#include "msgpack11.hpp" #include <cassert> #include <cmath> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstdio> #include <limits> #include <array> #include <tuple> #include <algorithm> #include <functional> #include <stdexcept> namespace msgpack11 { static const int max_depth = 200; using std::string; using std::vector; using std::map; using std::make_shared; using std::initializer_list; using std::move; /* Helper for representing null - just a do-nothing struct, plus comparison * operators so the helpers in MsgPackValue work. We can't use nullptr_t because * it may not be orderable. */ struct NullStruct { bool operator==(NullStruct) const { return true; } bool operator<(NullStruct) const { return false; } }; /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MasPackValue */ class MsgPackValue { public: virtual bool equals(const MsgPackValue * other) const = 0; virtual bool less(const MsgPackValue * other) const = 0; virtual void dump(std::string &out) const = 0; virtual MsgPack::Type type() const = 0; virtual double number_value() const; virtual float float32_value() const; virtual double float64_value() const; virtual int32_t int_value() const; virtual int8_t int8_value() const; virtual int16_t int16_value() const; virtual int32_t int32_value() const; virtual int64_t int64_value() const; virtual uint8_t uint8_value() const; virtual uint16_t uint16_value() const; virtual uint32_t uint32_value() const; virtual uint64_t uint64_value() const; virtual bool bool_value() const; virtual const std::string &string_value() const; virtual const MsgPack::array &array_items() const; virtual const MsgPack::binary &binary_items() const; virtual const MsgPack &operator[](size_t i) const; virtual const MsgPack::object &object_items() const; virtual const MsgPack &operator[](const std::string &key) const; virtual const MsgPack::extension &extension_items() const; virtual ~MsgPackValue() {} }; /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Serialization */ namespace { static const union { uint16_t dummy; uint8_t bytes[2]; } endian_check_data { 0x0001 }; static const bool is_big_endian = endian_check_data.bytes[0] == 0x00; template< typename T > struct EndianConverter { union { T packed; std::array<uint8_t, sizeof(T)> bytes; } value; }; template< typename T > void dump_data(T value, std::string &out) { EndianConverter<T> converter; converter.value.packed = value; auto f = [&](uint8_t byte) { out.push_back(byte); }; if(is_big_endian) { std::for_each(converter.value.bytes.begin(), converter.value.bytes.end(), f); } else { std::for_each(converter.value.bytes.rbegin(), converter.value.bytes.rend(), f); } } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MZ HACK: Address additional newer versions of clang complaining when size_t is equivalent to uint32_t */ static void verify_length(size_t len) { constexpr bool size_t_greater_than_uint32_t = sizeof(size_t) > sizeof(uint32_t); // Lengths must be 32-bit or less, so only check when size_t can represent values greater than 32-bit if (size_t_greater_than_uint32_t) { static_assert(sizeof(size_t) <= sizeof(uint64_t), "Times changed and size_t grew"); if (static_cast<uint64_t>(len) > 0xffffffff) throw std::runtime_error("exceeded maximum data length"); } } static void dump(NullStruct, std::string &out) { out.push_back((char) 0xc0); } static void dump(float value, std::string &out) { out.push_back((char) 0xca); dump_data(value, out); } static void dump(double value, std::string &out) { out.push_back((char) 0xcb); dump_data(value, out); } static void dump(int8_t value, std::string &out) { if( value < -32 ) { out.push_back((char) 0xd0); } out.push_back(value); } static void dump(int16_t value, std::string &out) { out.push_back((char) 0xd1); dump_data(value, out); } static void dump(int32_t value, std::string &out) { out.push_back((char) 0xd2); dump_data(value, out); } static void dump(int64_t value, std::string &out) { out.push_back((char) 0xd3); dump_data(value, out); } static void dump(uint8_t value, std::string &out) { if(128 <= value) { out.push_back((char) 0xcc); } out.push_back(value); } static void dump(uint16_t value, std::string &out) { out.push_back((char) 0xcd); dump_data(value, out); } static void dump(uint32_t value, std::string &out) { out.push_back((char) 0xce); dump_data(value, out); } static void dump(uint64_t value, std::string &out) { out.push_back((char) 0xcf); dump_data(value, out); } static void dump(bool value, std::string &out) { const uint8_t msgpack_value = (value) ? 