#pragma once #include <string> #include <vector> #include <map> #include <memory> #include <initializer_list> #ifdef _MSC_VER #if _MSC_VER <= 1800 // VS 2013 #ifndef noexcept #define noexcept throw() #endif #ifndef snprintf #define snprintf _snprintf_s #endif #endif #endif namespace msgpack11 { class MsgPackValue; class MsgPack final { public: // Types enum Type { NUL, FLOAT32, FLOAT64, INT8, INT16, INT32, INT64, UINT8, UINT16, UINT32, UINT64, BOOL, STRING, BINARY, ARRAY, OBJECT, EXTENSION }; // Array and object typedefs typedef std::vector<MsgPack> array; typedef std::map<MsgPack, MsgPack> object; // Binary and extension typedefs typedef std::vector<uint8_t> binary; typedef std::tuple<int8_t, binary> extension; // Constructors for the various types of JSON value. MsgPack() noexcept; // NUL MsgPack(std::nullptr_t) noexcept; // NUL MsgPack(float value); // FLOAT32 MsgPack(double value); // FLOAT64 MsgPack(int8_t value); // INT8 MsgPack(int16_t value); // INT16 MsgPack(int32_t value); // INT32 MsgPack(int64_t value); // INT64 MsgPack(uint8_t value); // UINT8 MsgPack(uint16_t value); // UINT16 MsgPack(uint32_t value); // UINT32 MsgPack(uint64_t value); // UINT64 MsgPack(bool value); // BOOL MsgPack(const std::string &value); // STRING MsgPack(std::string &&value); // STRING MsgPack(const char * value); // STRING MsgPack(const array &values); // ARRAY MsgPack(array &&values); // ARRAY MsgPack(const object &values); // OBJECT MsgPack(object &&values); // OBJECT MsgPack(const binary &values); // BINARY MsgPack(binary &&values); // BINARY MsgPack(const extension &values); // EXTENSION MsgPack(extension &&values); // EXTENSION // Implicit constructor: anything with a to_msgpack() function. template <class T, class = decltype(&T::to_msgpack)> MsgPack(const T & t) : MsgPack(t.to_msgpack()) {} // Implicit constructor: map-like objects (std::map, std::unordered_map, etc) template <class M, typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible<MsgPack, typename M::key_type>::value && std::is_constructible<MsgPack, typename M::mapped_type>::value, int>::type = 0> MsgPack(const M & m) : MsgPack(object(m.begin(), m.end())) {} // Implicit constructor: vector-like objects (std::list, std::vector, std::set, etc) template <class V, typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible<MsgPack, typename V::value_type>::value && !std::is_same<typename binary::value_type, typename V::value_type>::value, int>::type = 0> MsgPack(const V & v) : MsgPack(array(v.begin(), v.end())) {} template <class V, typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible<MsgPack, typename V::value_type>::value && std::is_same<typename binary::value_type, typename V::value_type>::value, int>::type = 0> MsgPack(const V & v) : MsgPack(binary(v.begin(), v.end())) {} // This prevents MsgPack(some_pointer) from accidentally producing a bool. Use // MsgPack(bool(some_pointer)) if that behavior is desired. MsgPack(void *) = delete; // Accessors Type type() const; bool is_null() const { return type() == NUL; } bool is_bool() const { return type() == BOOL; } bool is_number() const { return type() == FLOAT64; } bool is_float32() const { return type() == FLOAT32; } bool is_float64() const { return type() == FLOAT64; } bool is_int() const { return type() == INT32; } bool is_int8() const { return type() == INT8; } bool is_int16() const { return type() == INT16; } bool is_int32() const { return type() == INT32; } bool is_int64() const { return type() == INT64; } bool is_uint8() const { return type() == UINT8; } bool is_uint16() const { return type() == UINT16; } bool is_uint32() const { return type() == UINT32; } bool is_uint64() const { return type() == UINT64; } bool is_string() const { return type() == STRING; } bool is_array() const { return type() == ARRAY; } bool is_binary() const { return type() == BINARY; } bool is_object() const { return type() == OBJECT; } bool is_extension() const { return type() == EXTENSION; } // Return the enclosed value if this is a number, 0 otherwise. Note that msgpack11 does not // distinguish between integer and non-integer numbers - number_value() and int_value() // can both be applied to a NUMBER-typed object. double number_value() const; float float32_value() const; double float64_value() const; int32_t int_value() const; int8_t int8_value() const; int16_t int16_value() const; int32_t int32_value() const; int64_t int64_value() const; uint8_t uint8_value() const; uint16_t uint16_value() const; uint32_t uint32_value() const; uint64_t uint64_value() const; // Return the enclosed value if this is a boolean, false otherwise. bool bool_value() const; // Return the enclosed string if this is a string, "" otherwise. const std::string &string_value() const; // Return the enclosed std::vector if this is an array, or an empty vector otherwise. const array &array_items() const; // Return the enclosed std::map if this is an object, or an empty map otherwise. const object &object_items() const; // Return the enclosed std::vector if this is an binary, or an empty map otherwise. const binary &binary_items() const; // Return the enclosed std::tuple if this is an extension, or an empty map otherwise. const extension &extension_items() const; // Return a reference to arr[i] if this is an array, MsgPack() otherwise. const MsgPack & operator[](size_t i) const; // Return a reference to obj[key] if this is an object, MsgPack() otherwise. const MsgPack & operator[](const std::string &key) const; // Serialize. void dump(std::string &out) const; std::string dump() const { std::string out; dump(out); return out; } // Parse. If parse fails, return MsgPack() and assign an error message to err. static MsgPack parse(const std::string & in, std::string & err); static MsgPack parse(const char * in, size_t len, std::string & err) { if (in) { return parse(std::string(in,in+len), err); } else { err = "null input"; return nullptr; } } // Parse multiple objects, concatenated or separated by whitespace static std::vector<MsgPack> parse_multi( const std::string & in, std::string::size_type & parser_stop_pos, std::string & err); static inline std::vector<MsgPack> parse_multi( const std::string & in, std::string & err) { std::string::size_type parser_stop_pos; return parse_multi(in, parser_stop_pos, err); } bool operator== (const MsgPack &rhs) const; bool operator< (const MsgPack &rhs) const; bool operator!= (const MsgPack &rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } bool operator<= (const MsgPack &rhs) const { return !(rhs < *this); } bool operator> (const MsgPack &rhs) const { return (rhs < *this); } bool operator>= (const MsgPack &rhs) const { return !(*this < rhs); } /* has_shape(types, err) * * Return true if this is a JSON object and, for each item in types, has a field of * the given type. If not, return false and set err to a descriptive message. */ typedef std::initializer_list<std::pair<std::string, Type>> shape; bool has_shape(const shape & types, std::string & err) const; private: std::shared_ptr<MsgPackValue> m_ptr; }; } // namespace msgpack11