/* * ws_cobra_to_sentry.cpp * Author: Benjamin Sergeant * Copyright (c) 2019 Machine Zone, Inc. All rights reserved. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace ix { int ws_cobra_to_sentry_main(const std::string& appkey, const std::string& endpoint, const std::string& rolename, const std::string& rolesecret, const std::string& channel, const std::string& filter, const std::string& dsn, bool verbose, bool strict, int jobs, const ix::SocketTLSOptions& tlsOptions) { ix::CobraConnection conn; conn.configure(appkey, endpoint, rolename, rolesecret, ix::WebSocketPerMessageDeflateOptions(true), tlsOptions); conn.connect(); Json::FastWriter jsonWriter; std::atomic sentCount(0); std::atomic receivedCount(0); std::atomic errorSending(false); std::atomic stop(false); std::atomic throttled(false); std::condition_variable condition; std::mutex conditionVariableMutex; std::queue queue; auto timer = [&sentCount, &receivedCount] { while (true) { spdlog::info("messages received {} sent {}", receivedCount, sentCount); auto duration = std::chrono::seconds(1); std::this_thread::sleep_for(duration); } }; std::thread t1(timer); auto sentrySender = [&condition, &conditionVariableMutex, &queue, verbose, &errorSending, &sentCount, &stop, &throttled, &dsn] { SentryClient sentryClient(dsn); while (true) { Json::Value msg; { std::unique_lock lock(conditionVariableMutex); condition.wait(lock, [&queue, &stop] { return !queue.empty() && !stop; }); msg = queue.front(); queue.pop(); } auto ret = sentryClient.send(msg, verbose); HttpResponsePtr response = ret.first; if (!response) { spdlog::warn("Null HTTP Response"); continue; } if (verbose) { for (auto it : response->headers) { spdlog::info("{}: {}", it.first, it.second); } spdlog::info("Upload size: {}", response->uploadSize); spdlog::info("Download size: {}", response->downloadSize); spdlog::info("Status: {}", response->statusCode); if (response->errorCode != HttpErrorCode::Ok) { spdlog::info("error message: {}", response->errorMsg); } if (response->headers["Content-Type"] != "application/octet-stream") { spdlog::info("payload: {}", response->payload); } } if (response->statusCode != 200) { spdlog::error("Error sending data to sentry: {}", response->statusCode); spdlog::error("Body: {}", ret.second); spdlog::error("Response: {}", response->payload); errorSending = true; // Error 429 Too Many Requests if (response->statusCode == 429) { auto retryAfter = response->headers["Retry-After"]; std::stringstream ss; ss << retryAfter; int seconds; ss >> seconds; if (!ss.eof() || ss.fail()) { seconds = 30; spdlog::warn("Error parsing Retry-After header. " "Using {} for the sleep duration", seconds); } spdlog::warn("Error 429 - Too Many Requests. ws will sleep " "and retry after {} seconds", retryAfter); throttled = true; auto duration = std::chrono::seconds(seconds); std::this_thread::sleep_for(duration); throttled = false; } } else { ++sentCount; } if (stop) return; } }; // Create a thread pool std::cerr << "Starting " << jobs << " sentry sender jobs" << std::endl; std::vector pool; for (int i = 0; i < jobs; i++) { pool.push_back(std::thread(sentrySender)); } conn.setEventCallback([&conn, &channel, &filter, &jsonWriter, verbose, &throttled, &receivedCount, &condition, &conditionVariableMutex, &queue](ix::CobraConnectionEventType eventType, const std::string& errMsg, const ix::WebSocketHttpHeaders& headers, const std::string& subscriptionId, CobraConnection::MsgId msgId) { if (eventType == ix::CobraConnection_EventType_Open) { spdlog::info("Subscriber connected"); for (auto it : headers) { spdlog::info("{}: {}", it.first, it.second); } } if (eventType == ix::CobraConnection_EventType_Closed) { spdlog::info("Subscriber closed"); } else if (eventType == ix::CobraConnection_EventType_Authenticated) { std::cerr << "Subscriber authenticated" << std::endl; conn.subscribe(channel, filter, [&jsonWriter, verbose, &throttled, &receivedCount, &condition, &conditionVariableMutex, &queue](const Json::Value& msg) { if (verbose) { spdlog::info(jsonWriter.write(msg)); } // If we cannot send to sentry fast enough, drop the message if (throttled) { condition.notify_one(); return; } ++receivedCount; { std::unique_lock lock(conditionVariableMutex); queue.push(msg); } condition.notify_one(); }); } else if (eventType == ix::CobraConnection_EventType_Subscribed) { spdlog::info("Subscriber: subscribed to channel {}", subscriptionId); } else if (eventType == ix::CobraConnection_EventType_UnSubscribed) { spdlog::info("Subscriber: unsubscribed from channel {}", subscriptionId); } else if (eventType == ix::CobraConnection_EventType_Error) { spdlog::error("Subscriber: error {}", errMsg); } else if (eventType == ix::CobraConnection_EventType_Published) { spdlog::error("Published message hacked: {}", msgId); } }); while (true) { auto duration = std::chrono::seconds(1); std::this_thread::sleep_for(duration); if (strict && errorSending) break; } conn.disconnect(); // join all the bg threads and stop them. stop = true; for (int i = 0; i < jobs; i++) { spdlog::error("joining thread {}", i); pool[i].join(); } return (strict && errorSending) ? 1 : 0; } } // namespace ix