/* * cmd_satori_chat.cpp * Author: Benjamin Sergeant * Copyright (c) 2017 Machine Zone. All rights reserved. */ #include "IXTest.h" #include "catch.hpp" #include <chrono> #include <iostream> #include <ixcobra/IXCobraConnection.h> #include <ixcrypto/IXUuid.h> #include <ixredis/IXRedisServer.h> #include <ixsnake/IXSnakeServer.h> using namespace ix; namespace { std::atomic<size_t> incomingBytes(0); std::atomic<size_t> outgoingBytes(0); void setupTrafficTrackerCallback() { ix::CobraConnection::setTrafficTrackerCallback([](size_t size, bool incoming) { if (incoming) { incomingBytes += size; } else { outgoingBytes += size; } }); } class CobraChat { public: CobraChat(const std::string& user, const std::string& session, const ix::CobraConfig& config); void subscribe(const std::string& channel); void start(); void stop(); void run(); bool isReady() const; void sendMessage(const std::string& text); size_t getReceivedMessagesCount() const; bool hasPendingMessages() const; Json::Value popMessage(); private: std::string _user; std::string _session; ix::CobraConfig _cobraConfig; std::queue<Json::Value> _publish_queue; mutable std::mutex _queue_mutex; std::thread _thread; std::atomic<bool> _stop; ix::CobraConnection _conn; std::atomic<bool> _connectedAndSubscribed; std::queue<Json::Value> _receivedQueue; std::mutex _logMutex; }; CobraChat::CobraChat(const std::string& user, const std::string& session, const ix::CobraConfig& config) : _user(user) , _session(session) , _cobraConfig(config) , _stop(false) , _connectedAndSubscribed(false) { } void CobraChat::start() { _thread = std::thread(&CobraChat::run, this); } void CobraChat::stop() { _stop = true; _thread.join(); } bool CobraChat::isReady() const { return _connectedAndSubscribed; } size_t CobraChat::getReceivedMessagesCount() const { return _receivedQueue.size(); } bool CobraChat::hasPendingMessages() const { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_queue_mutex); return !_publish_queue.empty(); } Json::Value CobraChat::popMessage() { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_queue_mutex); auto msg = _publish_queue.front(); _publish_queue.pop(); return msg; } // // Callback to handle received messages, that are printed on the console // void CobraChat::subscribe(const std::string& channel) { std::string filter; std::string position("$"); int batchSize = 1; _conn.subscribe(channel, filter, position, batchSize, [this](const Json::Value& msg, const std::string& /*position*/) { spdlog::info("receive {}", msg.toStyledString()); if (!msg.isObject()) return; if (!msg.isMember("user")) return; if (!msg.isMember("text")) return; if (!msg.isMember("session")) return; std::string msg_user = msg["user"].asString(); std::string msg_text = msg["text"].asString(); std::string msg_session = msg["session"].asString(); // We are not interested in messages // from a different session. if (msg_session != _session) return; // We are not interested in our own messages if (msg_user == _user) return; _receivedQueue.push(msg); std::stringstream ss; ss << std::endl << msg_user << " > " << msg_text << std::endl << _user << " > "; log(ss.str()); }); } void CobraChat::sendMessage(const std::string& text) { Json::Value msg; msg["user"] = _user; msg["session"] = _session; msg["text"] = text; std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_queue_mutex); _publish_queue.push(msg); } // // Do satori communication on a background thread, where we can have // something like an event loop that publish, poll and receive data // void CobraChat::run() { std::string channel = _session; _conn.configure(_cobraConfig); _conn.connect(); _conn.setEventCallback([this, channel](const CobraEventPtr& event) { if (event->type == ix::CobraEventType::Open) { log("Subscriber connected: " + _user); for (auto&& it : event->headers) { log("Headers " + it.first + " " + it.second); } } else if (event->type == ix::CobraEventType::Authenticated) { log("Subscriber authenticated: " + _user); subscribe(channel); } else if (event->type == ix::CobraEventType::Error) { log(event->errMsg + _user); } else if (event->type == ix::CobraEventType::Closed) { log("Connection closed: " + _user); } else if (event->type == ix::CobraEventType::Subscribed) { log("Subscription ok: " + _user + " subscription_id " + event->subscriptionId); _connectedAndSubscribed = true; } else if (event->type == ix::CobraEventType::UnSubscribed) { log("Unsubscription ok: " + _user + " subscription_id " + event->subscriptionId); } else if (event->type == ix::CobraEventType::Published) { TLogger() << "Subscriber: published message acked: " << event->msgId; } }); while (!_stop) { { while (hasPendingMessages()) { auto msg = popMessage(); std::string text = msg["text"].asString(); std::stringstream ss; ss << "Sending msg [" << text << "]"; log(ss.str()); Json::Value channels; channels.append(channel); _conn.publish(channels, msg); } } ix::msleep(50); } _conn.unsubscribe(channel); ix::msleep(50); _conn.disconnect(); _conn.setEventCallback([](const CobraEventPtr& /*event*/) {}); } } // namespace TEST_CASE("Cobra_chat", "[cobra_chat]") { SECTION("Exchange and count sent/received messages.") { int port = getFreePort(); snake::AppConfig appConfig = makeSnakeServerConfig(port, true); // Start a redis server ix::RedisServer redisServer(appConfig.redisPort); auto res = redisServer.listen(); REQUIRE(res.first); redisServer.start(); // Start a snake server snake::SnakeServer snakeServer(appConfig); snakeServer.run(); int timeout; setupTrafficTrackerCallback(); std::string session = ix::generateSessionId(); std::string appkey("FC2F10139A2BAc53BB72D9db967b024f"); std::string role = "_sub"; std::string secret = "66B1dA3ED5fA074EB5AE84Dd8CE3b5ba"; std::string endpoint = makeCobraEndpoint(port, true); ix::CobraConfig config; config.endpoint = endpoint; config.appkey = appkey; config.rolename = role; config.rolesecret = secret; config.socketTLSOptions = makeClientTLSOptions(); CobraChat chatA("jean", session, config); CobraChat chatB("paul", session, config); chatA.start(); chatB.start(); // Wait for all chat instance to be ready timeout = 10 * 1000; // 10s while (true) { if (chatA.isReady() && chatB.isReady()) break; ix::msleep(10); timeout -= 10; if (timeout <= 0) { snakeServer.stop(); redisServer.stop(); REQUIRE(false); // timeout } } // Add a bit of extra time, for the subscription to be active ix::msleep(1000); chatA.sendMessage("from A1"); chatA.sendMessage("from A2"); chatA.sendMessage("from A3"); chatB.sendMessage("from B1"); chatB.sendMessage("from B2"); // 1. Wait for all messages to be sent timeout = 10 * 1000; // 10s while (chatA.hasPendingMessages() || chatB.hasPendingMessages()) { ix::msleep(10); timeout -= 10; if (timeout <= 0) { snakeServer.stop(); redisServer.stop(); REQUIRE(false); // timeout } } // Give us 1s for all messages to be received ix::msleep(1000); chatA.stop(); chatB.stop(); REQUIRE(chatA.getReceivedMessagesCount() == 2); REQUIRE(chatB.getReceivedMessagesCount() == 3); spdlog::info("Incoming bytes {}", incomingBytes); spdlog::info("Outgoing bytes {}", outgoingBytes); spdlog::info("Stopping snake server..."); snakeServer.stop(); spdlog::info("Stopping redis server..."); redisServer.stop(); } }