0xc3 : 0xc2; out.push_back(msgpack_value); } static void dump(const std::string& value, std::string &out) { size_t const len = value.size(); verify_length(len); if(len <= 0x1f) { uint8_t const first_byte = 0xa0 | static_cast<uint8_t>(len); out.push_back(first_byte); } else if(len <= 0xff) { uint8_t const length = static_cast<uint8_t>(len); out.push_back((char) 0xd9); out.push_back(length); } else if(len <= 0xffff) { uint16_t const length = static_cast<uint16_t>(len); out.push_back((char) 0xda); dump_data(length, out); } else { uint32_t const length = static_cast<uint32_t>(len); out.push_back((char) 0xdb); dump_data(length, out); } std::for_each(std::begin(value), std::end(value), [&out](char v){ dump_data(v, out); }); } static void dump(const MsgPack::array& value, std::string &out) { size_t const len = value.size(); verify_length(len); if(len <= 15) { uint8_t const first_byte = 0x90 | static_cast<uint8_t>(len); out.push_back(first_byte); } else if(len <= 0xffff) { uint16_t const length = static_cast<uint16_t>(len); out.push_back((char) 0xdc); dump_data(length, out); } else { uint32_t const length = static_cast<uint32_t>(len); out.push_back((char) 0xdd); dump_data(length, out); } std::for_each(std::begin(value), std::end(value), [&out](MsgPack::array::value_type const& v){ v.dump(out); }); } static void dump(const MsgPack::object& value, std::string &out) { size_t const len = value.size(); verify_length(len); if(len <= 15) { uint8_t const first_byte = 0x80 | static_cast<uint8_t>(len); out.push_back(first_byte); } else if(len <= 0xffff) { uint16_t const length = static_cast<uint16_t>(len); out.push_back((char) 0xde); dump_data(length, out); } else { uint32_t const length = static_cast<uint32_t>(len); out.push_back((char) 0xdf); dump_data(length, out); } std::for_each(std::begin(value), std::end(value), [&out](MsgPack::object::value_type const& v){ v.first.dump(out); v.second.dump(out); }); } static void dump(const MsgPack::binary& value, std::string &out) { size_t const len = value.size(); verify_length(len); if(len <= 0xff) { uint8_t const length = static_cast<uint8_t>(len); out.push_back((char) 0xc4); dump_data(length, out); } else if(len <= 0xffff) { uint16_t const length = static_cast<uint16_t>(len); out.push_back((char) 0xc5); dump_data(length, out); } else { uint32_t const length = static_cast<uint32_t>(len); out.push_back((char) 0xc6); dump_data(length, out); } std::for_each(std::begin(value), std::end(value), [&out](MsgPack::binary::value_type const& v){ out.push_back(v); }); } static void dump(const MsgPack::extension& value, std::string &out) { const uint8_t type = std::get<0>( value ); const MsgPack::binary& data = std::get<1>( value ); const size_t len = data.size(); verify_length(len); if(len == 0x01) { out.push_back((char) 0xd4); } else if(len == 0x02) { out.push_back((char) 0xd5); } else if(len == 0x04) { out.push_back((char) 0xd6); } else if(len == 0x08) { out.push_back((char) 0xd7); } else if(len == 0x10) { out.push_back((char) 0xd8); } else if(len <= 0xff) { uint8_t const length = static_cast<uint8_t>(len); out.push_back((char) 0xc7); out.push_back(length); } else if(len <= 0xffff) { uint16_t const length = static_cast<uint16_t>(len); out.push_back((char) 0xc8); dump_data(length, out); } else { uint32_t const length = static_cast<uint32_t>(len); out.push_back((char) 0xc9); dump_data(length, out); } out.push_back(type); std::for_each(std::begin(data), std::end(data), [&out](uint8_t const& v){ out.push_back(v); }); } } void MsgPack::dump(std::string &out) const { m_ptr->dump(out); } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Value wrappers */ template <MsgPack::Type tag, typename T> class Value : public MsgPackValue { protected: // Constructors explicit Value(const T &value) : m_value(value) {} explicit Value(T &&value) : m_value(move(value)) {} // Get type tag MsgPack::Type type() const override { return tag; } // Comparisons bool equals(const MsgPackValue * other) const override { bool const is_same_type = tag == other->type(); return is_same_type && (m_value == static_cast<const Value<tag, T> *>(other)->m_value); } bool less(const MsgPackValue * other) const override { bool const is_same_type = tag == other->type(); bool const is_less_type = tag < other->type(); return is_less_type || (is_same_type && (m_value < static_cast<const Value<tag, T> *>(other)->m_value)); } const T m_value; void dump(std::string &out) const override { msgpack11::dump(m_value, out); } }; bool equal_uint64_int64( uint64_t uint64_value, int64_t int64_value ) { bool const is_positive = 0 <= int64_value; bool const is_leq_int64_max = uint64_value <= std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(); return is_positive && is_leq_int64_max && ( uint64_value == static_cast<uint64_t>(int64_value)); } bool less_uint64_int64( uint64_t uint64_value, int64_t int64_value ) { bool const is_positive = 0 <= int64_value; bool const is_leq_int64_max = uint64_value <= std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(); return is_positive && is_leq_int64_max && ( uint64_value < static_cast<uint64_t>(int64_value)); } bool less_int64_uint64( int64_t int64_value, uint64_t uint64_value ) { bool const is_negative = int64_value < 0; bool const is_gt_int64_max = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() < uint64_value; return is_negative || is_gt_int64_max || ( static_cast<uint64_t>(int64_value) < uint64_value ); } template <MsgPack::Type tag, typename T> class NumberValue : public Value<tag, T> { protected: // Constructors explicit NumberValue(const T &value) : Value<tag, T>(value) {} explicit NumberValue(T &&value) : Value<tag, T>(move(value)) {} bool equals(const MsgPackValue * other) const override { switch( other->type() ) { case MsgPack::FLOAT32 : // fall through case MsgPack::FLOAT64 : // fall through case MsgPack::UINT8 : // fall through case MsgPack::UINT16 : // fall through case MsgPack::UINT32 : // fall through case MsgPack::UINT64 : // fall through case MsgPack::INT8 : // fall through case MsgPack::INT16 : // fall through case MsgPack::INT32 : // fall through case MsgPack::INT64 : // fall through { return float64_value() == other->float64_value(); } break; default : { return Value<tag,T>::equals( other ); } break; } } bool less(const MsgPackValue * other) const override { switch( other->type() ) { case MsgPack::FLOAT32 : // fall through case MsgPack::FLOAT64 : // fall through case MsgPack::UINT8 : // fall through case MsgPack::UINT16 : // fall through case MsgPack::UINT32 : // fall through case MsgPack::UINT64 : // fall through case MsgPack::INT8 : // fall through case MsgPack::INT16 : // fall through case MsgPack::INT32 : // fall through case MsgPack::INT64 : // fall through { return float64_value() < other->float64_value(); } break; default : { return Value<tag,T>::less( other ); } break; } } double number_value() const override { return static_cast<double>( Value<tag,T>::m_value ); } float float32_value() const override { return static_cast<float>( Value<tag,T>::m_value ); } double float64_value() const override { return static_cast<double>( Value<tag,T>::m_value ); } int32_t int_value() const override { return static_cast<int32_t>( Value<tag,T>::m_value ); } int8_t int8_value() const override { return static_cast<int8_t>( Value<tag,T>::m_value ); } int16_t int16_value() const override { return static_cast<int16_t>( Value<tag,T>::m_value ); } int32_t int32_value() const override { return static_cast<int32_t>( Value<tag,T>::m_value ); } int64_t int64_value() const override { return static_cast<int64_t>( Value<tag,T>::m_value ); } uint8_t uint8_value() const override { return static_cast<uint8_t>( Value<tag,T>::m_value ); } uint16_t uint16_value() const override { return static_cast<uint16_t>( Value<tag,T>::m_value ); } uint32_t uint32_value() const override { return static_cast<uint32_t>( Value<tag,T>::m_value ); } uint64_t uint64_value() const override { return static_cast<uint64_t>( Value<tag,T>::m_value ); } }; class MsgPackFloat final : public NumberValue<MsgPack::FLOAT32, float> { public: explicit MsgPackFloat(float value) : NumberValue(value) {} }; class MsgPackDouble final : public NumberValue<MsgPack::FLOAT64, double> { public: explicit MsgPackDouble(double value) : NumberValue(value) {} }; class MsgPackInt8 final : public NumberValue<MsgPack::INT8, int8_t> { public: explicit MsgPackInt8(int8_t value) : NumberValue(value) {} }; class MsgPackInt16 final : public NumberValue<MsgPack::INT16, int16_t> { public: explicit MsgPackInt16(int16_t value) : NumberValue(value) {} }; class