#include "App.h" //#include "../examples/helpers/AsyncFileReader.h" //#include "../examples/helpers/AsyncFileStreamer.h" us_listen_socket *token; int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct PerSocketData { char pad[256]; int hello; }; auto app = uWS::/*SSL*/App({ .key_file_name = "/home/alexhultman/key.pem", .cert_file_name = "/home/alexhultman/cert.pem", .passphrase = "1234" }).any("/anything", [](auto *res, auto *req) { std::cout << "Any route with method: " << req->getMethod() << std::endl; res->end("Hello Any route!"); }).get("/exit", [](auto *res, auto *req) { if (!token) { res->end("Server already closed down!"); return; } res->end("Closing down server now"); /* Use this route to signal stop listening */ us_listen_socket_close(token); token = nullptr; }).ws<PerSocketData>("/*", { /* Settings */ .compression = uWS::DEDICATED_COMPRESSOR, .maxPayloadLength = 16 * 1024 * 1024, .idleTimeout = 10, /* Handlers */ .open = [](auto *ws, auto *req) { std::cout << "WebSocket connected" << std::endl; /* Access per socket data */ PerSocketData *perSocketData = (PerSocketData *) ws->getUserData(); perSocketData->hello = 13; }, .message = [](auto *ws, std::string_view message, uWS::OpCode opCode) { ws->send(message, opCode, true); PerSocketData *perSocketData = (PerSocketData *) ws->getUserData(); std::cout << "OK per socket data: " << (perSocketData->hello == 13) << std::endl; }, .drain = [](auto *ws) { std::cout << "Drainage: " << ws->getBufferedAmount() << std::endl; }, .ping = [](auto *ws) { std::cout << "Ping" << std::endl; }, .pong = [](auto *ws) { std::cout << "Pong" << std::endl; }, .close = [](auto *ws, int code, std::string_view message) { std::cout << "WebSocket disconnected: " << code << "[" << message << "]" << std::endl; /* Access per socket data */ PerSocketData *perSocketData = (PerSocketData *) ws->getUserData(); std::cout << "OK per socket data: " << (perSocketData->hello == 13) << std::endl; } }).listen(9001, [](auto *token) { ::token = token; if (token) { std::cout << "Listening on port " << 3000 << std::endl; } }).run(); std::cout << "Everything fine, falling through" << std::endl; // return 0; // AsyncFileStreamer *asyncFileStreamer = new AsyncFileStreamer("/home/alexhultman/v0.15/public"); // uWS::/*SSL*/App(/*{ // .key_file_name = "/home/alexhultman/uWebSockets/misc/ssl/key.pem", // .cert_file_name = "/home/alexhultman/uWebSockets/misc/ssl/cert.pem", // .dh_params_file_name = "/home/alexhultman/dhparams.pem", // .passphrase = "1234" // }*/)/*.get("/*", [](auto *res, auto *req) { // res->end("GET /WILDCARD"); // })*/.get("/:param1/:param2", [](auto *res, auto *req) { // res->write("GET /:param1/:param2 = "); // res->write(req->getParameter(0)); // res->write(" and "); // res->end(req->getParameter(1)); // }).post("/hello", [asyncFileStreamer](auto *res, auto *req) { // // depending on the file type we want to also add mime! // //asyncFileStreamer->streamFile(res, req->getUrl()); // res->end("POST /hello"); // }).get("/hello", [](auto *res, auto *req) { // res->end("GET /hello"); // }).unhandled([](auto *res, auto *req) { // res->writeStatus("404 Not Found"); // res->writeHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"); // res->end("<h1>404 Not Found</h1><i>µWebSockets v0.15</i>"); // }).listen(3000, [](auto *token) { // if (token) { // std::cout << "Listening on port " << 3000 << std::endl; // } // }).run(); }