Socket::Poll does not need a callback

This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Sergeant 2019-04-18 16:42:44 -07:00
parent aea859af52
commit 03f762db86
3 changed files with 87 additions and 77 deletions

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@ -45,17 +45,14 @@ namespace ix
void Socket::poll(const OnPollCallback& onPollCallback, int timeoutSecs)
PollResultType Socket::poll(int timeoutSecs)
if (_sockfd == -1)
if (onPollCallback) onPollCallback(PollResultType::Error);
return PollResultType::Error;
PollResultType pollResult = isReadyToRead(1000 * timeoutSecs);
if (onPollCallback) onPollCallback(pollResult);
return isReadyToRead(1000 * timeoutSecs);
PollResultType Socket::select(bool readyToRead, int timeoutMs)

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@ -37,8 +37,6 @@ namespace ix
class Socket {
using OnPollCallback = std::function<void(PollResultType)>;
Socket(int fd = -1);
virtual ~Socket();
bool init(std::string& errorMsg);
@ -46,8 +44,7 @@ namespace ix
void configure();
// Functions to check whether there is activity on the socket
void poll(const OnPollCallback& onPollCallback,
int timeoutSecs = kDefaultPollTimeout);
PollResultType poll(int timeoutSecs = kDefaultPollTimeout);
bool wakeUpFromPoll(uint8_t wakeUpCode);
PollResultType isReadyToWrite(int timeoutMs);

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@ -232,9 +232,15 @@ namespace ix
void WebSocketTransport::poll()
[this](PollResultType pollResult)
PollResultType pollResult = _socket->poll(_pingIntervalOrTimeoutGCDSecs);
if (_readyState == OPEN)
// if (1) ping timeout is enabled and (2) duration since last received ping response (PONG)
// exceeds the maximum delay, then close the connection
if (pingTimeoutExceeded())
<<<<<<< HEAD
if (_readyState == OPEN)
// if (1) ping timeout is enabled and (2) duration since last received ping response (PONG)
@ -252,78 +258,88 @@ namespace ix
close(1011, "Ping timeout");
// If (1) ping is enabled and no ping has been sent for a duration
// exceeding our ping interval, send a ping to the server.
else if (pingIntervalExceeded())
std::stringstream ss;
ss << kPingMessage << "::" << _pingIntervalSecs << "s";
// Make sure we send all the buffered data
// there can be a lot of it for large messages.
if (pollResult == PollResultType::SendRequest)
// Make sure we send all the buffered data
// there can be a lot of it for large messages.
if (pollResult == PollResultType::SendRequest)
while (!isSendBufferEmpty() && !_requestInitCancellation)
// Wait with a 10ms timeout until the socket is ready to write.
// This way we are not busy looping
PollResultType result = _socket->isReadyToWrite(10);
if (result == PollResultType::Error)
while (!isSendBufferEmpty() && !_requestInitCancellation)
else if (result == PollResultType::ReadyForWrite)
else if (pollResult == PollResultType::ReadyForRead)
while (true)
ssize_t ret = _socket->recv((char*)&_readbuf[0], _readbuf.size());
if (ret < 0 && (_socket->getErrno() == EWOULDBLOCK ||
_socket->getErrno() == EAGAIN))
else if (ret <= 0)
// Wait with a 10ms timeout until the socket is ready to write.
// This way we are not busy looping
PollResultType result = _socket->isReadyToWrite(10);
if (result == PollResultType::Error)
else if (result == PollResultType::ReadyForWrite)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_closeDataMutex);
_closeCode = kAbnormalCloseCode;
_closeReason = kAbnormalCloseMessage;
_closeWireSize = 0;
else if (pollResult == PollResultType::ReadyForRead)
while (true)
ssize_t ret = _socket->recv((char*)&_readbuf[0], _readbuf.size());
_readbuf.begin() + ret);
else if (pollResult == PollResultType::Error)
else if (pollResult == PollResultType::CloseRequest)
if (ret < 0 && (_socket->getErrno() == EWOULDBLOCK ||
_socket->getErrno() == EAGAIN))
else if (ret <= 0)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_closeDataMutex);
_closeCode = kAbnormalCloseCode;
_closeReason = kAbnormalCloseMessage;
_closeWireSize = 0;
_readbuf.begin() + ret);
else if (pollResult == PollResultType::Error)
else if (pollResult == PollResultType::CloseRequest)
// Avoid a race condition where we get stuck in select
// while closing.
if (_readyState == CLOSING)
// Avoid a race condition where we get stuck in select
// while closing.
if (_readyState == CLOSING)
bool WebSocketTransport::isSendBufferEmpty() const