MsgPackInt32 final : public NumberValue<MsgPack::INT32, int32_t> { public: explicit MsgPackInt32(int32_t value) : NumberValue(value) {} }; class MsgPackInt64 final : public NumberValue<MsgPack::INT64, int64_t> { bool equals(const MsgPackValue * other) const override { switch( other->type() ) { case MsgPack::INT64 : { return int64_value() == other->int64_value(); } break; case MsgPack::UINT64 : { return equal_uint64_int64( other->uint64_value(), int64_value() ); } break; default : { return NumberValue<MsgPack::INT64, int64_t>::equals( other ); } } } bool less(const MsgPackValue * other) const override { switch( other->type() ) { case MsgPack::INT64 : { return int64_value() < other->int64_value(); } break; case MsgPack::UINT64 : { return less_int64_uint64( int64_value(), other->uint64_value() ); } break; default : { return NumberValue<MsgPack::INT64, int64_t>::less( other ); } } } public: explicit MsgPackInt64(int64_t value) : NumberValue(value) {} }; class MsgPackUint8 final : public NumberValue<MsgPack::UINT8, uint8_t> { public: explicit MsgPackUint8(uint8_t value) : NumberValue(value) {} }; class MsgPackUint16 final : public NumberValue<MsgPack::UINT16, uint16_t> { public: explicit MsgPackUint16(uint16_t value) : NumberValue(value) {} }; class MsgPackUint32 final : public NumberValue<MsgPack::UINT32, uint32_t> { public: explicit MsgPackUint32(uint32_t value) : NumberValue(value) {} }; class MsgPackUint64 final : public NumberValue<MsgPack::UINT64, uint64_t> { bool equals(const MsgPackValue * other) const override { switch( other->type() ) { case MsgPack::INT64 : { return equal_uint64_int64( uint64_value(), other->int64_value() ); } break; case MsgPack::UINT64 : { return uint64_value() == other->uint64_value(); } break; default : { return NumberValue<MsgPack::UINT64, uint64_t>::equals( other ); } } } bool less(const MsgPackValue * other) const override { switch( other->type() ) { case MsgPack::INT64 : { return less_uint64_int64( uint64_value(), other->uint64_value() ); } break; case MsgPack::UINT64 : { return uint64_value() < other->uint64_value(); } break; default : { return NumberValue<MsgPack::UINT64, uint64_t>::less( other ); } } } public: explicit MsgPackUint64(uint64_t value) : NumberValue(value) {} }; class MsgPackBoolean final : public Value<MsgPack::BOOL, bool> { bool bool_value() const override { return m_value; } public: explicit MsgPackBoolean(bool value) : Value(value) {} }; class MsgPackString final : public Value<MsgPack::STRING, string> { const string &string_value() const override { return m_value; } public: explicit MsgPackString(const string &value) : Value(value) {} explicit MsgPackString(string &&value) : Value(move(value)) {} }; class MsgPackArray final : public Value<MsgPack::ARRAY, MsgPack::array> { const MsgPack::array &array_items() const override { return m_value; } const MsgPack & operator[](size_t i) const override; public: explicit MsgPackArray(const MsgPack::array &value) : Value(value) {} explicit MsgPackArray(MsgPack::array &&value) : Value(move(value)) {} }; class MsgPackBinary final : public Value<MsgPack::BINARY, MsgPack::binary> { const MsgPack::binary &binary_items() const override { return m_value; } public: explicit MsgPackBinary(const MsgPack::binary &value) : Value(value) {} explicit MsgPackBinary(MsgPack::binary &&value) : Value(move(value)) {} }; class MsgPackObject final : public Value<MsgPack::OBJECT, MsgPack::object> { const MsgPack::object &object_items() const override { return m_value; } const MsgPack & operator[](const string &key) const override; public: explicit MsgPackObject(const MsgPack::object &value) : Value(value) {} explicit MsgPackObject(MsgPack::object &&value) : Value(move(value)) {} }; class MsgPackExtension final : public Value<MsgPack::EXTENSION, MsgPack::extension> { const MsgPack::extension &extension_items() const override { return m_value; } public: explicit MsgPackExtension(const MsgPack::extension &value) : Value(value) {} explicit MsgPackExtension(MsgPack::extension &&value) : Value(move(value)) {} }; class MsgPackNull final : public Value<MsgPack::NUL, NullStruct> { public: MsgPackNull() : Value({}) {} }; /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static globals - static-init-safe */ struct Statics { const std::shared_ptr<MsgPackValue> null = make_shared<MsgPackNull>(); const std::shared_ptr<MsgPackValue> t = make_shared<MsgPackBoolean>(true); const std::shared_ptr<MsgPackValue> f = make_shared<MsgPackBoolean>(false); const string empty_string; const vector<MsgPack> empty_vector; const map<MsgPack, MsgPack> empty_map; const MsgPack::binary empty_binary; const MsgPack::extension empty_extension; Statics() {} }; static const Statics & statics() { static const Statics s {}; return s; } static const MsgPack & static_null() { // This has to be separate, not in Statics, because MsgPack() accesses statics().null. static const MsgPack msgpack_null; return msgpack_null; } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors */ MsgPack::MsgPack() noexcept : m_ptr(statics().null) {} MsgPack::MsgPack(std::nullptr_t) noexcept : m_ptr(statics().null) {} MsgPack::MsgPack(float value) : m_ptr(make_shared<MsgPackFloat>(value)) {} MsgPack::MsgPack(double value) : m_ptr(make_shared<MsgPackDouble>(value)) {} MsgPack::MsgPack(int8_t value) : m_ptr(make_shared<MsgPackInt8>(value)) {} MsgPack::MsgPack(int16_t value) : m_ptr(make_shared<MsgPackInt16>(value)) {} MsgPack::MsgPack(int32_t value) : m_ptr(make_shared<MsgPackInt32>(value)) {} MsgPack::MsgPack(int64_t value) : m_ptr(make_shared<MsgPackInt64>(value)) {} MsgPack::MsgPack(uint8_t value) : m_ptr(make_shared<MsgPackUint8>(value)) {} MsgPack::MsgPack(uint16_t value) : m_ptr(make_shared<MsgPackUint16>(value)) {} MsgPack::MsgPack(uint32_t value) : m_ptr(make_shared<MsgPackUint32>(value)) {} MsgPack::MsgPack(uint64_t value) : m_ptr(make_shared<MsgPackUint64>(value)) {} MsgPack::MsgPack(bool value) : m_ptr(value ? statics().t : statics().f) {} MsgPack::MsgPack(const string &value) : m_ptr(make_shared<MsgPackString>(value)) {} MsgPack::MsgPack(string &&value) : m_ptr(make_shared<MsgPackString>(move(value))) {} MsgPack::MsgPack(const char * value) : m_ptr(make_shared<MsgPackString>(value)) {} MsgPack::MsgPack(const MsgPack::array &values) : m_ptr(make_shared<MsgPackArray>(values)) {} MsgPack::MsgPack(MsgPack::array &&values) : m_ptr(make_shared<MsgPackArray>(move(values))) {} MsgPack::MsgPack(const MsgPack::object &values) : m_ptr(make_shared<MsgPackObject>(values)) {} MsgPack::MsgPack(MsgPack::object &&values) : m_ptr(make_shared<MsgPackObject>(move(values))) {} MsgPack::MsgPack(const MsgPack::binary &values) : m_ptr(make_shared<MsgPackBinary>(values)) {} MsgPack::MsgPack(MsgPack::binary &&values) : m_ptr(make_shared<MsgPackBinary>(move(values))) {} MsgPack::MsgPack(const MsgPack::extension &values) : m_ptr(make_shared<MsgPackExtension>(values)) {} MsgPack::MsgPack(MsgPack::extension &&values) : m_ptr(make_shared<MsgPackExtension>(move(values))) {} /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Accessors */ MsgPack::Type MsgPack::type() const { return m_ptr->type(); } double MsgPack::number_value() const { return m_ptr->float64_value(); } float MsgPack::float32_value() const { return m_ptr->float32_value(); } double MsgPack::float64_value() const { return m_ptr->float64_value(); } int32_t MsgPack::int_value() const { return m_ptr->int32_value(); } int8_t MsgPack::int8_value() const { return m_ptr->int8_value(); } int16_t MsgPack::int16_value() const { return m_ptr->int16_value(); } int32_t MsgPack::int32_value() const { return m_ptr->int32_value(); } int64_t MsgPack::int64_value() const { return m_ptr->int64_value(); } uint8_t MsgPack::uint8_value() const { return m_ptr->uint8_value(); } uint16_t MsgPack::uint16_value() const { return m_ptr->uint16_value(); } uint32_t MsgPack::uint32_value() const { return m_ptr->uint32_value(); } uint64_t MsgPack::uint64_value() const { return m_ptr->uint64_value(); } bool MsgPack::bool_value() const { return m_ptr->bool_value(); } const string & MsgPack::string_value() const { return m_ptr->string_value(); } const vector<MsgPack>& MsgPack::array_items() const { return m_ptr->array_items(); } const MsgPack::binary& MsgPack::binary_items() const { return m_ptr->binary_items(); } const MsgPack::extension& MsgPack::extension_items() const { return m_ptr->extension_items(); } const map<MsgPack, MsgPack> & MsgPack::object_items() const { return m_ptr->object_items(); } const MsgPack & MsgPack::operator[] (size_t i) const { return (*m_ptr)[i]; } const MsgPack & MsgPack::operator[] (const string &key) const { return (*m_ptr)[key]; } double MsgPackValue::number_value() const { return 0.0; } float MsgPackValue::float32_value() const { return 0.0f; } double MsgPackValue::float64_value() const { return 0.0; } int32_t MsgPackValue::int_value() const { return 0; } int8_t MsgPackValue::int8_value() const { return 0; } int16_t MsgPackValue::int16_value() const { return 0; } int32_t MsgPackValue::int32_value() const { return 0; } int64_t MsgPackValue::int64_value() const { return 0; } uint8_t MsgPackValue::uint8_value() const { return 0; } uint16_t MsgPackValue::uint16_value() const { return 0; } uint32_t MsgPackValue::uint32_value() const { return 0; } uint64_t MsgPackValue::uint64_value() const { return 0; } bool MsgPackValue::bool_value() const { return false; } const string & MsgPackValue::string_value() const { return statics().empty_string; } const vector<MsgPack> & MsgPackValue::array_items() const { return statics().empty_vector; } const map<MsgPack, MsgPack> & MsgPackValue::object_items() const { return statics().empty_map; } const MsgPack::binary & MsgPackValue::binary_items() const { return statics().empty_binary; } const MsgPack::extension & MsgPackValue::extension_items() const { return statics().empty_extension; } const MsgPack & MsgPackValue::operator[] (size_t) const { return static_null(); } const MsgPack & MsgPackValue::operator[] (const string &) const { return static_null(); } const MsgPack & MsgPackObject::operator[] (const string &key) const { auto iter = m_value.find(key); return (iter == m_value.end()) ? static_null() : iter->second; } const MsgPack & MsgPackArray::operator[] (size_t i) const { if (i >= m_value.size()) return static_null(); else return m_value[i]; } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Comparison */ bool MsgPack::operator== (const MsgPack &other) const { return m_ptr->equals(other.m_ptr.get()); } bool MsgPack::operator< (const MsgPack &other) const { return m_ptr->less(other.m_ptr.get()); } namespace { /* MsgPackParser * * Object that tracks all state of an in-progress parse. */ struct MsgPackParser final { /* State */ const std::string &buffer; size_t i; string &err; bool failed; /* fail(msg, err_ret = MsgPack()) * * Mark this parse as failed. */ MsgPack fail(string &&msg) { return fail(move(msg), MsgPack()); } template <typename T> T fail(string &&msg, const T err_ret) { if (!failed) err = std::move(msg); failed = true; return err_ret; } uint8_t get_first_byte() { if(buffer.size() <= i) { err = "end of buffer."; failed = true; return 0x00; } const uint8_t first_byte = buffer[i]; ++i; return first_byte; } std::nullptr_t parse_invalid(uint8_t) { err = "invalid first byte."; failed = true; return nullptr; } std::nullptr_t parse_nil(uint8_t) { return nullptr; } bool parse_bool(uint8_t first_byte) { return (first_byte == 0xc3); } template< typename T > T parse_arith() { EndianConverter<T> converter; for( size_t j = 0; j < sizeof(T); ++j ) { converter.value.bytes[j] = buffer[i]; ++i; } if(!is_big_endian) { std::reverse(converter.value.bytes.begin(), converter.value.bytes.end()); } return converter.value.packed; } template< typename T > std::string parse_string_impl(uint8_t, T bytes) { std::string res(&(buffer[i]), &(buffer[i+bytes])); i += bytes; return res; } template< typename T > std::string parse_string(uint8_t first_byte) { T const bytes = parse_arith<T>(); return parse_string_impl<T>(first_byte, bytes); } template< typename T > MsgPack::array parse_array_impl(T bytes) { MsgPack::array res; for(T j = 0; j < bytes; ++j) { res.emplace_back(parse_msgpack(0)); } return res; } template< typename T > MsgPack::array parse_array() { T const bytes = parse_arith<T>(); return parse_array_impl<T>(bytes); } template< typename T > MsgPack::object parse_object_impl(uint8_t, T bytes) { MsgPack::object res; for(T j = 0; j < bytes; ++j) { MsgPack key = parse_msgpack(0); MsgPack value = parse_msgpack(0); res.insert(std::make_pair(std::move(key), std::move(value))); } return res; } template< typename T > MsgPack::object parse_object(uint8_t first_byte) { T const bytes = parse_arith<T>(); return parse_object_impl<T>(first_byte, bytes); } template< typename T > MsgPack::binary parse_binary_impl(T bytes) { MsgPack::binary res; for(T j = 0; j < bytes; ++j) { res.push_back(buffer[i]); i++; } return res; } template< typename T > MsgPack::binary parse_binary() { T const bytes = parse_arith<T>(); return parse_binary_impl<T>(bytes); } template< typename T > MsgPack::extension