost:8009"); std::string APPKEY("FC2F10139A2BAc53BB72D9db967b024f"); std::string CHANNEL("unittest_channel"); std::string PUBLISHER_ROLE("_pub"); std::string PUBLISHER_SECRET("1c04DB8fFe76A4EeFE3E318C72d771db"); std::string SUBSCRIBER_ROLE("_sub"); std::string SUBSCRIBER_SECRET("66B1dA3ED5fA074EB5AE84Dd8CE3b5ba"); std::atomic gStop; std::atomic gSubscriberConnectedAndSubscribed; std::atomic gUniqueMessageIdsCount; std::atomic gMessageCount; std::set gIds; std::mutex gProtectIds; // std::set is no thread-safe, so protect access with this mutex. // // Background thread subscribe to the channel and validates what was sent // void startSubscriber() { gSubscriberConnectedAndSubscribed = false; gUniqueMessageIdsCount = 0; gMessageCount = 0; ix::CobraConnection conn; conn.configure(APPKEY, ENDPOINT, SUBSCRIBER_ROLE, SUBSCRIBER_SECRET, ix::WebSocketPerMessageDeflateOptions(true)); conn.connect(); conn.setEventCallback( [&conn] (ix::CobraConnectionEventType eventType, const std::string& errMsg, const ix::WebSocketHttpHeaders& headers, const std::string& subscriptionId, CobraConnection::MsgId msgId) { if (eventType == ix::CobraConnection_EventType_Open) { Logger() << "Subscriber connected:"; } else if (eventType == ix::CobraConnection_EventType_Authenticated) { log("Subscriber authenticated"); std::string filter; conn.subscribe(CHANNEL, filter, [](const Json::Value& msg) { log(msg.toStyledString()); std::string id = msg["id"].asString(); { std::lock_guard guard(gProtectIds); gIds.insert(id); } gMessageCount++; }); } else if (eventType == ix::CobraConnection_EventType_Subscribed) { Logger() << "Subscriber: subscribed to channel " << subscriptionId; if (subscriptionId == CHANNEL) { gSubscriberConnectedAndSubscribed = true; } else { Logger() << "Subscriber: unexpected channel " << subscriptionId; } } else if (eventType == ix::CobraConnection_EventType_UnSubscribed) { Logger() << "Subscriber: ununexpected from channel " << subscriptionId; if (subscriptionId != CHANNEL) { Logger() << "Subscriber: unexpected channel " << subscriptionId; } } else if (eventType == ix::CobraConnection_EventType_Published) { Logger() << "Subscriber: published message acked: " << msgId; } } ); while (!gStop) { std::chrono::duration duration(10); std::this_thread::sleep_for(duration); } conn.unsubscribe(CHANNEL); conn.disconnect(); gUniqueMessageIdsCount = gIds.size(); } } TEST_CASE("Cobra_Metrics_Publisher", "[cobra]") { snake::AppConfig appConfig = makeSnakeServerConfig(8009); snake::SnakeServer snakeServer(appConfig); snakeServer.run(); // Make channel name unique CHANNEL += uuid4(); gStop = false; std::thread bgThread(&startSubscriber); int timeout = 10 * 1000; // 10s // Wait until the subscriber is ready (authenticated + subscription successful) while (!gSubscriberConnectedAndSubscribed) { std::chrono::duration duration(10); std::this_thread::sleep_for(duration); timeout -= 10; if (timeout <= 0) { REQUIRE(false); // timeout } } ix::CobraMetricsPublisher cobraMetricsPublisher; bool perMessageDeflate = true; cobraMetricsPublisher.configure(APPKEY, ENDPOINT, CHANNEL, PUBLISHER_ROLE, PUBLISHER_SECRET, perMessageDeflate); cobraMetricsPublisher.setSession(uuid4()); cobraMetricsPublisher.enable(true); // disabled by default, needs to be enabled to be active Json::Value data; data["foo"] = "bar"; // (1) Publish without restrictions cobraMetricsPublisher.push("sms_metric_A_id", data); // (msg #1) cobraMetricsPublisher.push("sms_metric_B_id", data); // (msg #2) // (2) Restrict what is sent using a blacklist // Add one entry to the blacklist // (will send msg #3) cobraMetricsPublisher.setBlacklist({ "sms_metric_B_id" // this id will not be sent }); // (msg #4) cobraMetricsPublisher.push("sms_metric_A_id", data); // ... cobraMetricsPublisher.push("sms_metric_B_id", data); // this won't be sent // Reset the blacklist // (msg #5) cobraMetricsPublisher.setBlacklist({}); // 4. // (3) Restrict what is sent using rate control // (msg #6) cobraMetricsPublisher.setRateControl({ {"sms_metric_C_id", 1}, // published once per minute (60 seconds) max }); // (msg #7) cobraMetricsPublisher.push("sms_metric_C_id", data); cobraMetricsPublisher.push("sms_metric_C_id", data); // this won't be sent ix::msleep(1400); // (msg #8) cobraMetricsPublisher.push("sms_metric_C_id", data); // now this will be sent ix::msleep(600); // wait a bit so that the last message is sent and can be received log("Testing suspend/resume now, which will disconnect the cobraMetricsPublisher."); // Test suspend + resume for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i) { cobraMetricsPublisher.suspend(); ix::msleep(500); REQUIRE(!cobraMetricsPublisher.isConnected()); // Check that we are not connected anymore cobraMetricsPublisher.push("sms_metric_D_id", data); // will not be sent this time cobraMetricsPublisher.resume(); ix::msleep(2000); // give cobra 2s to connect REQUIRE(cobraMetricsPublisher.isConnected()); // Check that we are connected now cobraMetricsPublisher.push("sms_metric_E_id", data); } ix::msleep(500); // Now stop the thread gStop = true; bgThread.join(); // // Validate that we received all message kinds, and the correct number of messages // CHECK(gIds.count("sms_metric_A_id") == 1); CHECK(gIds.count("sms_metric_B_id") == 1); CHECK(gIds.count("sms_metric_C_id") == 1); CHECK(gIds.count("sms_metric_D_id") == 1); CHECK(gIds.count("sms_metric_E_id") == 1); CHECK(gIds.count("sms_set_rate_control_id") == 1); CHECK(gIds.count("sms_set_blacklist_id") == 1); snakeServer.stop(); }