677 lines
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677 lines
20 KiB
* IXCobraConnection.cpp
* Author: Benjamin Sergeant
* Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Machine Zone. All rights reserved.
#include "IXCobraConnection.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <ixcrypto/IXHMac.h>
#include <ixwebsocket/IXSocketTLSOptions.h>
#include <ixwebsocket/IXWebSocket.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
namespace ix
TrafficTrackerCallback CobraConnection::_trafficTrackerCallback = nullptr;
PublishTrackerCallback CobraConnection::_publishTrackerCallback = nullptr;
constexpr size_t CobraConnection::kQueueMaxSize;
constexpr CobraConnection::MsgId CobraConnection::kInvalidMsgId;
constexpr int CobraConnection::kPingIntervalSecs;
: _webSocket(new WebSocket())
, _publishMode(CobraConnection_PublishMode_Immediate)
, _authenticated(false)
, _eventCallback(nullptr)
, _id(1)
_pdu["action"] = "rtm/publish";
void CobraConnection::setTrafficTrackerCallback(const TrafficTrackerCallback& callback)
_trafficTrackerCallback = callback;
void CobraConnection::resetTrafficTrackerCallback()
void CobraConnection::invokeTrafficTrackerCallback(size_t size, bool incoming)
if (_trafficTrackerCallback)
_trafficTrackerCallback(size, incoming);
void CobraConnection::setPublishTrackerCallback(const PublishTrackerCallback& callback)
_publishTrackerCallback = callback;
void CobraConnection::resetPublishTrackerCallback()
void CobraConnection::invokePublishTrackerCallback(bool sent, bool acked)
if (_publishTrackerCallback)
_publishTrackerCallback(sent, acked);
void CobraConnection::setEventCallback(const EventCallback& eventCallback)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_eventCallbackMutex);
_eventCallback = eventCallback;
void CobraConnection::invokeEventCallback(ix::CobraEventType eventType,
const std::string& errorMsg,
const WebSocketHttpHeaders& headers,
const std::string& subscriptionId,
CobraConnection::MsgId msgId)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_eventCallbackMutex);
if (_eventCallback)
std::make_unique<CobraEvent>(eventType, errorMsg, headers, subscriptionId, msgId));
void CobraConnection::invokeErrorCallback(const std::string& errorMsg,
const std::string& serializedPdu)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << errorMsg << " : received pdu => " << serializedPdu;
invokeEventCallback(ix::CobraEventType::Error, ss.str());
void CobraConnection::disconnect()
_authenticated = false;
void CobraConnection::initWebSocketOnMessageCallback()
_webSocket->setOnMessageCallback([this](const ix::WebSocketMessagePtr& msg) {
CobraConnection::invokeTrafficTrackerCallback(msg->wireSize, true);
std::stringstream ss;
if (msg->type == ix::WebSocketMessageType::Open)
invokeEventCallback(ix::CobraEventType::Open, std::string(), msg->openInfo.headers);
else if (msg->type == ix::WebSocketMessageType::Close)
_authenticated = false;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Close code " << msg->closeInfo.code;
ss << " reason " << msg->closeInfo.reason;
invokeEventCallback(ix::CobraEventType::Closed, ss.str());
else if (msg->type == ix::WebSocketMessageType::Message)
Json::Value data;
Json::Reader reader;
if (!reader.parse(msg->str, data))
invokeErrorCallback("Invalid json", msg->str);
if (!data.isMember("action"))
invokeErrorCallback("Missing action", msg->str);
auto action = data["action"].asString();
if (action == "auth/handshake/ok")
if (!handleHandshakeResponse(data))
invokeErrorCallback("Error extracting nonce from handshake response",
else if (action == "auth/handshake/error")
invokeEventCallback(ix::CobraEventType::HandshakeError, msg->str);
else if (action == "auth/authenticate/ok")
_authenticated = true;
else if (action == "auth/authenticate/error")
invokeEventCallback(ix::CobraEventType::AuthenticationError, msg->str);
else if (action == "rtm/subscription/data")
else if (action == "rtm/subscribe/ok")
if (!handleSubscriptionResponse(data))
invokeErrorCallback("Error processing subscribe response", msg->str);
else if (action == "rtm/subscribe/error")
invokeEventCallback(ix::CobraEventType::SubscriptionError, msg->str);
else if (action == "rtm/unsubscribe/ok")
if (!handleUnsubscriptionResponse(data))
invokeErrorCallback("Error processing unsubscribe response", msg->str);
else if (action == "rtm/unsubscribe/error")
invokeErrorCallback("Unsubscription error", msg->str);
else if (action == "rtm/publish/ok")
if (!handlePublishResponse(data))
invokeErrorCallback("Error processing publish response", msg->str);
else if (action == "rtm/publish/error")
invokeErrorCallback("Publish error", msg->str);
