+ws autobahn / Add code to test websocket client compliance with the autobahn test-suite +Ping received with a payload too large (> 125 bytes) trigger a connection closure +cobra / add tracking about published messages +cobra / publish returns a message id, that can be used when +cobra / new message type in the message received handler when publish/ok is received (can be used to implement an ack system).
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116 lines
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* ws_cobra_subscribe.cpp
* Author: Benjamin Sergeant
* Copyright (c) 2019 Machine Zone, Inc. All rights reserved.
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
#include <ixcobra/IXCobraConnection.h>
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
namespace ix
int ws_cobra_subscribe_main(const std::string& appkey,
const std::string& endpoint,
const std::string& rolename,
const std::string& rolesecret,
const std::string& channel,
const std::string& filter,
bool quiet)
ix::CobraConnection conn;
conn.configure(appkey, endpoint,
rolename, rolesecret,
Json::FastWriter jsonWriter;
// Display incoming messages
std::atomic<int> msgPerSeconds(0);
std::atomic<int> msgCount(0);
auto timer = [&msgPerSeconds, &msgCount]
while (true)
std::cout << "#messages " << msgCount << " "
<< "msg/s " << msgPerSeconds
<< std::endl;
msgPerSeconds = 0;
auto duration = std::chrono::seconds(1);
std::thread t(timer);
[&conn, &channel, &jsonWriter, &filter, &msgCount, &msgPerSeconds, &quiet]
(ix::CobraConnectionEventType eventType,
const std::string& errMsg,
const ix::WebSocketHttpHeaders& headers,
const std::string& subscriptionId,
CobraConnection::MsgId msgId)
if (eventType == ix::CobraConnection_EventType_Open)
spdlog::info("Subscriber connected");
for (auto it : headers)
spdlog::info("{}: {}", it.first, it.second);
else if (eventType == ix::CobraConnection_EventType_Authenticated)
spdlog::info("Subscriber authenticated");
conn.subscribe(channel, filter,
[&jsonWriter, &quiet,
&msgPerSeconds, &msgCount](const Json::Value& msg)
if (!quiet)
std::cout << jsonWriter.write(msg) << std::endl;
else if (eventType == ix::CobraConnection_EventType_Subscribed)
spdlog::info("Subscriber: subscribed to channel {}", subscriptionId);
else if (eventType == ix::CobraConnection_EventType_UnSubscribed)
spdlog::info("Subscriber: unsubscribed from channel {}", subscriptionId);
else if (eventType == ix::CobraConnection_EventType_Error)
spdlog::error("Subscriber: error {}", errMsg);
else if (eventType == ix::CobraConnection_EventType_Published)
spdlog::error("Published message hacked: {}", msgId);
while (true)
std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli> duration(10);
return 0;