import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import utils from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation from random import sample, shuffle import numpy as np def plot_kmeans(all_data, k, name_suffix): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_title(f'k={k}') time_text = ax.text(0.05, 0.95, 'iter=0', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', transform=ax.transAxes) plt.grid(True) centroid_scatters = [] cluster_scatters = {} centroids, clusters = all_data[0] for key in clusters: color = utils.get_color(key / k) if clusters[key]: lst_x, lst_y = zip(*clusters[key]) lst_x = list(lst_x) lst_y = list(lst_y) cluster_scatters[key] = ax.scatter(lst_x, lst_y, color=color) centroid_scatters.append(ax.scatter([centroids[key][0]], [ centroids[key][1]], color=color, marker='X')) def update_plot_kmeans(i): centroids, clusters = all_data[i] time_text.set_text(f'iter={i}') for key in clusters: centroid_scatters[key].set_offsets(centroids[key]) if clusters[key]: if key in cluster_scatters: cluster_scatters[key].set_offsets(clusters[key]) else: color = utils.get_color(key/k) lst_x, lst_y = zip(*clusters[key]) lst_x = list(lst_x) lst_y = list(lst_y) cluster_scatters[key] = ax.scatter( lst_x, lst_y, color=color) return centroid_scatters + list(cluster_scatters.values()) + [time_text, ] anim = FuncAnimation(fig, update_plot_kmeans, frames=len(all_data), blit=True)'animationKMEANS{name_suffix}.gif') def calc_error(centroids, clusters, k): squared_errors = [] for i in range(k): cluster = np.array(clusters[i]) centroid = np.array([centroids[i] for _ in range(len(cluster))]) errors = cluster - centroid squared_errors.append([e ** 2 for e in errors]) return sum([np.mean(err) if err else 0 for err in squared_errors]) def plot_error_data(error_data): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_xlabel('k') ax.set_ylabel('err') ax.set_xlim(2, 20) plt.title('Errors') plt.grid(True) lst_x, lst_y = zip(*error_data) lst_x = list(lst_x) lst_y = list(lst_y) ax.plot(lst_x, lst_y, 'ro-') def print_stats(k, data): print(f'k={k}') centroids_with_clusters, errs = zip(*data) centroids, clusters = zip(*centroids_with_clusters) m = np.mean(errs) std = np.std(errs) min_err = np.min(errs) empty_clusters = [sum([1 for cluster in sample.values() if not cluster]) for sample in clusters] empty_clusters_mean = sum(empty_clusters)/len(empty_clusters) empty_clusters_std = np.std(empty_clusters) print(f'MSE={m}') print(f'std={std}') print(f'min(err)={min_err}') print(f'Mean of empty clusters count={empty_clusters_mean}') print(f'Standard deviation of empty clusters count={empty_clusters_std}') print('='*20) def kmeans(data, method, k): kmeans_with_err = [] for _ in range(100): centroids_with_clusters = [] centroids = init_units(data, k, method=method) clusters = {} for i in range(k): clusters[i] = [] for point in data: lengths = [utils.calc_length(c, point) for c in centroids] index_min = int(np.argmin(lengths)) clusters[index_min].append(point) centroids_with_clusters.append((list(centroids), clusters)) for _ in range(100): for key in clusters: if clusters[key]: centroids[key] = np.mean(clusters[key], axis=0) clusters = {} for i in range(k): clusters[i] = [] for point in data: lengths = [utils.calc_length(c, point) for c in centroids] index_min = int(np.argmin(lengths)) clusters[index_min].append(point) centroids_with_clusters.append( (list(centroids), clusters)) if all([all(np.isclose(centroids_with_clusters[-1][0][i], centroids_with_clusters[-2][0][i])) for i in range(k)]): break err = calc_error(centroids, clusters, k) kmeans_with_err.append((centroids_with_clusters, err)) return kmeans_with_err def init_units(data, k, method='forgy'): # TODO: Add k-units++ and Random Partition match method: case 'forgy': return sample(data, k) case 'random_partition': shuffled = list(data) shuffle(shuffled) div = len(shuffled) / k partition = [ shuffled[int(round(div * i)):int(round(div * (i + 1)))] for i in range(k)] return [np.mean(prt, axis=0) for prt in partition] case _: raise NotImplementedError( f'method {method} is not implemented yet')