This commit is contained in:
Michał Leśniak 2022-02-11 16:42:38 +01:00
parent 14779630f3
commit cb085dc5d5
9 changed files with 135 additions and 62 deletions

zad3/.vscode/launch.json vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Python: Current File",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "zad3.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal"

zad3/bz_236713_ml_195642_zad3.pdf (Stored with Git LFS) Normal file

Binary file not shown.

zad3/data1_errors.png (Stored with Git LFS)

Binary file not shown.

zad3/data2_errors.png (Stored with Git LFS)

Binary file not shown.

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@ -50,14 +50,47 @@ def plot_kmeans(all_data, k, name_suffix):
def plot_kmeans_change(all_data, k, name_suffix, show=True):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
cluster_scatters = {}
_, clusters = all_data[-1]
for key in clusters:
color = utils.get_color(key / k)
if clusters[key]:
lst_x, lst_y = zip(*clusters[key])
lst_x = list(lst_x)
lst_y = list(lst_y)
cluster_scatters[key] = ax.scatter(lst_x, lst_y, color=color)
all_centroids, _ = zip(*all_data)
key = 0
for centroids in zip(*all_centroids):
color = utils.get_color(key / k)
lst_x, lst_y = zip(*centroids)
lst_x = list(lst_x)
lst_y = list(lst_y)
cluster_scatters[key] = ax.plot(
lst_x, lst_y, color=color, marker='X')
key += 1
if show:
def calc_error(centroids, clusters, k):
squared_errors = []
errors = 0
for i in range(k):
cluster = np.array(clusters[i])
centroid = np.array([centroids[i] for _ in range(len(cluster))])
errors = cluster - centroid
squared_errors.append([e ** 2 for e in errors])
return sum([np.mean(err) if err else 0 for err in squared_errors])
for point in clusters[i]:
errors += np.sqrt(utils.calc_length(point, centroids[i]))
points_count = sum([len(clusters[n]) for n in clusters])
return errors/points_count
def plot_error_data(error_data):
@ -83,10 +116,11 @@ def print_stats(k, data):
m = np.mean(errs)
std = np.std(errs)
min_err = np.min(errs)
empty_clusters = [sum([1 for cluster in sample.values() if not cluster]) for sample in clusters]
empty_clusters = [
sum([1 for cluster in sample.values() if not cluster]) for sample in clusters]
empty_clusters_mean = sum(empty_clusters)/len(empty_clusters)
empty_clusters_std = np.std(empty_clusters)
print(f'Średni błąd={m}')
print(f'Mean of empty clusters count={empty_clusters_mean}')
@ -129,7 +163,7 @@ def kmeans(data, method, k):
return kmeans_with_err
def init_units(data, k, method='forgy'): # TODO: Add k-units++ and Random Partition
def init_units(data, k, method='forgy'): # TODO: Add k-units++
match method:
case 'forgy':
return sample(data, k)

zad3/ml_195642_zad3.odt (Stored with Git LFS)

