#include "App.h" #include #include int main() { /* ws->getUserData returns one of these */ struct PerSocketData { }; /* Simple echo websocket server, using multiple threads */ std::vector threads(std::thread::hardware_concurrency()); std::transform(threads.begin(), threads.end(), threads.begin(), [](std::thread *t) { return new std::thread([]() { /* Very simple WebSocket echo server */ uWS::App().ws("/*", { /* Settings */ .compression = uWS::SHARED_COMPRESSOR, .maxPayloadLength = 16 * 1024, .idleTimeout = 10, .maxBackpressure = 1 * 1024 * 1204, /* Handlers */ .open = [](auto *ws, auto *req) { }, .message = [](auto *ws, std::string_view message, uWS::OpCode opCode) { ws->send(message, opCode); }, .drain = [](auto *ws) { /* Check getBufferedAmount here */ }, .ping = [](auto *ws) { }, .pong = [](auto *ws) { }, .close = [](auto *ws, int code, std::string_view message) { } }).listen(9001, [](auto *token) { if (token) { std::cout << "Thread " << std::this_thread::get_id() << " listening on port " << 9001 << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Thread " << std::this_thread::get_id() << " failed to listen on port 9001" << std::endl; } }).run(); }); }); std::for_each(threads.begin(), threads.end(), [](std::thread *t) { t->join(); }); }