
349 lines
15 KiB

* Authored by Alex Hultman, 2018-2019.
* Intellectual property of third-party.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef UWS_APP_H
#define UWS_APP_H
/* An app is a convenience wrapper of some of the most used fuctionalities and allows a
* builder-pattern kind of init. Apps operate on the implicit thread local Loop */
#include "HttpContext.h"
#include "HttpResponse.h"
#include "WebSocketContext.h"
#include "WebSocket.h"
#include "WebSocketExtensions.h"
#include "WebSocketHandshake.h"
namespace uWS {
/* Compress options (really more like PerMessageDeflateOptions) */
enum CompressOptions {
/* Compression disabled */
/* We compress using a shared non-sliding window. No added memory usage, worse compression. */
/* We compress using a dedicated sliding window. Major memory usage added, better compression of similarly repeated messages. */
template <bool SSL>
struct TemplatedApp {
/* The app always owns at least one http context, but creates websocket contexts on demand */
HttpContext<SSL> *httpContext;
std::vector<WebSocketContext<SSL, true> *> webSocketContexts;
/* Attaches a "filter" function to track socket connections/disconnections */
void filter(fu2::unique_function<void(HttpResponse<SSL> *, int)> &&filterHandler) {
/* Publishes a message to all websocket contexts */
void publish(std::string_view topic, std::string_view message, OpCode opCode, bool compress = false) {
for (auto *webSocketContext : webSocketContexts) {
webSocketContext->getExt()->publish(topic, message, opCode, compress);
~TemplatedApp() {
/* Let's just put everything here */
if (httpContext) {
for (auto *webSocketContext : webSocketContexts) {
/* Disallow copying, only move */
TemplatedApp(const TemplatedApp &other) = delete;
TemplatedApp(TemplatedApp &&other) {
/* Move HttpContext */
httpContext = other.httpContext;
other.httpContext = nullptr;
/* Move webSocketContexts */
webSocketContexts = std::move(other.webSocketContexts);
TemplatedApp(us_socket_context_options_t options = {}) {
httpContext = uWS::HttpContext<SSL>::create(uWS::Loop::get(), options);
bool constructorFailed() {
return !httpContext;
struct WebSocketBehavior {
CompressOptions compression = DISABLED;
int maxPayloadLength = 16 * 1024;
int idleTimeout = 120;
int maxBackpressure = 1 * 1024 * 1204;
fu2::unique_function<void(uWS::WebSocket<SSL, true> *, HttpRequest *)> open = nullptr;
fu2::unique_function<void(uWS::WebSocket<SSL, true> *, std::string_view, uWS::OpCode)> message = nullptr;
fu2::unique_function<void(uWS::WebSocket<SSL, true> *)> drain = nullptr;
fu2::unique_function<void(uWS::WebSocket<SSL, true> *)> ping = nullptr;
fu2::unique_function<void(uWS::WebSocket<SSL, true> *)> pong = nullptr;
fu2::unique_function<void(uWS::WebSocket<SSL, true> *, int, std::string_view)> close = nullptr;
template <typename UserData>
TemplatedApp &&ws(std::string pattern, WebSocketBehavior &&behavior) {
/* Don't compile if alignment rules cannot be satisfied */
static_assert(alignof(UserData) <= LIBUS_EXT_ALIGNMENT,
"µWebSockets cannot satisfy UserData alignment requirements. You need to recompile µSockets with LIBUS_EXT_ALIGNMENT adjusted accordingly.");
/* Every route has its own websocket context with its own behavior and user data type */
auto *webSocketContext = WebSocketContext<SSL, true>::create(Loop::get(), (us_socket_context_t *) httpContext);
/* We need to clear this later on */
/* Quick fix to disable any compression if set */
#ifdef UWS_NO_ZLIB
behavior.compression = uWS::DISABLED;
/* If we are the first one to use compression, initialize it */
if (behavior.compression) {
LoopData *loopData = (LoopData *) us_loop_ext(us_socket_context_loop(SSL, webSocketContext->getSocketContext()));
/* Initialize loop's deflate inflate streams */