invokeErrorCallback("Un-handled message type", msg->str);
else if (msg->type == ix::WebSocketMessageType::Error)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Connection error: " << msg->errorInfo.reason << std::endl;
ss << "#retries: " << msg->errorInfo.retries << std::endl;
ss << "Wait time(ms): " << msg->errorInfo.wait_time << std::endl;
ss << "HTTP Status: " << msg->errorInfo.http_status << std::endl;
invokeErrorCallback(ss.str(), std::string());
else if (msg->type == ix::WebSocketMessageType::Pong)
invokeEventCallback(ix::CobraEventType::Pong, msg->str);
void CobraConnection::setPublishMode(CobraConnectionPublishMode publishMode)
_publishMode = publishMode;
CobraConnectionPublishMode CobraConnection::getPublishMode()
return _publishMode;
void CobraConnection::configure(
const std::string& appkey,
const std::string& endpoint,
const std::string& rolename,
const std::string& rolesecret,
const WebSocketPerMessageDeflateOptions& webSocketPerMessageDeflateOptions,
const SocketTLSOptions& socketTLSOptions)
_roleName = rolename;
_roleSecret = rolesecret;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << endpoint;
ss << "/v2?appkey=";
ss << appkey;
std::string url = ss.str();
// Send a websocket ping every N seconds (N = 30) now
// This should keep the connection open and prevent some load balancers such as
// the Amazon one from shutting it down
void CobraConnection::configure(const ix::CobraConfig& config)
// Handshake message schema.
// handshake = {
// "action": "auth/handshake",
// "body": {
// "data": {
// "role": role
// },
// "method": "role_secret"
// },
// }
bool CobraConnection::sendHandshakeMessage()
Json::Value data;
data["role"] = _roleName;
Json::Value body;
body["data"] = data;
body["method"] = "role_secret";
Json::Value pdu;
pdu["action"] = "auth/handshake";
pdu["body"] = body;
pdu["id"] = Json::UInt64(_id++);
std::string serializedJson = serializeJson(pdu);
CobraConnection::invokeTrafficTrackerCallback(serializedJson.size(), false);
return _webSocket->send(serializedJson).success;
// Extract the nonce from the handshake response
// use it to compute a hash during authentication
// {
// "action": "auth/handshake/ok",
// "body": {
// "data": {
// "nonce": "MTI0Njg4NTAyMjYxMzgxMzgzMg==",
// "version": "0.0.24"
// }
// }
// }
bool CobraConnection::handleHandshakeResponse(const Json::Value& pdu)
if (!pdu.isObject()) return false;
if (!pdu.isMember("body")) return false;
Json::Value body = pdu["body"];
if (!body.isMember("data")) return false;
Json::Value data = body["data"];
if (!data.isMember("nonce")) return false;
Json::Value nonce = data["nonce"];
if (!nonce.isString()) return false;
return sendAuthMessage(nonce.asString());
// Authenticate message schema.
// challenge = {
// "action": "auth/authenticate",
// "body": {
// "method": "role_secret",
// "credentials": {
// "hash": computeHash(secret, nonce)
// }
// },
// }
bool CobraConnection::sendAuthMessage(const std::string& nonce)
Json::Value credentials;
credentials["hash"] = hmac(nonce, _roleSecret);
Json::Value body;
body["credentials"] = credentials;
body["method"] = "role_secret";
Json::Value pdu;
pdu["action"] = "auth/authenticate";
pdu["body"] = body;
pdu["id"] = Json::UInt64(_id++);
std::string serializedJson = serializeJson(pdu);
CobraConnection::invokeTrafficTrackerCallback(serializedJson.size(), false);
return _webSocket->send(serializedJson).success;
bool CobraConnection::handleSubscriptionResponse(const Json::Value& pdu)
if (!pdu.isObject()) return false;
if (!pdu.isMember("body")) return false;
Json::Value body = pdu["body"];
if (!body.isMember("subscription_id")) return false;
Json::Value subscriptionId = body["subscription_id"];
if (!subscriptionId.isString()) return false;
return true;
bool CobraConnection::handleUnsubscriptionResponse(const Json::Value& pdu)
if (!pdu.isObject()) return false;
if (!pdu.isMember("body")) return false;
Json::Value body = pdu["body"];
if (!body.isMember("subscription_id")) return false;
Json::Value subscriptionId = body["subscription_id"];
if (!subscriptionId.isString()) return false;
return true;
bool CobraConnection::handleSubscriptionData(const Json::Value& pdu)
if (!pdu.isObject()) return false;
if (!pdu.isMember("body")) return false;
Json::Value body = pdu["body"];
// Identify subscription_id, so that we can find
// which callback to execute
if (!body.isMember("subscription_id")) return false;
Json::Value subscriptionId = body["subscription_id"];
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_cbsMutex);
auto cb = _cbs.find(subscriptionId.asString());
if (cb == _cbs.end()) return false; // cannot find callback
