/* * IXWebSocketServer.cpp * Author: Benjamin Sergeant * Copyright (c) 2018 Machine Zone, Inc. All rights reserved. */ #include "IXWebSocketServer.h" #include "IXWebSocketTransport.h" #include "IXWebSocket.h" #include "IXSocketConnect.h" #include "IXNetSystem.h" #include <sstream> #include <future> #include <string.h> namespace ix { const int WebSocketServer::kDefaultHandShakeTimeoutSecs(3); // 3 seconds WebSocketServer::WebSocketServer(int port, const std::string& host, int backlog, size_t maxConnections, int handshakeTimeoutSecs) : SocketServer(port, host, backlog, maxConnections), _handshakeTimeoutSecs(handshakeTimeoutSecs) { } WebSocketServer::~WebSocketServer() { stop(); } void WebSocketServer::stop() { auto clients = getClients(); for (auto client : clients) { client->close(); } SocketServer::stop(); } void WebSocketServer::setOnConnectionCallback(const OnConnectionCallback& callback) { _onConnectionCallback = callback; } void WebSocketServer::handleConnection(int fd) { auto webSocket = std::make_shared<WebSocket>(); _onConnectionCallback(webSocket); webSocket->disableAutomaticReconnection(); // Add this client to our client set { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_clientsMutex); _clients.insert(webSocket); } auto status = webSocket->connectToSocket(fd, _handshakeTimeoutSecs); if (status.success) { // Process incoming messages and execute callbacks // until the connection is closed webSocket->run(); } else { std::stringstream ss; ss << "WebSocketServer::handleConnection() error: " << status.http_status << " error: " << status.errorStr; logError(ss.str()); } // Remove this client from our client set { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_clientsMutex); if (_clients.erase(webSocket) != 1) { logError("Cannot delete client"); } } logInfo("WebSocketServer::handleConnection() done"); } std::set<std::shared_ptr<WebSocket>> WebSocketServer::getClients() { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_clientsMutex); return _clients; } size_t WebSocketServer::getConnectedClientsCount() { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_clientsMutex); return _clients.size(); } }