 *  IXWebSocketHandshake.h
 *  Author: Benjamin Sergeant
 *  Copyright (c) 2019 Machine Zone, Inc. All rights reserved.

#include "IXWebSocketHandshake.h"
#include "IXSocketConnect.h"

#include "libwshandshake.hpp"

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <regex>
#include <random>
#include <algorithm>

namespace ix 
    WebSocketHandshake::WebSocketHandshake(std::atomic<bool>& requestInitCancellation,
                                           std::shared_ptr<Socket> socket,
                                           WebSocketPerMessageDeflate& perMessageDeflate,
                                           WebSocketPerMessageDeflateOptions& perMessageDeflateOptions,
                                           std::atomic<bool>& enablePerMessageDeflate) :


    bool WebSocketHandshake::parseUrl(const std::string& url,
                                      std::string& protocol,
                                      std::string& host,
                                      std::string& path,
                                      std::string& query,
                                      int& port)
        std::regex ex("(ws|wss)://([^/ :]+):?([^/ ]*)(/?[^ #?]*)\\x3f?([^ #]*)#?([^ ]*)");
        std::cmatch what;
        if (!regex_match(url.c_str(), what, ex))
            return false;

        std::string portStr;

        protocol = std::string(what[1].first, what[1].second);
        host     = std::string(what[2].first, what[2].second);
        portStr  = std::string(what[3].first, what[3].second);
        path     = std::string(what[4].first, what[4].second);
        query    = std::string(what[5].first, what[5].second);

        if (portStr.empty())
            if (protocol == "ws")
                port = 80;
            else if (protocol == "wss")
                port = 443;
                // Invalid protocol. Should be caught by regex check
                // but this missing branch trigger cpplint linter.
                return false;
            std::stringstream ss;
            ss << portStr;
            ss >> port;

        if (path.empty())
            path = "/";
        else if (path[0] != '/')
            path = '/' + path;

        if (!query.empty())
            path += "?";
            path += query;

        return true;

    void WebSocketHandshake::printUrl(const std::string& url)
        std::string protocol, host, path, query;
        int port {0};

        if (!WebSocketHandshake::parseUrl(url, protocol, host,
                                          path, query, port))

        std::cout << "[" << url << "]" << std::endl;
        std::cout << protocol << std::endl;
        std::cout << host << std::endl;
        std::cout << port << std::endl;
        std::cout << path << std::endl;
        std::cout << query << std::endl;
        std::cout << "-------------------------------" << std::endl;

    std::string WebSocketHandshake::trim(const std::string& str)
        std::string out(str);
        out.erase(std::remove(out.begin(), out.end(), ' '), out.end());
        out.erase(std::remove(out.begin(), out.end(), '\r'), out.end());
        out.erase(std::remove(out.begin(), out.end(), '\n'), out.end());
        return out;

    std::tuple<std::string, std::string, std::string> WebSocketHandshake::parseRequestLine(const std::string& line)
        // Request-Line   = Method SP Request-URI SP HTTP-Version CRLF
        std::string token;
        std::stringstream tokenStream(line);
        std::vector<std::string> tokens;

        // Split by ' '
        while (std::getline(tokenStream, token, ' '))

        std::string method;
        if (tokens.size() >= 1)
            method = trim(tokens[0]);

        std::string requestUri;
        if (tokens.size() >= 2)
            requestUri = trim(tokens[1]);

        std::string httpVersion;
        if (tokens.size() >= 3)
            httpVersion = trim(tokens[2]);

        return std::make_tuple(method, requestUri, httpVersion);

    std::string WebSocketHandshake::genRandomString(const int len)
        std::string alphanum = 

        std::random_device r;
        std::default_random_engine e1(r());
        std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist(0, (int) alphanum.size() - 1);

        std::string s;

        for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
            int x = dist(e1);
            s[i] = alphanum[x];

        return s;

    std::pair<bool, WebSocketHttpHeaders> WebSocketHandshake::parseHttpHeaders(
        const CancellationRequest& isCancellationRequested)
        WebSocketHttpHeaders headers;

        char line[256];
        int i;

        while (true) 
            int colon = 0;

            for (i = 0;
                 i < 2 || (i < 255 && line[i-2] != '\r' && line[i-1] != '\n');
                if (!_socket->readByte(line+i, isCancellationRequested))
                    return std::make_pair(false, headers);

                if (line[i] == ':' && colon == 0)
                    colon = i;
            if (line[0] == '\r' && line[1] == '\n')