parse_extension() { const T bytes = parse_arith<T>(); const uint8_t type = parse_arith<uint8_t>(); const MsgPack::binary data = parse_binary_impl<T>(bytes); return std::make_tuple(type, std::move(data)); } uint8_t parse_pos_fixint(uint8_t first_byte) { return first_byte; } MsgPack::object parse_fixobject(uint8_t first_byte) { uint8_t const bytes = first_byte & 0x0f; return parse_object_impl<uint8_t>(first_byte, bytes); } MsgPack::array parse_fixarray(uint8_t first_byte) { uint8_t const bytes = first_byte & 0x0f; return parse_array_impl<uint8_t>(bytes); } std::string parse_fixstring(uint8_t first_byte) { uint8_t const bytes = first_byte & 0x1f; return parse_string_impl<uint8_t>(first_byte, bytes); } int8_t parse_neg_fixint(uint8_t first_byte) { return *reinterpret_cast<int8_t*>(&first_byte); } MsgPack::extension parse_fixext(uint8_t bytes) { const uint8_t type = parse_arith<uint8_t>(); const MsgPack::binary data = parse_binary_impl<uint8_t>(bytes); return std::make_tuple(type, std::move(data)); } using parser_element_type = std::tuple<uint8_t, uint8_t, std::function< MsgPack(MsgPackParser*, uint8_t) > >; static const std::vector< parser_element_type > parsers; /* parse_msgpack() * * Parse a JSON object. */ MsgPack parse_msgpack(int depth) { if (depth > max_depth) { return fail("exceeded maximum nesting depth"); } uint8_t first_byte = get_first_byte(); if (failed) { return MsgPack(); } for( auto const& parser : parsers ) { auto beg = std::get<0>(parser); auto end = std::get<1>(parser); if((beg <= first_byte) && (first_byte <= end)) { auto parser_func = std::get<2>(parser); return parser_func(this, first_byte); } } return MsgPack(); } }; const std::vector< MsgPackParser::parser_element_type > MsgPackParser::parsers { MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0x00u, 0x7fu, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t first_byte){ return MsgPack(that->parse_pos_fixint(first_byte)); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0x00u, 0x7fu, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t first_byte) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_pos_fixint(first_byte)); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0x80u, 0x8fu, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t first_byte) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_fixobject(first_byte)); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0x90u, 0x9fu, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t first_byte) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_fixarray(first_byte)); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xa0u, 0xbfu, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t first_byte) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_fixstring(first_byte)); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xc0u, 0xc0u, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t first_byte) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_nil(first_byte)); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xc1u, 0xc1u, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t first_byte) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_invalid(first_byte)); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xc2u, 0xc3u, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t first_byte) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_bool(first_byte)); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xc4u, 0xc4u, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_binary<uint8_t>()); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xc5u, 0xc5u, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_binary<uint16_t>()); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xc6u, 0xc6u, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_binary<uint32_t>()); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xc7u, 0xc7u, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_extension<uint8_t>()); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xc8u, 0xc8u, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_extension<uint16_t>()); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xc9u, 0xc9u, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_extension<uint32_t>()); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xcau, 0xcau, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_arith<float>()); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xcbu, 