[*WebSocket*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebSocket) is a computer communications protocol, providing full-duplex and bi-directionnal communication channels over a single TCP connection. *IXWebSocket* is a C++ library for client and server Websocket communication, and for client and server HTTP communication. The code is derived from [easywsclient](https://github.com/dhbaird/easywsclient) and from the [Satori C SDK](https://github.com/satori-com/satori-rtm-sdk-c). It has been tested on the following platforms.
The [*ws*](https://github.com/machinezone/IXWebSocket/tree/master/ws) folder countains many interactive programs for chat, [file transfers](https://github.com/machinezone/IXWebSocket/blob/master/ws/ws_send.cpp), [curl like](https://github.com/machinezone/IXWebSocket/blob/master/ws/ws_http_client.cpp) http clients, demonstrating client and server usage.
On Windows, to use the network system, you need to initialize it, once with *WSAStartup()*, and cleaned up with *WSACleanup()*. We have helpers for that which you can use. This init would typically take place in your main function.
If you want to handle how requests are processed, implement the setOnConnectionCallback callback, which takes an HttpRequestPtr as input, and returns an HttpResponsePtr. You can look at HttpServer::setDefaultConnectionCallback for a slightly more advanced callback example.
CMakefiles for the library and the examples are available. This library has few dependencies, so it is possible to just add the source files into your project. Otherwise the usual way will suffice.
mkdir build # make a build dir so that you can build out of tree.
It is possible to get IXWebSocket through Microsoft [vcpkg](https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg).
vcpkg install ixwebsocket
### Conan
Support for building with conan was contributed by Olivia Zoe (thanks !). The package name to reference is `IXWebSocket/5.0.0@LunarWatcher/stable`. The package is in the process to be published to the official conan package repo, but in the meantime, it can be accessed by adding a new remote
The per message deflate compression option is supported. It can lead to very nice bandbwith savings (20x !) if your messages are similar, which is often the case for example for chat applications. All features of the spec should be supported.
Connections can be optionally secured and encrypted with TLS/SSL when using a wss:// endpoint, or using normal un-encrypted socket with ws:// endpoints. AppleSSL is used on iOS and macOS, OpenSSL is used on Android and Linux, mbedTLS is used on Windows.
No manual polling to fetch data is required. Data is sent and received instantly by using a background thread for receiving data and the select [system](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/select.2.html) call to be notified by the OS of incoming data. No timeout is used for select so that the background thread is only woken up when data is available, to optimize battery life. This is also the recommended way of using select according to the select tutorial, section [select law](https://linux.die.net/man/2/select_tut). Read and Writes to the socket are non blocking. Data is sent right away and not enqueued by writing directly to the socket, which is [possible](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1981372/are-parallel-calls-to-send-recv-on-the-same-socket-valid) since system socket implementations allow concurrent read/writes. However concurrent writes need to be protected with mutex.
If the remote end (server) breaks the connection, the code will try to perpetually reconnect, by using an exponential backoff strategy, capped at one retry every 10 seconds. This behavior can be disabled.
Large frames are broken up into smaller chunks or messages to avoid filling up the os tcp buffers, which is permitted thanks to WebSocket [fragmentation](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-5.4). Messages up to 1G were sent and received succesfully.
* Automatic reconnection works at the TCP socket level, and will detect remote end disconnects. However, if the device/computer network become unreachable (by turning off wifi), it is quite hard to reliably and timely detect it at the socket level using `recv` and `send` error codes. [Here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14782143/linux-socket-how-to-detect-disconnected-network-in-a-client-program) is a good discussion on the subject. This behavior is consistent with other runtimes such as node.js. One way to detect a disconnected device with low level C code is to do a name resolution with DNS but this can be expensive. Mobile devices have good and reliable API to do that.
* The server code is using select to detect incoming data, and creates one OS thread per connection. This is not as scalable as strategies using epoll or kqueue.
The onMessage event will be fired when the connection is opened or closed. This is similar to the [Javascript browser API](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSocket), which has `open` and `close` events notification that can be registered with the browser `addEventListener`.
A message will be fired when there is an error with the connection. The message type will be `ix::WebSocketMessageType::Error`. Multiple fields will be available on the event to describe the error.
1.`websocket.start()` connect to the remote server and starts the message receiving background thread.
2.`websocket.stop()` disconnect from the remote server and closes the background thread.
### Configuring the remote url
The url can be set and queried after a websocket object has been created. You will have to call `stop` and `start` if you want to disconnect and connect to that new url.
Ping/pong messages are used to implement keep-alive. 2 message types exists to identify ping and pong messages. Note that when a ping message is received, a pong is instantly send back as requested by the WebSocket spec.