            // line is a single header entry. split by ':', and add it to our
            // header map. ignore lines with no colon.
            if (colon > 0)
                line[i] = '\0';
                std::string lineStr(line);
                // colon is ':', colon+1 is ' ', colon+2 is the start of the value.
                // i is end of string (\0), i-colon is length of string minus key;
                // subtract 1 for '\0', 1 for '\n', 1 for '\r',
                // 1 for the ' ' after the ':', and total is -4
                std::string name(lineStr.substr(0, colon));
                std::string value(lineStr.substr(colon + 2, i - colon - 4));

                // Make the name lower case.
                std::transform(name.begin(), name.end(), name.begin(), ::tolower);

                headers[name] = value;

        return std::make_pair(true, headers);

    WebSocketInitResult WebSocketHandshake::sendErrorResponse(int code, const std::string& reason)
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "HTTP/1.1 ";
        ss << code;
        ss << "\r\n";
        ss << reason;
        ss << "\r\n";

        // Socket write can only be cancelled through a timeout here, not manually.
        static std::atomic<bool> requestInitCancellation(false);
        auto isCancellationRequested =
            makeCancellationRequestWithTimeout(1, requestInitCancellation);

        if (!_socket->writeBytes(ss.str(), isCancellationRequested))
            return WebSocketInitResult(false, 500, "Timed out while sending error response");

        return WebSocketInitResult(false, code, reason);

    WebSocketInitResult WebSocketHandshake::clientHandshake(const std::string& url,
                                                            const std::string& host,
                                                            const std::string& path,
                                                            int port,
                                                            int timeoutSecs)
        _requestInitCancellation = false;

        auto isCancellationRequested = 
            makeCancellationRequestWithTimeout(timeoutSecs, _requestInitCancellation);

        std::string errMsg;
        bool success = _socket->connect(host, port, errMsg, isCancellationRequested);
        if (!success)
            std::stringstream ss;
            ss << "Unable to connect to " << host
               << " on port " << port
               << ", error: " << errMsg;
            return WebSocketInitResult(false, 0, ss.str());

        // Generate a random 24 bytes string which looks like it is base64 encoded
        // y3JJHMbDL1EzLkh9GBhXDw==
        // 0cb3Vd9HkbpVVumoS3Noka==
        // See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18265128/what-is-sec-websocket-key-for
        std::string secWebSocketKey = genRandomString(22);
        secWebSocketKey += "==";

        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "GET " << path << " HTTP/1.1\r\n";
        ss << "Host: "<< host << ":" << port << "\r\n";
        ss << "Upgrade: websocket\r\n";
        ss << "Connection: Upgrade\r\n";
        ss << "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n";
        ss << "Sec-WebSocket-Key: " << secWebSocketKey << "\r\n";

        if (_enablePerMessageDeflate)
            ss << _perMessageDeflateOptions.generateHeader();

        ss << "\r\n";

        if (!_socket->writeBytes(ss.str(), isCancellationRequested))
            return WebSocketInitResult(false, 0, std::string("Failed sending GET request to ") + url);

        // Read HTTP status line
        auto lineResult = _socket->readLine(isCancellationRequested);
        auto lineValid = lineResult.first;
        auto line = lineResult.second;

        if (!lineValid)
            return WebSocketInitResult(false, 0,
                                       std::string("Failed reading HTTP status line from ") + url);

        // Validate status
        int status;

        // HTTP/1.0 is too old.
        if (sscanf(line.c_str(), "HTTP/1.0 %d", &status) == 1)
            std::stringstream ss;
            ss << "Server version is HTTP/1.0. Rejecting connection to " << host
               << ", status: " << status
               << ", HTTP Status line: " << line;
            return WebSocketInitResult(false, status, ss.str());

        // We want an 101 HTTP status
        if (sscanf(line.c_str(), "HTTP/1.1 %d", &status) != 1 || status != 101)
            std::stringstream ss;
            ss << "Got bad status connecting to " << host
               << ", status: " << status
               << ", HTTP Status line: " << line;
            return WebSocketInitResult(false, status, ss.str());

        auto result = parseHttpHeaders(isCancellationRequested);
        auto headersValid = result.first;
        auto headers = result.second;

        if (!headersValid)
            return WebSocketInitResult(false, status, "Error parsing HTTP headers");