if (!loopData->zlibContext) {
loopData->zlibContext = new ZlibContext;
loopData->inflationStream = new InflationStream;
loopData->deflationStream = new DeflationStream;
/* Copy all handlers */
webSocketContext->getExt()->messageHandler = std::move(behavior.message);
webSocketContext->getExt()->drainHandler = std::move(behavior.drain);
webSocketContext->getExt()->closeHandler = std::move([closeHandler = std::move(behavior.close)](WebSocket<SSL, true> *ws, int code, std::string_view message) mutable {
closeHandler(ws, code, message);
/* Destruct user data after returning from close handler */
((UserData *) ws->getUserData())->~UserData();
/* Copy settings */
webSocketContext->getExt()->maxPayloadLength = behavior.maxPayloadLength;
webSocketContext->getExt()->idleTimeout = behavior.idleTimeout;
webSocketContext->getExt()->maxBackpressure = behavior.maxBackpressure;
httpContext->onHttp("get", pattern, [webSocketContext, httpContext = this->httpContext, behavior = std::move(behavior)](auto *res, auto *req) mutable {
/* If we have this header set, it's a websocket */
std::string_view secWebSocketKey = req->getHeader("sec-websocket-key");
if (secWebSocketKey.length() == 24) {
/* Note: OpenSSL can be used here to speed this up somewhat */
char secWebSocketAccept[29] = {};
WebSocketHandshake::generate(secWebSocketKey.data(), secWebSocketAccept);
res->writeStatus("101 Switching Protocols")
->writeHeader("Upgrade", "websocket")
->writeHeader("Connection", "Upgrade")
->writeHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Accept", secWebSocketAccept);
/* Select first subprotocol if present */
std::string_view secWebSocketProtocol = req->getHeader("sec-websocket-protocol");
if (secWebSocketProtocol.length()) {
res->writeHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol", secWebSocketProtocol.substr(0, secWebSocketProtocol.find(',')));
/* Negotiate compression */
bool perMessageDeflate = false;
bool slidingDeflateWindow = false;
if (behavior.compression != DISABLED) {
std::string_view extensions = req->getHeader("sec-websocket-extensions");
if (extensions.length()) {
/* We never support client context takeover (the client cannot compress with a sliding window). */
/* Shared compressor is the default */
if (behavior.compression == SHARED_COMPRESSOR) {
/* Disable per-socket compressor */
/* isServer = true */
ExtensionsNegotiator<true> extensionsNegotiator(wantedOptions);
/* Todo: remove these mid string copies */
std::string offer = extensionsNegotiator.generateOffer();
if (offer.length()) {
res->writeHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Extensions", offer);
/* Did we negotiate permessage-deflate? */
if (extensionsNegotiator.getNegotiatedOptions() & PERMESSAGE_DEFLATE) {
perMessageDeflate = true;
/* Is the server allowed to compress with a sliding window? */
if (!(extensionsNegotiator.getNegotiatedOptions() & SERVER_NO_CONTEXT_TAKEOVER)) {
slidingDeflateWindow = true;
/* This will add our mark */
/* Move any backpressure */
std::string backpressure(std::move(((AsyncSocketData<SSL> *) res->getHttpResponseData())->buffer));
/* Keep any fallback buffer alive until we returned from open event, keeping req valid */
std::string fallback(std::move(res->getHttpResponseData()->salvageFallbackBuffer()));
/* Destroy HttpResponseData */
/* Adopting a socket invalidates it, do not rely on it directly to carry any data */
WebSocket<SSL, true> *webSocket = (WebSocket<SSL, true> *) us_socket_context_adopt_socket(SSL,
(us_socket_context_t *) webSocketContext, (us_socket_t *) res, sizeof(WebSocketData) + sizeof(UserData));
/* Update corked socket in case we got a new one (assuming we always are corked in handlers). */
/* Initialize websocket with any moved backpressure intact */
