/* This benchmark establishes _connections_ number of WebSocket clients, then iteratively performs the following: 1. Send one message for every client. 2. Wait for the quadratic (_connections_^2) amount of responses from the server. 3. Once received all expected bytes, repeat by going to step 1. Every 4 seconds we print the current average "iterations per second". */ #include int SSL; #include #include #include unsigned char web_socket_request[26] = {130, 128 | 20, 1, 2, 3, 4}; char request[] = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Upgrade: websocket\r\n" "Connection: Upgrade\r\n" "Sec-WebSocket-Key: x3JJHMbDL1EzLkh9GBhXDw==\r\n" "Host: server.example.com\r\n" "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n\r\n"; char *host; int port; int connections; int satisfied_sockets; int iterations; struct http_socket { /* How far we have streamed our websocket request */ int offset; /* How far we have streamed our upgrade request */ int upgrade_offset; /* Are we upgraded? */ int is_upgraded; /* Bytes received */ int bytes_received; }; /* We track upgraded websockets */ void **web_sockets; int num_web_sockets; /* We don't need any of these */ void noop(struct us_loop_t *loop) { } void start_iteration() { for (int i = 0; i < num_web_sockets; i++) { struct us_socket_t *s = (struct us_socket_t *) web_sockets[i]; struct http_socket *http_socket = (struct http_socket *) us_socket_ext(SSL, s); http_socket->offset = us_socket_write(SSL, s, (char *) web_socket_request, sizeof(web_socket_request), 0); } } void next_connection(struct us_socket_t *s) { /* Add this connection to our array */ web_sockets[num_web_sockets++] = s; /* We could wait with this until properly upgraded */ if (--connections) { us_socket_context_connect(SSL, us_socket_context(SSL, s), host, port, 0, sizeof(struct http_socket)); } else { printf("Running benchmark now...\n"); start_iteration(); us_socket_timeout(SSL, s, LIBUS_TIMEOUT_GRANULARITY); } } struct us_socket_t *on_http_socket_writable(struct us_socket_t *s) { struct http_socket *http_socket = (struct http_socket *) us_socket_ext(SSL, s); /* Are we still not upgraded yet? */ if (http_socket->upgrade_offset < sizeof(request) - 1) { http_socket->upgrade_offset += us_socket_write(SSL, s, request + http_socket->upgrade_offset, sizeof(request) - 1 - http_socket->upgrade_offset, 0); } else { /* Stream whatever is remaining of the request */ http_socket->offset += us_socket_write(SSL, s, (char *) web_socket_request + http_socket->offset, sizeof(web_socket_request) - http_socket->offset, 0); } return s; } struct us_socket_t *on_http_socket_close(struct us_socket_t *s) { printf("Client was disconnected, exiting!\n"); exit(-1); return s; } struct us_socket_t *on_http_socket_end(struct us_socket_t *s) { return us_socket_close(SSL, s); } struct us_socket_t *on_http_socket_data(struct us_socket_t *s, char *data, int length) { /* Get socket extension and the socket's context's extension */ struct http_socket *http_socket = (struct http_socket *) us_socket_ext(SSL, s); /* Are we already upgraded? */ if (http_socket->is_upgraded) { http_socket->bytes_received += length; if (http_socket->bytes_received == (sizeof(web_socket_request) - 4) * num_web_sockets) { satisfied_sockets++; http_socket->bytes_received = 0; if (satisfied_sockets == num_web_sockets) { iterations++; satisfied_sockets = 0; start_iteration(); } } } else { /* We assume the server is not sending anything immediately following upgrade and that we get rnrn in one chunk */ if (length >= 4 && data[length - 1] == '\n' && data[length - 2] == '\r' && data[length - 3] == '\n' && data[length - 4] == '\r') { http_socket->is_upgraded = 1; next_connection(s); } } return s; } struct us_socket_t *on_http_socket_open(struct us_socket_t *s, int is_client, char *ip, int ip_length) { struct http_socket *http_socket = (struct http_socket *) us_socket_ext(SSL, s); /* Reset offsets */ http_socket->offset = 0; http_socket->is_upgraded = 0; http_socket->bytes_received = 0; /* Send an upgrade request */ http_socket->upgrade_offset = us_socket_write(SSL, s, request, sizeof(request) - 1, 0); return s; } struct us_socket_t *on_http_socket_timeout(struct us_socket_t *s) { /* Print current statistics */ printf("Iterations/second (%d clients): %f\n", num_web_sockets, ((float)iterations) / LIBUS_TIMEOUT_GRANULARITY); iterations = 0; us_socket_timeout(SSL, s, LIBUS_TIMEOUT_GRANULARITY); return s; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* Parse host and port */ if (argc != 5) { printf("Usage: connections host port ssl\n"); return 0; } port = atoi(argv[3]); host = malloc(strlen(argv[2]) + 1); memcpy(host, argv[2], strlen(argv[2]) + 1); connections = atoi(argv[1]); SSL = atoi(argv[4]); /* Allocate room for every socket */ web_sockets = (void **) malloc(sizeof(void *) * connections); /* Create the event loop */ struct us_loop_t *loop = us_create_loop(0, noop, noop, noop, 0); /* Create a socket context for HTTP */ struct us_socket_context_options_t options = {}; struct us_socket_context_t *http_context = us_create_socket_context(SSL, loop, 0, options); /* Set up event handlers */ us_socket_context_on_open(SSL, http_context, on_http_socket_open); us_socket_context_on_data(SSL, http_context, on_http_socket_data); us_socket_context_on_writable(SSL, http_context, on_http_socket_writable); us_socket_context_on_close(SSL, http_context, on_http_socket_close); us_socket_context_on_timeout(SSL, http_context, on_http_socket_timeout); us_socket_context_on_end(SSL, http_context, on_http_socket_end); /* Start making HTTP connections */ us_socket_context_connect(SSL, http_context, host, port, 0, sizeof(struct http_socket)); us_loop_run(loop); }