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -5,25 +5,26 @@ from random import shuffle
import numpy as np
def find_bmu(som, x):
def find_bmu(som, exhausted, x):
'''Return the (g,h) index of the BMU in the grid'''
#wrong_dist_sq = np.asarray([u.calc_length(x, s) for s in som])
dist_sq = (np.square(som - x)).sum(axis=2)
dist_sq = exhausted * (np.square(som - x)).sum(axis=2)
return np.unravel_index(np.argmin(dist_sq, axis=None), dist_sq.shape)
def dist_comp(som, x):
def dist_comp(som, exhausted, x):
distsq = []
for i in range(som.shape[0]):
for j in range(som.shape[1]):
distsq.append([(i, j), u.calc_length(x, som[i][j])])
distsq.append([(i, j), exhausted[i][j] *
u.calc_length(x, som[i][j])])
return sorted(distsq, key=lambda x: x[1])
# Update the weights of the SOM cells when given a single training example
# and the model parameters along with BMU coordinates as a tuple
def update_weights(som, train_ex, learn_rate, radius_sq,
bmu_coord, algorithm, step=3):
def update_weights(som, exhausted, train_ex, learn_rate, radius_sq,
bmu_coord, algorithm):
'''Update the weights of the SOM cells when given a single training example
and the model parameters along with BMU coordinates as a tuple'''
g, h = bmu_coord
# if radius is close to zero then only BMU is changed
if radius_sq < 1e-3:
@ -33,19 +34,19 @@ def update_weights(som, train_ex, learn_rate, radius_sq,
match algorithm:
case 'kohonen':
# Change all cells in a neighborhood of BMU
for i in range(max(0, g-step), min(som.shape[0], g+step)):
for j in range(max(0, h-step), min(som.shape[1], h+step)):
for i in range(som.shape[0]):
for j in range(som.shape[1]):
dist_sq = np.square(i - g) + np.square(j - h)
dist_func = np.exp(-dist_sq / 2 / radius_sq)
som[i, j, :] += learn_rate * \
dist_func * (train_ex - som[i, j, :])
case 'neuron gas':
dist_rank = dist_comp(som, train_ex)
dist_rank = dist_comp(som, exhausted, train_ex)
for i in range(len(dist_rank)):
dist_func = np.exp(-i / 2 / np.sqrt(radius_sq))
som[dist_rank[i][0], dist_rank[i][1], :] += \
som[dist_rank[i][0][0], dist_rank[i][0][1], :] += \
learn_rate * dist_func * \
(train_ex - som[dist_rank[i][0], dist_rank[i][1], :])
(train_ex - som[dist_rank[i][0][0], dist_rank[i][0][1], :])
case _:
raise NotImplementedError(
@ -57,29 +58,33 @@ def train_som(som, train_data, learn_rate=.1, radius_sq=1,
lr_decay=.1, radius_decay=.1, epochs=20, algorithm='kohonen'):
'''Main routine for training an SOM. It requires an initialized SOM grid
or a partially trained grid as parameter'''
exhausted = np.ones((som.shape[0], som.shape[1]))
learn_rate_0 = learn_rate
radius_0 = radius_sq
soms_with_error = [(som.copy(), calc_som_error(som, train_data))]
soms_with_error = [
(som.copy(), calc_som_error(som, exhausted, train_data))]
for epoch in np.arange(epochs):
for train_ex in train_data:
g, h = find_bmu(som, train_ex)
som = update_weights(som, train_ex,
g, h = find_bmu(som, exhausted, train_ex)
som = update_weights(som, exhausted, train_ex,
learn_rate, radius_sq, (g, h), algorithm)
exhausted[g][h] += 1
# Update learning rate and radius
learn_rate = learn_rate_0 * np.exp(-epoch * lr_decay)
radius_sq = radius_0 * np.exp(-epoch * radius_decay)
error = calc_som_error(som, train_data)
exhausted = np.ones((som.shape[0], som.shape[1]))
error = calc_som_error(som, exhausted, train_data)
soms_with_error.append((som.copy(), error))
if error < 1e-3:
return soms_with_error
def calc_som_error(som, train_data):
def calc_som_error(som, exhausted, train_data):
errors = []
for train_ex in train_data:
g, h = find_bmu(som, train_ex)
g, h = find_bmu(som, exhausted, train_ex)
errors.append(u.calc_length(train_ex, som[g][h]))
return np.mean(np.sqrt(np.asarray(errors)))
@ -135,6 +140,8 @@ def init_neurons(data, k, rand: np.random.RandomState = None, method='random'):
def print_som_stats(soms_with_errors, train_data):
print('=' * 20)
exhausted = np.ones(
(soms_with_errors[0][0].shape[0], soms_with_errors[0][0].shape[1]))
soms, errs = zip(*soms_with_errors)
m = np.mean(errs)
std = np.std(errs)
@ -142,7 +149,7 @@ def print_som_stats(soms_with_errors, train_data):
dead_neurons_count = []
for som in soms:
20-len(set([find_bmu(som, x) for x in train_data])))
20-len(set([find_bmu(som, exhausted, x) for x in train_data])))
print("Średni błąd: ", m)
print("Odchylenie standardowe: ", std)
print("Błąd minimalny: ", min_err)
@ -150,3 +157,4 @@ def print_som_stats(soms_with_errors, train_data):
f'Średnia liczba nieaktywnych neuronów: {np.mean(dead_neurons_count)}')
f'Odchylenie standardowe liczby nieaktywnych neuronów: {np.std(dead_neurons_count)}')
print('=' * 20)

