Benjamin Sergeant 78b3d7ff2d Feature/http async (#90)
* unittest working / uses shared_ptr for a bunch of things 🗿

* fix command line tools

* fix ws + add doc

* add more logging
2019-06-05 17:04:24 -07:00

183 lines
5.4 KiB

* IXSentryClient.cpp
* Author: Benjamin Sergeant
* Copyright (c) 2019 Machine Zone. All rights reserved.
#include "IXSentryClient.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <ixwebsocket/IXWebSocketHttpHeaders.h>
namespace ix
SentryClient::SentryClient(const std::string& dsn) :
_luaFrameRegex("\t([^/]+):([0-9]+): in function '([^/]+)'")
const std::regex dsnRegex("(http[s]?)://([^:]+):([^@]+)@([^/]+)/([0-9]+)");
std::smatch group;
if (std::regex_match(dsn, group, dsnRegex) && group.size() == 6)
_validDsn = true;
const auto scheme = group.str(1);
const auto host = group.str(4);
const auto project_id = group.str(5);
_url = scheme + "://" + host + "/api/" + project_id + "/store/";
_publicKey = group.str(2);
_secretKey = group.str(3);
int64_t SentryClient::getTimestamp()
const auto tp = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
const auto dur = tp.time_since_epoch();
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(dur).count();
std::string SentryClient::getIso8601()
std::time_t now;
char buf[sizeof("2011-10-08T07:07:09Z")];
std::strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", std::gmtime(&now));
return buf;
std::string SentryClient::computeAuthHeader()
std::string securityHeader("Sentry sentry_version=5");
securityHeader += ",sentry_client=ws/1.0.0";
securityHeader += ",sentry_timestamp=" + std::to_string(SentryClient::getTimestamp());
securityHeader += ",sentry_key=" + _publicKey;
securityHeader += ",sentry_secret=" + _secretKey;
return securityHeader;
Json::Value SentryClient::parseLuaStackTrace(const std::string& stack)
Json::Value frames;
// Split by lines
std::string line;
std::stringstream tokenStream(stack);
std::stringstream ss;
std::smatch group;
while (std::getline(tokenStream, line))
// MapScene.lua:2169: in function 'singleCB'
if (std::regex_match(line, group, _luaFrameRegex))
const auto fileName = group.str(1);
const auto linenoStr = group.str(2);
const auto function = group.str(3);
ss << linenoStr;
uint64_t lineno;
ss >> lineno;
Json::Value frame;
frame["lineno"] = Json::UInt64(lineno);
frame["filename"] = fileName;
frame["function"] = function;
return frames;
std::string parseExceptionName(const std::string& stack)
// Split by lines
std::string line;
std::stringstream tokenStream(stack);
// Extract the first line
std::getline(tokenStream, line);
return line;
std::string SentryClient::computePayload(const Json::Value& msg)
Json::Value payload;
payload["platform"] = "python";
payload["sdk"]["name"] = "ws";
payload["sdk"]["version"] = "1.0.0";
payload["timestamp"] = SentryClient::getIso8601();
bool isNoisyTypes = msg["id"].asString() == "game_noisytypes_id";
std::string stackTraceFieldName = isNoisyTypes ? "traceback" : "stack";
std::string stack(msg["data"][stackTraceFieldName].asString());
Json::Value exception;
exception["stacktrace"]["frames"] = parseLuaStackTrace(stack);
exception["value"] = isNoisyTypes ? parseExceptionName(stack) : msg["data"]["message"];
Json::Value extra;
extra["cobra_event"] = msg;
exception["extra"] = extra;
return _jsonWriter.write(payload);
bool SentryClient::send(const Json::Value& msg,
bool verbose)
auto args = _httpClient.createRequest();
args->extraHeaders["X-Sentry-Auth"] = SentryClient::computeAuthHeader();
args->connectTimeout = 60;
args->transferTimeout = 5 * 60;
args->followRedirects = true;
args->verbose = verbose;
args->logger = [](const std::string& msg)
std::cout << msg;
std::string body = computePayload(msg);
HttpResponsePtr response = _httpClient.post(_url, body, args);
if (verbose)
for (auto it : response->headers)
std::cerr << it.first << ": " << it.second << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Upload size: " << response->uploadSize << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Download size: " << response->downloadSize << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Status: " << response->statusCode << std::endl;
if (response->errorCode != HttpErrorCode::Ok)
std::cerr << "error message: " << response->errorMsg << std::endl;
if (response->headers["Content-Type"] != "application/octet-stream")
std::cerr << "payload: " << response->payload << std::endl;
return response->statusCode == 200;
} // namespace ix