/* * IXRedisServer.cpp * Author: Benjamin Sergeant * Copyright (c) 2019 Machine Zone, Inc. All rights reserved. */ #include "IXRedisServer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace ix { RedisServer::RedisServer(int port, const std::string& host, int backlog, size_t maxConnections, int addressFamily) : SocketServer(port, host, backlog, maxConnections, addressFamily) , _connectedClientsCount(0) , _stopHandlingConnections(false) { ; } RedisServer::~RedisServer() { stop(); } void RedisServer::stop() { stopAcceptingConnections(); _stopHandlingConnections = true; while (_connectedClientsCount != 0) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(10)); } _stopHandlingConnections = false; SocketServer::stop(); } void RedisServer::handleConnection(std::unique_ptr socket, std::shared_ptr connectionState) { _connectedClientsCount++; while (!_stopHandlingConnections) { std::vector tokens; if (!parseRequest(socket, tokens)) { if (_stopHandlingConnections) { logError("Cancellation requested"); } else { logError("Error parsing request"); } break; } bool success = false; // publish if (tokens[0] == "COMMAND") { success = handleCommand(socket, tokens); } else if (tokens[0] == "PUBLISH") { success = handlePublish(socket, tokens); } else if (tokens[0] == "SUBSCRIBE") { success = handleSubscribe(socket, tokens); } if (!success) { if (_stopHandlingConnections) { logError("Cancellation requested"); } else { logError("Error processing request for command: " + tokens[0]); } break; } } cleanupSubscribers(socket); logInfo("Connection closed for connection id " + connectionState->getId()); connectionState->setTerminated(); _connectedClientsCount--; } void RedisServer::cleanupSubscribers(std::unique_ptr& socket) { std::lock_guard lock(_mutex); for (auto&& it : _subscribers) { it.second.erase(socket.get()); } for (auto it : _subscribers) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Subscription id: " << it.first << " #subscribers: " << it.second.size(); logInfo(ss.str()); } } size_t RedisServer::getConnectedClientsCount() { return _connectedClientsCount; } bool RedisServer::startsWith(const std::string& str, const std::string& start) { return str.compare(0, start.length(), start) == 0; } std::string RedisServer::writeString(const std::string& str) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "$"; ss << str.size(); ss << "\r\n"; ss << str; ss << "\r\n"; return ss.str(); } bool RedisServer::parseRequest( std::unique_ptr& socket, std::vector& tokens) { // Parse first line auto cb = makeCancellationRequestWithTimeout(30, _stopHandlingConnections); auto lineResult = socket->readLine(cb); auto lineValid = lineResult.first; auto line = lineResult.second; if (!lineValid) return false; std::string str = line.substr(1); std::stringstream ss; ss << str; int count; ss >> count; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { auto lineResult = socket->readLine(cb); auto lineValid = lineResult.first; auto line = lineResult.second; if (!lineValid) return false; int stringSize; std::stringstream ss; ss << line.substr(1, line.size() - 1); ss >> stringSize; auto readResult = socket->readBytes(stringSize, nullptr, nullptr); if (!readResult.first) return false; // read last 2 bytes (\r\n) char c; socket->readByte(&c, nullptr); socket->readByte(&c, nullptr); tokens.push_back(readResult.second); } return true; } bool RedisServer::handleCommand( std::unique_ptr& socket, const std::vector& tokens) { if (tokens.size() != 1) return false; auto cb = makeCancellationRequestWithTimeout(30, _stopHandlingConnections); std::stringstream ss; // return 2 nested arrays ss << "*2\r\n"; // // publish // ss << "*6\r\n"; ss << writeString("publish"); // 1 ss << ":3\r\n"; // 2 ss << "*0\r\n"; // 3 ss << ":1\r\n"; // 4 ss << ":2\r\n"; // 5 ss << ":1\r\n"; // 6 // // subscribe // ss << "*6\r\n"; ss << writeString("subscribe"); // 1 ss << ":2\r\n"; // 2 ss << "*0\r\n"; // 3 ss << ":1\r\n"; // 4 ss << ":1\r\n"; // 5 ss << ":1\r\n"; // 6 socket->writeBytes(ss.str(), cb); return true; } bool RedisServer::handleSubscribe( std::unique_ptr& socket, const std::vector& tokens) { if (tokens.size() != 2) return false; auto cb = makeCancellationRequestWithTimeout(30, _stopHandlingConnections); std::string channel = tokens[1]; // Respond socket->writeBytes("*3\r\n", cb); socket->writeBytes(writeString("subscribe"), cb); socket->writeBytes(writeString(channel), cb); socket->writeBytes(":1\r\n", cb); std::lock_guard lock(_mutex); _subscribers[channel].insert(socket.get()); return true; } bool RedisServer::handlePublish( std::unique_ptr& socket, const std::vector& tokens) { if (tokens.size() != 3) return false; auto cb = makeCancellationRequestWithTimeout(30, _stopHandlingConnections); std::string channel = tokens[1]; std::string data = tokens[2]; // now dispatch the message to subscribers (write custom method) std::lock_guard lock(_mutex); auto it = _subscribers.find(channel); if (it == _subscribers.end()) { // return the number of clients that received the message, 0 in that case socket->writeBytes(":0\r\n", cb); return true; } auto subscribers = it->second; for (auto jt : subscribers) { jt->writeBytes("*3\r\n", cb); jt->writeBytes(writeString("message"), cb); jt->writeBytes(writeString(channel), cb); jt->writeBytes(writeString(data), cb); } // return the number of clients that received the message. std::stringstream ss; ss << ":" << std::to_string(subscribers.size()) << "\r\n"; socket->writeBytes(ss.str(), cb); return true; } } // namespace ix