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ def plot_data(data):
def plot_error_data(error_data):
def plot_error_data(error_data, fname=None):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ def plot_error_data(error_data):
lst_y = list(lst_y)
ax.plot(lst_x, lst_y, 'ro-')
if fname:

View File

@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ import json
METHODS = ['forgy', 'random_partition']
SOM_INIT_METHODS = ['random', 'zeros']
SOM_ALGORITHMS = ['kohonen', 'neuron gas']
SOM_PARAMETERS_SETS = [(.1, .5), (.1, .5), (.1, 1), (.33, .1), (.33, .5), (.33, 1), (.66, .1), (.66, .5), (.66, 1),
(.99, .1), (.99, .5), (.99, 1)]
def get_datas_from_json():
@ -26,33 +29,46 @@ def get_datas_random():
def main():
datas = get_datas_from_json()
benchmark_errors = False
rand = np.random.RandomState(0)
index = 1
print("Self-organizing map")
for data in datas:
print(f'Data set: {index}')
for algorithm in SOM_ALGORITHMS:
print(f'Weights update algorithm: {algorithm}')
for method in SOM_INIT_METHODS:
print(f'Initialization method: {method}')
errors = []
for k in range(2, 21, 2):
for param_set in SOM_PARAMETERS_SETS:
f'Learn rate: {param_set[0]}, Radius square: {param_set[1]}')
errors = {}
for k in range(2, 21):
som_data = som.init_neurons(data, k, rand, method)
soms_with_error = som.train_som(som_data, data, algorithm='kohonen')
soms_with_error = som.train_som(som_data, data, learn_rate=param_set[0], radius_sq=param_set[1],
error = soms_with_error[-1][1]
errors.append((k, error))
errors[k] = error
soms, _ = zip(*soms_with_error)
#som.plot_with_data(soms, data, f'_{method}_{k}_data{index}')
soms, data, f'_LR{param_set[0]}_RSQ{param_set[1]}_{algorithm}_{method}_neurons{k}_data{index}')
if all([i in errors for i in range(2, 21, 2)]):
fname = f'som_errors_data{index}_{SOM_PARAMETERS_SETS.index(param_set)}_{algorithm}_{method}.png'
utils.plot_error_data([(k, errors[k]) for k in range(2, 21, 2)], fname=fname)
if benchmark_errors:
soms_with_errors = []
for _ in range(100):
som_data = som.init_neurons(data, k, rand, method)
soms_with_error = som.train_som(som_data, data, algorithm='kohonen')
som_data = som.init_neurons(data, 20, rand, method)
soms_with_error = som.train_som(
som_data, data, algorithm=algorithm)
som.print_som_stats(soms_with_errors, data)
index += 1
index = 1
for data in datas:
print(f'Data set {index}')
for method in METHODS:
print(f'Method: {method}')
@ -69,6 +85,9 @@ def main():
kmeans = temp_kmeans
kmeans_data[k] = (kmeans, min_err)
km.plot_kmeans(kmeans, k, f'_{method}_{k}_{index}')
if k in [2, 10]:
km.plot_kmeans_change(kmeans, k, f'_{method}_{k}_{index}')
if all([i in kmeans_data for i in range(2, 21, 2)]):
error_data = [[i, kmeans_data[i][1]] for i in range(2, 21, 2)]
index += 1