        // Check the presence of the Upgrade field
        if (headers.find("connection") == headers.end() ||
            headers["connection"] != "Upgrade")
            std::string errorMsg("Invalid or missing connection value");
            return WebSocketInitResult(false, status, errorMsg);

        char output[29] = {};
        WebSocketHandshakeKeyGen::generate(secWebSocketKey.c_str(), output);
        if (std::string(output) != headers["sec-websocket-accept"])
            std::string errorMsg("Invalid Sec-WebSocket-Accept value");
            return WebSocketInitResult(false, status, errorMsg);

        if (_enablePerMessageDeflate)
            // Parse the server response. Does it support deflate ?
            std::string header = headers["sec-websocket-extensions"];
            WebSocketPerMessageDeflateOptions webSocketPerMessageDeflateOptions(header);

            // If the server does not support that extension, disable it.
            if (!webSocketPerMessageDeflateOptions.enabled())
                _enablePerMessageDeflate = false;
            // Otherwise try to initialize the deflate engine (zlib)
            else if (!_perMessageDeflate.init(webSocketPerMessageDeflateOptions))
                return WebSocketInitResult(
                    false, 0,"Failed to initialize per message deflate engine");

        return WebSocketInitResult(true, status, "", headers, path);

    WebSocketInitResult WebSocketHandshake::serverHandshake(int fd, int timeoutSecs)
        _requestInitCancellation = false;

        // Set the socket to non blocking mode + other tweaks

        auto isCancellationRequested = 
            makeCancellationRequestWithTimeout(timeoutSecs, _requestInitCancellation);

        std::string remote = std::string("remote fd ") + std::to_string(fd);

        // Read first line
        auto lineResult = _socket->readLine(isCancellationRequested);
        auto lineValid = lineResult.first;
        auto line = lineResult.second;

        if (!lineValid)
            return sendErrorResponse(400, "Error reading HTTP request line");
        // Validate request line (GET /foo HTTP/1.1\r\n)
        auto requestLine = parseRequestLine(line);
        auto method      = std::get<0>(requestLine);
        auto uri         = std::get<1>(requestLine);
        auto httpVersion = std::get<2>(requestLine);

        if (method != "GET")
            return sendErrorResponse(400, "Invalid HTTP method, need GET, got " + method);

        if (httpVersion != "HTTP/1.1")
            return sendErrorResponse(400, "Invalid HTTP version, need HTTP/1.1, got: " + httpVersion);

        // Retrieve and validate HTTP headers
        auto result = parseHttpHeaders(isCancellationRequested);
        auto headersValid = result.first;
        auto headers = result.second;

        if (!headersValid)
            return sendErrorResponse(400, "Error parsing HTTP headers");

        if (headers.find("sec-websocket-key") == headers.end())
            return sendErrorResponse(400, "Missing Sec-WebSocket-Key value");

        if (headers["upgrade"] != "websocket")
            return sendErrorResponse(400, "Invalid or missing Upgrade header");

        if (headers.find("sec-websocket-version") == headers.end())
            return sendErrorResponse(400, "Missing Sec-WebSocket-Version value");

            std::stringstream ss;
            ss << headers["sec-websocket-version"];
            int version;
            ss >> version;

            if (version != 13)
                return sendErrorResponse(400, "Invalid Sec-WebSocket-Version, "
                                              "need 13, got" + ss.str());

        char output[29] = {};
        WebSocketHandshakeKeyGen::generate(headers["sec-websocket-key"].c_str(), output);

        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "HTTP/1.1 101\r\n";
        ss << "Sec-WebSocket-Accept: " << std::string(output) << "\r\n";
        ss << "Upgrade: websocket\r\n";
        ss << "Connection: Upgrade\r\n";

        // Parse the client headers. Does it support deflate ?
        std::string header = headers["sec-websocket-extensions"];
        WebSocketPerMessageDeflateOptions webSocketPerMessageDeflateOptions(header);

        // If the client has requested that extension, enable it.
        if (webSocketPerMessageDeflateOptions.enabled())
            _enablePerMessageDeflate = true;

            if (!_perMessageDeflate.init(webSocketPerMessageDeflateOptions))
                return WebSocketInitResult(
                    false, 0,"Failed to initialize per message deflate engine");
            ss << webSocketPerMessageDeflateOptions.generateHeader();

        ss << "\r\n";

        if (!_socket->writeBytes(ss.str(), isCancellationRequested))
            return WebSocketInitResult(false, 0, std::string("Failed sending response to ") + remote);

        return WebSocketInitResult(true, 200, "", headers, uri);