/* * IXSnakeProtocol.cpp * Author: Benjamin Sergeant * Copyright (c) 2019 Machine Zone, Inc. All rights reserved. */ #include "IXSnakeProtocol.h" #include "IXAppConfig.h" #include "IXSnakeConnectionState.h" #include "nlohmann/json.hpp" #include #include #include #include namespace snake { void handleError(const std::string& action, std::shared_ptr ws, nlohmann::json pdu, const std::string& errMsg) { std::string actionError(action); actionError += "/error"; nlohmann::json response = { {"action", actionError}, {"id", pdu.value("id", 1)}, {"body", {{"reason", errMsg}}}}; ws->sendText(response.dump()); } void handleHandshake(std::shared_ptr state, std::shared_ptr ws, const nlohmann::json& pdu) { std::string role = pdu["body"]["data"]["role"]; state->setNonce(generateNonce()); state->setRole(role); nlohmann::json response = { {"action", "auth/handshake/ok"}, {"id", pdu.value("id", 1)}, {"body", { {"data", {{"nonce", state->getNonce()}, {"connection_id", state->getId()}}}, }}}; auto serializedResponse = response.dump(); std::cout << "response = " << serializedResponse << std::endl; ws->sendText(serializedResponse); } void handleAuth(std::shared_ptr state, std::shared_ptr ws, const AppConfig& appConfig, const nlohmann::json& pdu) { auto secret = getRoleSecret(appConfig, state->appkey(), state->role()); std::cout << "secret = " << secret << std::endl; if (secret.empty()) { nlohmann::json response = { {"action", "auth/authenticate/error"}, {"id", pdu.value("id", 1)}, {"body", {{"error", "authentication_failed"}, {"reason", "invalid secret"}}}}; ws->sendText(response.dump()); return; } auto nonce = state->getNonce(); auto serverHash = ix::hmac(nonce, secret); std::string clientHash = pdu["body"]["credentials"]["hash"]; if (appConfig.verbose) { std::cout << serverHash << std::endl; std::cout << clientHash << std::endl; } if (serverHash != clientHash) { nlohmann::json response = { {"action", "auth/authenticate/error"}, {"id", pdu.value("id", 1)}, {"body", {{"error", "authentication_failed"}, {"reason", "invalid hash"}}}}; ws->sendText(response.dump()); return; } nlohmann::json response = { {"action", "auth/authenticate/ok"}, {"id", pdu.value("id", 1)}, {"body", {}}}; ws->sendText(response.dump()); } void handlePublish(std::shared_ptr state, std::shared_ptr ws, const nlohmann::json& pdu) { std::vector channels; auto body = pdu["body"]; if (body.find("channels") != body.end()) { for (auto&& channel : body["channels"]) { channels.push_back(channel); } } else if (body.find("channel") != body.end()) { channels.push_back(body["channel"]); } else { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Missing channels or channel field in publish data"; handleError("rtm/publish", ws, pdu, ss.str()); return; } for (auto&& channel : channels) { std::stringstream ss; ss << state->appkey() << "::" << channel; std::string errMsg; if (!state->redisClient().publish(ss.str(), pdu.dump(), errMsg)) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Cannot publish to redis host " << errMsg; handleError("rtm/publish", ws, pdu, ss.str()); return; } } nlohmann::json response = { {"action", "rtm/publish/ok"}, {"id", pdu.value("id", 1)}, {"body", {}}}; ws->sendText(response.dump()); } // // FIXME: this is not cancellable. We should be able to cancel the redis subscription // void handleRedisSubscription(std::shared_ptr state, std::shared_ptr ws, const AppConfig& appConfig, const nlohmann::json& pdu) { std::string channel = pdu["body"]["channel"]; std::string subscriptionId = channel; std::stringstream ss; ss << state->appkey() << "::" << channel; std::string appChannel(ss.str()); ix::RedisClient redisClient; int port = appConfig.redisPort; auto urls = appConfig.redisHosts; std::string hostname(urls[0]); // Connect to redis first if (!redisClient.connect(hostname, port)) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Cannot connect to redis host " << hostname << ":" << port; handleError("rtm/subscribe", ws, pdu, ss.str()); return; } std::cout << "Connected to redis host " << hostname << ":" << port << std::endl; // Now authenticate, if needed if (!appConfig.redisPassword.empty()) { std::string authResponse; if (!redisClient.auth(appConfig.redisPassword, authResponse)) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Cannot authenticated to redis"; handleError("rtm/subscribe", ws, pdu, ss.str()); return; } std::cout << "Auth response: " << authResponse << ":" << port << std::endl; } int id = 0; auto callback = [ws, &id, &subscriptionId](const std::string& messageStr) { auto msg = nlohmann::json::parse(messageStr); msg = msg["body"]["message"]; nlohmann::json response = { {"action", "rtm/subscription/data"}, {"id", id++}, {"body", {{"subscription_id", subscriptionId}, {"messages", {msg}}}}}; ws->sendText(response.dump()); }; auto responseCallback = [ws, pdu, &subscriptionId](const std::string& redisResponse) { std::cout << "Redis subscribe response: " << redisResponse << std::endl; // Success nlohmann::json response = {{"action", "rtm/subscribe/ok"}, {"id", pdu.value("id", 1)}, {"body", {{"subscription_id", subscriptionId}}}}; ws->sendText(response.dump()); }; std::cerr << "Subscribing to " << appChannel << "..." << std::endl; if (!redisClient.subscribe(appChannel, responseCallback, callback)) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Error subscribing to channel " << appChannel; handleError("rtm/subscribe", ws, pdu, ss.str()); return; } } void handleSubscribe(std::shared_ptr state, std::shared_ptr ws, const AppConfig& appConfig, const nlohmann::json& pdu) { state->fut = std::async(std::launch::async, handleRedisSubscription, state, ws, appConfig, pdu); } void handleUnSubscribe(std::shared_ptr state, std::shared_ptr ws, const nlohmann::json& pdu) { // extract subscription_id auto body = pdu["body"]; auto subscriptionId = body["subscription_id"]; state->redisClient().stop(); nlohmann::json response = {{"action", "rtm/unsubscribe/ok"}, {"id", pdu.value("id", 1)}, {"body", {{"subscription_id", subscriptionId}}}}; ws->sendText(response.dump()); } void processCobraMessage(std::shared_ptr state, std::shared_ptr ws, const AppConfig& appConfig, const std::string& str) { auto pdu = nlohmann::json::parse(str); std::cout << "Got " << str << std::endl; auto action = pdu["action"]; std::cout << "action = " << action << std::endl; if (action == "auth/handshake") { handleHandshake(state, ws, pdu); } else if (action == "auth/authenticate") { handleAuth(state, ws, appConfig, pdu); } else if (action == "rtm/publish") { handlePublish(state, ws, pdu); } else if (action == "rtm/subscribe") { handleSubscribe(state, ws, appConfig, pdu); } else if (action == "rtm/unsubscribe") { handleUnSubscribe(state, ws, pdu); } else { std::cerr << "Unhandled action: " << action << std::endl; } } } // namespace snake