0xcbu, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_arith<double>()); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xccu, 0xccu, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_arith<uint8_t>()); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xcdu, 0xcdu, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_arith<uint16_t>()); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xceu, 0xceu, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_arith<uint32_t>()); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xcfu, 0xcfu, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_arith<uint64_t>()); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xd0u, 0xd0u, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_arith<int8_t>()); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xd1u, 0xd1u, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_arith<int16_t>()); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xd2u, 0xd2u, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_arith<int32_t>()); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xd3u, 0xd3u, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_arith<int64_t>()); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xd4u, 0xd4u, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_fixext(1)); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xd5u, 0xd5u, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_fixext(2)); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xd6u, 0xd6u, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_fixext(4)); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xd7u, 0xd7u, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_fixext(8)); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xd8u, 0xd8u, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_fixext(16)); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xd9u, 0xd9u, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t first_byte) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_string<uint8_t>(first_byte)); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xdau, 0xdau, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t first_byte) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_string<uint16_t>(first_byte)); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xdbu, 0xdbu, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t first_byte) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_string<uint32_t>(first_byte)); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xdcu, 0xdcu, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_array<uint16_t>()); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xddu, 0xddu, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_array<uint32_t>()); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xdeu, 0xdeu, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t first_byte) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_object<uint16_t>(first_byte)); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xdfu, 0xdfu, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t first_byte) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_object<uint32_t>(first_byte)); }}, MsgPackParser::parser_element_type{ 0xe0u, 0xffu, [](MsgPackParser* that, uint8_t first_byte) -> MsgPack { return MsgPack(that->parse_neg_fixint(first_byte)); }} }; }//namespace { MsgPack MsgPack::parse(const std::string &in, string &err) { MsgPackParser parser { in, 0, err, false }; MsgPack result = parser.parse_msgpack(0); return result; } // Documented in msgpack.hpp vector<MsgPack> MsgPack::parse_multi(const string &in, std::string::size_type &parser_stop_pos, string &err) { MsgPackParser parser { in, 0, err, false }; parser_stop_pos = 0; vector<MsgPack> msgpack_vec; while (parser.i != in.size() && !parser.failed) { msgpack_vec.push_back(parser.parse_msgpack(0)); if (!parser.failed) parser_stop_pos = parser.i; } return msgpack_vec; } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Shape-checking */ bool MsgPack::has_shape(const shape & types, string & err) const { if (!is_object()) { err = "expected MessagePack object"; return false; } for (auto & item : types) { if ((*this)[item.first].type() != item.second) { err = "bad type for " + item.first; return false; } } return true; } } // namespace msgpack11