webSocket->init(perMessageDeflate, slidingDeflateWindow, std::move(backpressure))
/* Emit open event and start the timeout */
if (behavior.open) {
us_socket_timeout(SSL, (us_socket_t *) webSocket, behavior.idleTimeout);
/* Default construct the UserData right before calling open handler */
new (webSocket->getUserData()) UserData;
behavior.open(webSocket, req);
/* We are going to get uncorked by the Http get return */
/* We do not need to check for any close or shutdown here as we immediately return from get handler */
} else {
/* Tell the router that we did not handle this request */
}, true);
return std::move(*this);
TemplatedApp &&get(std::string pattern, fu2::unique_function<void(HttpResponse<SSL> *, HttpRequest *)> &&handler) {
httpContext->onHttp("get", pattern, std::move(handler));
return std::move(*this);
TemplatedApp &&post(std::string pattern, fu2::unique_function<void(HttpResponse<SSL> *, HttpRequest *)> &&handler) {
httpContext->onHttp("post", pattern, std::move(handler));
return std::move(*this);
TemplatedApp &&options(std::string pattern, fu2::unique_function<void(HttpResponse<SSL> *, HttpRequest *)> &&handler) {
httpContext->onHttp("options", pattern, std::move(handler));
return std::move(*this);
TemplatedApp &&del(std::string pattern, fu2::unique_function<void(HttpResponse<SSL> *, HttpRequest *)> &&handler) {
httpContext->onHttp("delete", pattern, std::move(handler));
return std::move(*this);
TemplatedApp &&patch(std::string pattern, fu2::unique_function<void(HttpResponse<SSL> *, HttpRequest *)> &&handler) {
httpContext->onHttp("patch", pattern, std::move(handler));
return std::move(*this);
TemplatedApp &&put(std::string pattern, fu2::unique_function<void(HttpResponse<SSL> *, HttpRequest *)> &&handler) {
httpContext->onHttp("put", pattern, std::move(handler));
return std::move(*this);
TemplatedApp &&head(std::string pattern, fu2::unique_function<void(HttpResponse<SSL> *, HttpRequest *)> &&handler) {
httpContext->onHttp("head", pattern, std::move(handler));
return std::move(*this);
TemplatedApp &&connect(std::string pattern, fu2::unique_function<void(HttpResponse<SSL> *, HttpRequest *)> &&handler) {
httpContext->onHttp("connect", pattern, std::move(handler));
return std::move(*this);
TemplatedApp &&trace(std::string pattern, fu2::unique_function<void(HttpResponse<SSL> *, HttpRequest *)> &&handler) {
httpContext->onHttp("trace", pattern, std::move(handler));
return std::move(*this);
/* This one catches any method */
TemplatedApp &&any(std::string pattern, fu2::unique_function<void(HttpResponse<SSL> *, HttpRequest *)> &&handler) {
httpContext->onHttp("*", pattern, std::move(handler));
return std::move(*this);
/* Host, port, callback */
TemplatedApp &&listen(std::string host, int port, fu2::unique_function<void(us_listen_socket_t *)> &&handler) {
if (!host.length()) {
return listen(port, std::move(handler));
handler(httpContext->listen(host.c_str(), port, 0));
return std::move(*this);
/* Host, port, options, callback */
TemplatedApp &&listen(std::string host, int port, int options, fu2::unique_function<void(us_listen_socket_t *)> &&handler) {
if (!host.length()) {
return listen(port, options, std::move(handler));
handler(httpContext->listen(host.c_str(), port, options));
return std::move(*this);
/* Port, callback */
TemplatedApp &&listen(int port, fu2::unique_function<void(us_listen_socket_t *)> &&handler) {
handler(httpContext->listen(nullptr, port, 0));
return std::move(*this);
/* Port, options, callback */
TemplatedApp &&listen(int port, int options, fu2::unique_function<void(us_listen_socket_t *)> &&handler) {
handler(httpContext->listen(nullptr, port, options));
return std::move(*this);
TemplatedApp &&run() {
return std::move(*this);
typedef TemplatedApp<false> App;
typedef TemplatedApp<true> SSLApp;
#endif // UWS_APP_H