/* * http_client.cpp * Author: Benjamin Sergeant * Copyright (c) 2019 Machine Zone, Inc. All rights reserved. */ #include <fstream> #include <ixwebsocket/IXHttpClient.h> #include <ixwebsocket/IXSocketTLSOptions.h> #include <ixwebsocket/IXWebSocketHttpHeaders.h> #include <spdlog/spdlog.h> #include <sstream> namespace ix { std::string extractFilename(const std::string& path) { std::string::size_type idx; idx = path.rfind('/'); if (idx != std::string::npos) { std::string filename = path.substr(idx + 1); return filename; } else { return path; } } WebSocketHttpHeaders parseHeaders(const std::string& data) { WebSocketHttpHeaders headers; // Split by \n std::string token; std::stringstream tokenStream(data); while (std::getline(tokenStream, token)) { std::size_t pos = token.rfind(':'); // Bail out if last '.' is found if (pos == std::string::npos) continue; auto key = token.substr(0, pos); auto val = token.substr(pos + 1); spdlog::info("{}: {}", key, val); headers[key] = val; } return headers; } // // Useful endpoint to test HTTP post // https://postman-echo.com/post // HttpParameters parsePostParameters(const std::string& data) { HttpParameters httpParameters; // Split by \n std::string token; std::stringstream tokenStream(data); while (std::getline(tokenStream, token)) { std::size_t pos = token.rfind('='); // Bail out if last '.' is found if (pos == std::string::npos) continue; auto key = token.substr(0, pos); auto val = token.substr(pos + 1); spdlog::info("{}: {}", key, val); httpParameters[key] = val; } return httpParameters; } int ws_http_client_main(const std::string& url, const std::string& headersData, const std::string& data, bool headersOnly, int connectTimeout, int transferTimeout, bool followRedirects, int maxRedirects, bool verbose, bool save, const std::string& output, bool compress, const ix::SocketTLSOptions& tlsOptions) { HttpClient httpClient; httpClient.setTLSOptions(tlsOptions); auto args = httpClient.createRequest(); args->extraHeaders = parseHeaders(headersData); args->connectTimeout = connectTimeout; args->transferTimeout = transferTimeout; args->followRedirects = followRedirects; args->maxRedirects = maxRedirects; args->verbose = verbose; args->compress = compress; args->logger = [](const std::string& msg) { spdlog::info(msg); }; args->onProgressCallback = [](int current, int total) -> bool { spdlog::info("Downloaded {} bytes out of {}", current, total); return true; }; HttpParameters httpParameters = parsePostParameters(data); HttpResponsePtr response; if (headersOnly) { response = httpClient.head(url, args); } else if (data.empty()) { response = httpClient.get(url, args); } else { response = httpClient.post(url, httpParameters, args); } spdlog::info(""); for (auto it : response->headers) { spdlog::info("{}: {}", it.first, it.second); } spdlog::info("Upload size: {}", response->uploadSize); spdlog::info("Download size: {}", response->downloadSize); spdlog::info("Status: {}", response->statusCode); if (response->errorCode != HttpErrorCode::Ok) { spdlog::info("error message: ", response->errorMsg); } if (!headersOnly && response->errorCode == HttpErrorCode::Ok) { if (save || !output.empty()) { // FIMXE we should decode the url first std::string filename = extractFilename(url); if (!output.empty()) { filename = output; } spdlog::info("Writing to disk: {}", filename); std::ofstream out(filename); out.write((char*) &response->payload.front(), response->payload.size()); out.close(); } else { if (response->headers["Content-Type"] != "application/octet-stream") { spdlog::info("payload: {}", response->payload); } else { spdlog::info("Binary output can mess up your terminal."); spdlog::info("Use the -O flag to save the file to disk."); spdlog::info("You can also use the --output option to specify a filename."); } } } return 0; } } // namespace ix