// Extract messages now
if (!body.isMember("messages")) return false;
Json::Value messages = body["messages"];
if (!body.isMember("position")) return false;
std::string position = body["position"].asString();
for (auto&& msg : messages)
cb->second(msg, position);
return true;
bool CobraConnection::handlePublishResponse(const Json::Value& pdu)
if (!pdu.isObject()) return false;
if (!pdu.isMember("id")) return false;
Json::Value id = pdu["id"];
if (!id.isUInt64()) return false;
uint64_t msgId = id.asUInt64();
invokePublishTrackerCallback(false, true);
return true;
bool CobraConnection::connect()
return true;
bool CobraConnection::isConnected() const
return _webSocket->getReadyState() == ix::ReadyState::Open;
bool CobraConnection::isAuthenticated() const
return isConnected() && _authenticated;
std::string CobraConnection::serializeJson(const Json::Value& value)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_jsonWriterMutex);
return _jsonWriter.write(value);
std::pair<CobraConnection::MsgId, std::string> CobraConnection::prePublish(
const Json::Value& channels, const Json::Value& msg, bool addToQueue)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_prePublishMutex);
invokePublishTrackerCallback(true, false);
CobraConnection::MsgId msgId = _id;
_body["channels"] = channels;
_body["message"] = msg;
_pdu["body"] = _body;
_pdu["id"] = Json::UInt64(_id++);
std::string serializedJson = serializeJson(_pdu);
if (addToQueue)
return std::make_pair(msgId, serializedJson);
bool CobraConnection::publishNext()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_queueMutex);
if (_messageQueue.empty()) return true;
auto&& msg = _messageQueue.back();
if (!_authenticated || !publishMessage(msg))
return false;
return true;
// publish is not thread safe as we are trying to reuse some Json objects.
CobraConnection::MsgId CobraConnection::publish(const Json::Value& channels,
const Json::Value& msg)
auto p = prePublish(channels, msg, false);
auto msgId = p.first;
auto serializedJson = p.second;
// 1. When we use batch mode, we just enqueue and will do the flush explicitely
// 2. When we aren't authenticated yet to the cobra server, we need to enqueue
// and retry later
// 3. If the network connection was droped (WebSocket::send will return false),
// it means the message won't be sent so we need to enqueue as well.
// The order of the conditionals is important.
if (_publishMode == CobraConnection_PublishMode_Batch || !_authenticated ||
return msgId;
void CobraConnection::subscribe(const std::string& channel,
const std::string& filter,
const std::string& position,
SubscriptionCallback cb)
// Create and send a subscribe pdu
Json::Value body;
body["channel"] = channel;
if (!filter.empty())
body["filter"] = filter;
if (!position.empty())
body["position"] = position;
Json::Value pdu;
pdu["action"] = "rtm/subscribe";
pdu["body"] = body;
pdu["id"] = Json::UInt64(_id++);
// Set the callback
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_cbsMutex);
_cbs[channel] = cb;
void CobraConnection::unsubscribe(const std::string& channel)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_cbsMutex);
auto cb = _cbs.find(channel);
if (cb == _cbs.end()) return;
// Create and send an unsubscribe pdu
Json::Value body;
body["subscription_id"] = channel;
Json::Value pdu;
pdu["action"] = "rtm/unsubscribe";
pdu["body"] = body;
pdu["id"] = Json::UInt64(_id++);
// Enqueue strategy drops old messages when we are at full capacity
// If we want to keep only 3 items max in the queue:
// enqueue(A) -> [A]
// enqueue(B) -> [B, A]
// enqueue(C) -> [C, B, A]
// enqueue(D) -> [D, C, B] -- now we drop A, the oldest message,
// -- and keep the 'fresh ones'
void CobraConnection::enqueue(const std::string& msg)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_queueMutex);
if (_messageQueue.size() == CobraConnection::kQueueMaxSize)
// We process messages back (oldest) to front (newest) to respect ordering
// when sending them. If we fail to send something, we put it back in the queue
// at the end we picked it up originally (at the end).
bool CobraConnection::flushQueue()
while (!isQueueEmpty())
bool ok = publishNext();
if (!ok) return false;
return true;
bool CobraConnection::isQueueEmpty()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_queueMutex);
return _messageQueue.empty();
bool CobraConnection::publishMessage(const std::string& serializedJson)
auto webSocketSendInfo = _webSocket->send(serializedJson);
CobraConnection::invokeTrafficTrackerCallback(webSocketSendInfo.wireSize, false);
return webSocketSendInfo.success;
void CobraConnection::suspend()
void CobraConnection::resume()
} // namespace ix