/* * ws_cobra_subscribe.cpp * Author: Benjamin Sergeant * Copyright (c) 2019 Machine Zone, Inc. All rights reserved. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace ix { void writeToStdout(bool fluentd, Json::FastWriter& jsonWriter, const Json::Value& msg, const std::string& position) { Json::Value enveloppe; if (fluentd) { enveloppe["producer"] = "cobra"; enveloppe["consumer"] = "fluentd"; Json::Value msgWithPosition(msg); msgWithPosition["position"] = position; enveloppe["message"] = msgWithPosition; std::cout << jsonWriter.write(enveloppe); } else { enveloppe = msg; std::cout << position << " " << jsonWriter.write(enveloppe); } } int ws_cobra_subscribe_main(const ix::CobraConfig& config, const std::string& channel, const std::string& filter, const std::string& position, bool quiet, bool fluentd) { ix::CobraConnection conn; conn.configure(config); conn.connect(); Json::FastWriter jsonWriter; // Display incoming messages std::atomic msgPerSeconds(0); std::atomic msgCount(0); auto timer = [&msgPerSeconds, &msgCount] { while (true) { spdlog::info("#messages {} msg/s {}", msgCount, msgPerSeconds); msgPerSeconds = 0; auto duration = std::chrono::seconds(1); std::this_thread::sleep_for(duration); } }; std::thread t(timer); std::string subscriptionPosition(position); conn.setEventCallback( [&conn, &channel, &jsonWriter, &filter, &subscriptionPosition, &msgCount, &msgPerSeconds, &quiet, &fluentd]( ix::CobraConnectionEventType eventType, const std::string& errMsg, const ix::WebSocketHttpHeaders& headers, const std::string& subscriptionId, CobraConnection::MsgId msgId) { if (eventType == ix::CobraConnection_EventType_Open) { spdlog::info("Subscriber connected"); for (auto it : headers) { spdlog::info("{}: {}", it.first, it.second); } } else if (eventType == ix::CobraConnection_EventType_Authenticated) { spdlog::info("Subscriber authenticated"); spdlog::info("Subscribing to {} at position {}", channel, subscriptionPosition); conn.subscribe(channel, filter, subscriptionPosition, [&jsonWriter, &quiet, &msgPerSeconds, &msgCount, &fluentd, &subscriptionPosition]( const Json::Value& msg, const std::string& position) { if (!quiet) { writeToStdout(fluentd, jsonWriter, msg, position); } msgPerSeconds++; msgCount++; subscriptionPosition = position; }); } else if (eventType == ix::CobraConnection_EventType_Subscribed) { spdlog::info("Subscriber: subscribed to channel {}", subscriptionId); } else if (eventType == ix::CobraConnection_EventType_UnSubscribed) { spdlog::info("Subscriber: unsubscribed from channel {}", subscriptionId); } else if (eventType == ix::CobraConnection_EventType_Error) { spdlog::error("Subscriber: error {}", errMsg); } else if (eventType == ix::CobraConnection_EventType_Published) { spdlog::error("Published message hacked: {}", msgId); } else if (eventType == ix::CobraConnection_EventType_Pong) { spdlog::info("Received websocket pong"); } }); while (true) { auto duration = std::chrono::seconds(1); std::this_thread::sleep_for(duration); } return 0; } } // namespace ix