#include "mbedtls/nist_kw.h"

 * depends_on:MBEDTLS_NIST_KW_C

void mbedtls_nist_kw_self_test( )
    TEST_ASSERT( mbedtls_nist_kw_self_test( 1 ) == 0 );
/* END_CASE */

/* BEGIN_CASE depends_on:MBEDTLS_AES_C */
void mbedtls_nist_kw_mix_contexts( )
    mbedtls_nist_kw_context ctx1, ctx2;
    unsigned char key[16];
    unsigned char plaintext[32];
    unsigned char ciphertext1[40];
    unsigned char ciphertext2[40];
    size_t output_len, i;

    memset( plaintext, 0, sizeof( plaintext ) );
    memset( ciphertext1, 0, sizeof( ciphertext1 ) );
    memset( ciphertext2, 0, sizeof( ciphertext2 ) );
    memset( key, 0, sizeof( key ) );

     * 1. Check wrap and unwrap with two separate contexts
    mbedtls_nist_kw_init( &ctx1 );
    mbedtls_nist_kw_init( &ctx2 );

    TEST_ASSERT( mbedtls_nist_kw_setkey( &ctx1,
                                         key, sizeof( key ) * 8,
                                         1 ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( mbedtls_nist_kw_wrap( &ctx1, MBEDTLS_KW_MODE_KW,
                                       plaintext, sizeof( plaintext ),
                                       ciphertext1, &output_len,
                                       sizeof( ciphertext1 ) ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( output_len == sizeof( ciphertext1 ) );

    TEST_ASSERT( mbedtls_nist_kw_setkey( &ctx2,
                                         key, sizeof( key ) * 8,
                                         0 ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( mbedtls_nist_kw_unwrap( &ctx2, MBEDTLS_KW_MODE_KW,
                                         ciphertext1, output_len,
                                         plaintext, &output_len,
                                         sizeof( plaintext ) ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( output_len == sizeof( plaintext ) );
    for( i = 0; i < sizeof( plaintext ); i++ )
        TEST_ASSERT( plaintext[i] == 0 );
    mbedtls_nist_kw_free( &ctx1 );
    mbedtls_nist_kw_free( &ctx2 );

     * 2. Check wrapping with two modes, on same context
    mbedtls_nist_kw_init( &ctx1 );
    mbedtls_nist_kw_init( &ctx2 );
    output_len = sizeof( ciphertext1 );

    TEST_ASSERT( mbedtls_nist_kw_setkey( &ctx1,
                                         key, sizeof( key ) * 8,
                                         1 ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( mbedtls_nist_kw_wrap( &ctx1, MBEDTLS_KW_MODE_KW,
                                       plaintext, sizeof( plaintext ),
                                       ciphertext1, &output_len,
                                       sizeof( ciphertext1 ) ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( output_len == sizeof( ciphertext1 ) );

    TEST_ASSERT( mbedtls_nist_kw_wrap( &ctx1, MBEDTLS_KW_MODE_KWP,
                                       plaintext, sizeof( plaintext ),
                                       ciphertext2, &output_len,
                                       sizeof( ciphertext2 ) ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( output_len == sizeof( ciphertext2 ) );

    TEST_ASSERT( mbedtls_nist_kw_setkey( &ctx2,
                                         key, sizeof( key ) * 8,
                                         0 ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( mbedtls_nist_kw_unwrap( &ctx2, MBEDTLS_KW_MODE_KW,
                                         ciphertext1, sizeof( ciphertext1 ),
                                         plaintext, &output_len,
                                         sizeof( plaintext ) ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( output_len == sizeof( plaintext ) );

    for( i = 0; i < sizeof( plaintext ); i++ )
        TEST_ASSERT( plaintext[i] == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( mbedtls_nist_kw_unwrap( &ctx2, MBEDTLS_KW_MODE_KWP,
                                         ciphertext2, sizeof( ciphertext2 ),
                                         plaintext, &output_len,
                                         sizeof( plaintext ) ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( output_len == sizeof( plaintext ) );

    for( i = 0; i < sizeof( plaintext ); i++ )
        TEST_ASSERT( plaintext[i] == 0 );

    mbedtls_nist_kw_free( &ctx1 );
    mbedtls_nist_kw_free( &ctx2 );
/* END_CASE */

void mbedtls_nist_kw_setkey( int cipher_id, int key_size,
                             int is_wrap, int result )
    mbedtls_nist_kw_context ctx;
    unsigned char key[32];
    int ret;

    mbedtls_nist_kw_init( &ctx );

    memset( key, 0x2A, sizeof( key ) );
    TEST_ASSERT( (unsigned) key_size <= 8 * sizeof( key ) );

    ret = mbedtls_nist_kw_setkey( &ctx, cipher_id, key, key_size, is_wrap );
    TEST_ASSERT( ret == result );

    mbedtls_nist_kw_free( &ctx );
/* END_CASE */

/* BEGIN_CASE depends_on:MBEDTLS_AES_C */
void nist_kw_plaintext_lengths( int in_len, int out_len, int mode, int res )
    mbedtls_nist_kw_context ctx;
    unsigned char key[16];
    unsigned char *plaintext = NULL;
    unsigned char *ciphertext = NULL;
    size_t output_len = out_len;

    mbedtls_nist_kw_init( &ctx );

    memset( key, 0, sizeof( key ) );

    if( in_len != 0 )
        plaintext = mbedtls_calloc( 1, in_len );
        TEST_ASSERT( plaintext != NULL );

    if( out_len != 0 )
        ciphertext = mbedtls_calloc( 1, output_len );
        TEST_ASSERT( ciphertext != NULL );

    memset( plaintext, 0, in_len );
    memset( ciphertext, 0, output_len );

    TEST_ASSERT( mbedtls_nist_kw_setkey( &ctx, MBEDTLS_CIPHER_ID_AES,
                                         key, 8 * sizeof( key ), 1 ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( mbedtls_nist_kw_wrap( &ctx, mode, plaintext, in_len,
                                      ciphertext, &output_len,
                                      output_len ) == res );
    if( res == 0 )
        if( mode == MBEDTLS_KW_MODE_KWP )
            TEST_ASSERT( output_len == (size_t) in_len + 8 -
                         ( in_len % 8 ) + 8 );
            TEST_ASSERT( output_len == (size_t) in_len + 8 );
        TEST_ASSERT( output_len == 0 );

    mbedtls_free( ciphertext );
    mbedtls_free( plaintext );
    mbedtls_nist_kw_free( &ctx );
/* END_CASE */

/* BEGIN_CASE depends_on:MBEDTLS_AES_C */
void nist_kw_ciphertext_lengths( int in_len, int out_len, int mode, int res )
    mbedtls_nist_kw_context ctx;
    unsigned char key[16];
    unsigned char *plaintext = NULL;
    unsigned char *ciphertext = NULL;
    int unwrap_ret;
    size_t output_len = out_len;

    mbedtls_nist_kw_init( &ctx );

    memset( key, 0, sizeof( key ) );

    if( out_len != 0 )
        plaintext = mbedtls_calloc( 1, output_len );
        TEST_ASSERT( plaintext != NULL );
    if( in_len != 0 )
        ciphertext = mbedtls_calloc( 1, in_len );
        TEST_ASSERT( ciphertext != NULL );

    memset( plaintext, 0, output_len );
    memset( ciphertext, 0, in_len );

    TEST_ASSERT( mbedtls_nist_kw_setkey( &ctx, MBEDTLS_CIPHER_ID_AES,
                                         key, 8 * sizeof( key ), 0 ) == 0 );
    unwrap_ret = mbedtls_nist_kw_unwrap( &ctx, mode, ciphertext, in_len,
                                         plaintext, &output_len,
                                         output_len );

    if( res == 0 )
        TEST_ASSERT( unwrap_ret == res );

    TEST_ASSERT( output_len == 0 );

    mbedtls_free( ciphertext );
    mbedtls_free( plaintext );
    mbedtls_nist_kw_free( &ctx );
/* END_CASE */

void mbedtls_nist_kw_wrap( int cipher_id, int mode,
                           char *key_hex, char *msg_hex,
                           char *result_hex )
    unsigned char key[32];
    unsigned char msg[512];
    unsigned char result[528];
    unsigned char expected_result[528];
    mbedtls_nist_kw_context ctx;
    size_t key_len, msg_len, output_len, result_len, i, padlen;

    mbedtls_nist_kw_init( &ctx );

    memset( key, 0x00, sizeof( key ) );
    memset( msg, 0x00, sizeof( msg ) );
    memset( result, '+', sizeof( result ) );

    key_len = unhexify( key, key_hex );
    msg_len = unhexify( msg, msg_hex );
    result_len = unhexify( expected_result, result_hex );
    output_len = sizeof( result );

    TEST_ASSERT( mbedtls_nist_kw_setkey( &ctx, cipher_id, key, key_len * 8, 1 )
                 == 0 );

    /* Test with input == output */
    TEST_ASSERT( mbedtls_nist_kw_wrap( &ctx, mode, msg, msg_len,
                 result, &output_len, sizeof( result ) ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( output_len == result_len );

    TEST_ASSERT( memcmp( expected_result, result, result_len ) == 0 );

    padlen = ( msg_len % 8 != 0 ) ? 8 - (msg_len % 8 ) : 0;
    /* Check that the function didn't write beyond the end of the buffer. */
    for( i = msg_len + 8 + padlen; i < sizeof( result ); i++ )
        TEST_ASSERT( result[i] == '+' );

    mbedtls_nist_kw_free( &ctx );
/* END_CASE */

void mbedtls_nist_kw_unwrap( int cipher_id, int mode,
                             char *key_hex, char *msg_hex,
                             char *result_hex, int expected_ret )
    unsigned char key[32];
    unsigned char msg[528];
    unsigned char result[528];
    unsigned char expected_result[528];
    mbedtls_nist_kw_context ctx;
    size_t key_len, msg_len, output_len, result_len, i;

    mbedtls_nist_kw_init( &ctx );

    memset( key, 0x00, sizeof( key ) );
    memset( msg, 0x00, sizeof( msg ) );
    memset( result, '+', sizeof( result ) );
    memset( expected_result, 0x00, sizeof( expected_result ) );

    key_len = unhexify( key, key_hex );
    msg_len = unhexify( msg, msg_hex );
    result_len = unhexify( expected_result, result_hex );
    output_len = sizeof( result );

    TEST_ASSERT( mbedtls_nist_kw_setkey( &ctx, cipher_id, key, key_len * 8, 0 )
                 == 0 );

    /* Test with input == output */
    TEST_ASSERT( mbedtls_nist_kw_unwrap( &ctx, mode, msg, msg_len,
                 result, &output_len, sizeof( result ) ) == expected_ret );
    if( expected_ret == 0 )
        TEST_ASSERT( output_len == result_len );
        TEST_ASSERT( memcmp( expected_result, result, result_len ) == 0 );
        TEST_ASSERT( output_len == 0 );

    /* Check that the function didn't write beyond the end of the buffer. */
    for( i = msg_len - 8; i < sizeof( result ); i++ )
        TEST_ASSERT( result[i] == '+' );

    mbedtls_nist_kw_free( &ctx );
/* END_CASE */